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Stepping into college after years of hard work in stuffed classrooms gives a sense\nof freedom and recklessness that we can't even imagine. While college years turn\nout to be the most productive years in the lifetime of most successful people,\nthey also form a foundation of life long failure for those who don\u2019t effectively\nutilize it and fall in the trap of raging hormones. Most succumb to love, phone\naddiction, alcohol or other forms of addictions and all the drive gets misled by\npeers into instant pleasure but long term heartache. <\/p>
In every generation, it seems, the same lament goes forth from the parents of\nadolescents: \"What's the matter with kids today?\" Why are they so often\nconfused, annoying, demanding, moody, defiant, reckless? Accidental deaths,\nhomicides, and binge drinking spike in the COLLEGE age group kids. It's the time\nof life when love issues, eating disorders, and addictions are most likely to take\nhold. <\/p>
Yoga can be hugely beneficial to youth when it comes to restoring natural\nhormonal balance, thereby helping to keep our physical and mental health in\ncheck. <\/p>
The endocrine system, which is made up of a collection of hormone-producing\nglands is essential to practically every function in the body. These functions range\nfrom energy levels to growth and development, as well as metabolism and sexual\nfunction. When you are struggling with a hormonal imbalance, you could suffer\nfrom a wide variety of symptoms\u2014including headaches, skin problems, insomnia,\nfatigue, weight gain, and mood problems. It\u2019s easy to see why keeping the\nendocrine system working at an optimal rate is essential to ongoing good health!<\/p>
Certain yoga poses, like these three below, can stimulate the hormone-producing\nglands and help them maintain optimal function. This leads to consistent\nproduction and distribution of these hormones around the body. Yoga's focus on\nbreathing is also beneficial for stimulating the endocrine system, helping it to\nfunction more effectively. For natural relief from hormone-related symptoms, try\nadding these poses to your practice. <\/p>
Plenty of explanations for youthful turmoil are available. Young adults need to\nassert their independence and explore their limits, taking risks, breaking rules,\nand rebelling against their parents while still relying on them for support and\nprotection. They have to cope with disconcerting new sexual impulses and\nromantic feelings... Unsettled moods and unsettling behavior may be rooted in\nuneven brain development. Among the last connections to be fully established are the links\nbetween the prefrontal cortex, seat of judgment and problem-solving, and the emotional centers\nin the limbic system, especially the amygdala. These links are critical for emotional learning and\nhigh-level self-regulation. And all of this can be regulated by doing a strong yoga\npractice. <\/p>
Hormonal changes at work in a young adults brain pours out adrenal stress hormones, sex\nhormones, and growth hormone, which in turn influence brain development. The production of\ntestosterone increases 10 times in boys. Sex hormones act in the limbic system and in the\nraphe nucleus, source of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is important for the regulation of\narousal and mood. The hormonally regulated 24-hour clocks change their settings during\nadolescence, keeping the high school and college students awake far into the night and making it\ndifficult to rise for morning classes.to understand that this is a normal process and to eliminate\nthe factors aggravating these issues is the need of the hour but sadly no one understands\nphysiology and helps young adults in having a better understanding of themselves.<\/p>
Rabbit Pose (Sasangasana)<\/b><\/p>
\nThis pose works to stimulate the thyroid and the parathyroid glands. It is also\nbelieved to help combat depression. The thyroid gland is located in the neck and\nsecretes hormones that regulate growth and metabolic function. The parathyroid\nglands are also found in the neck and control how much calcium is released into\nthe body. If the hormone balance of the parathyroid glands is not balanced as it\nshould be then this can be detrimental to calcium distribution. <\/p>
To get into this pose, start by sitting on your heels in Hero Pose. Extend your arms\nback and hold onto the soles of your feet. Tuck your chin inward toward your\nchest as you round your body forward, hinging your body at your hips. At this\npoint, your head should drop toward the floor as your forehead touches your\nknees. Lift your hips upward slightly as the crown of your head rests on the floor,\nand rest comfortably for 5 deep breaths. You can then slowly return to Hero Pose.\nRepeat 3 times.<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561099563337","data":"5d0c7bce6ddec"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561099563338","data":"
Image source<\/a><\/b><\/p>Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) <\/b><\/p>Cobra Pose serves to massage the adrenal gland. When the adrenal gland is\naffected in this way it is better able to function, which can enable your body to\nbetter combat stress and release tension.\nBegin by lying flat on your stomach with your legs together and your palms flat\non the floor beside your shoulders. Your head will start resting flat on the floor,\nand you can then lift your head and chest upward. Hold this pose for up to a\nminute, inhaling and exhaling deeply, before lowering yourself back down\ntoward the ground. Repeat this pose a few times to really enjoy its benefits.<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561099563339","data":"5d0c7c4397751"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561099563341","data":"image source<\/a><\/p> Camel Pose (Ustrasana)<\/b> <\/p>Camel Pose is popular due to its wide range of known benefits, not least of\nwhich is its ability to help regulate your hormones. As you hold this pose, it\nworks to stimulate your internal organs, especially in the neck region. As we\nnow know, this is where the thyroid and parathyroid glands are located,\nmeaning they enjoy the benefits of this pose!<\/p> \nTo get into Camel Pose, start by kneeling on the floor, and keep your knees\nhip-width apart. Move your thighs slightly toward each other, and bring your\nhip bones up slightly toward the torso. At this time, your shins and your toes\nshould remain firmly on the floor. Bring your hands to rest on the back of your\npelvis with the palms of your hands touching your body. Use your hands to\npush your tailbone down gently as you push your thighs backward to\ncounteract your body from moving forward. You should then breathe in deeply\nas your shoulder blades move toward your ribs. Lean backward slightly and\nrelax your ribs before pulling the lower ribs up toward your chest and away\nfrom the pelvis. Bring your hands down to meet your heels, and move your\narms outward. Hold this position for 30 seconds before you lift your torso up,\nbring your arms forward, and return to the original position. Try repeating this pose several times to really reap the benefits.<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561099563340","data":"5d0c7ec40ce3c"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561099563342","data":"image source <\/a><\/p>You could peel off layer after layer, and each time a new personality emerges; that\u2019s Dr. Mani Pavitra in short. A person who wear multiple hats with equal ease. An Orthodontist by profession. A columnist. A motivational speaker. A Lamaze instructor. A serial entrepreneur. And a trained Yoga instructor. A mother. A daughter. A friend. And, make no mistake, she brings a sort of mad vivacity to each role she plays. Enter into her aura and, Dr. Mani Pavitra has a rare ability to make a stranger seem a friend, and a friend feel extremely rare.<\/i><\/p>"}]
Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) <\/b><\/p>
Cobra Pose serves to massage the adrenal gland. When the adrenal gland is\naffected in this way it is better able to function, which can enable your body to\nbetter combat stress and release tension.\nBegin by lying flat on your stomach with your legs together and your palms flat\non the floor beside your shoulders. Your head will start resting flat on the floor,\nand you can then lift your head and chest upward. Hold this pose for up to a\nminute, inhaling and exhaling deeply, before lowering yourself back down\ntoward the ground. Repeat this pose a few times to really enjoy its benefits.<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561099563339","data":"5d0c7c4397751"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561099563341","data":"
image source<\/a><\/p> Camel Pose (Ustrasana)<\/b> <\/p>Camel Pose is popular due to its wide range of known benefits, not least of\nwhich is its ability to help regulate your hormones. As you hold this pose, it\nworks to stimulate your internal organs, especially in the neck region. As we\nnow know, this is where the thyroid and parathyroid glands are located,\nmeaning they enjoy the benefits of this pose!<\/p> \nTo get into Camel Pose, start by kneeling on the floor, and keep your knees\nhip-width apart. Move your thighs slightly toward each other, and bring your\nhip bones up slightly toward the torso. At this time, your shins and your toes\nshould remain firmly on the floor. Bring your hands to rest on the back of your\npelvis with the palms of your hands touching your body. Use your hands to\npush your tailbone down gently as you push your thighs backward to\ncounteract your body from moving forward. You should then breathe in deeply\nas your shoulder blades move toward your ribs. Lean backward slightly and\nrelax your ribs before pulling the lower ribs up toward your chest and away\nfrom the pelvis. Bring your hands down to meet your heels, and move your\narms outward. Hold this position for 30 seconds before you lift your torso up,\nbring your arms forward, and return to the original position. Try repeating this pose several times to really reap the benefits.<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561099563340","data":"5d0c7ec40ce3c"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561099563342","data":"image source <\/a><\/p>You could peel off layer after layer, and each time a new personality emerges; that\u2019s Dr. Mani Pavitra in short. A person who wear multiple hats with equal ease. An Orthodontist by profession. A columnist. A motivational speaker. A Lamaze instructor. A serial entrepreneur. And a trained Yoga instructor. A mother. A daughter. A friend. And, make no mistake, she brings a sort of mad vivacity to each role she plays. Enter into her aura and, Dr. Mani Pavitra has a rare ability to make a stranger seem a friend, and a friend feel extremely rare.<\/i><\/p>"}]
Camel Pose (Ustrasana)<\/b> <\/p>
Camel Pose is popular due to its wide range of known benefits, not least of\nwhich is its ability to help regulate your hormones. As you hold this pose, it\nworks to stimulate your internal organs, especially in the neck region. As we\nnow know, this is where the thyroid and parathyroid glands are located,\nmeaning they enjoy the benefits of this pose!<\/p>
\nTo get into Camel Pose, start by kneeling on the floor, and keep your knees\nhip-width apart. Move your thighs slightly toward each other, and bring your\nhip bones up slightly toward the torso. At this time, your shins and your toes\nshould remain firmly on the floor. Bring your hands to rest on the back of your\npelvis with the palms of your hands touching your body. Use your hands to\npush your tailbone down gently as you push your thighs backward to\ncounteract your body from moving forward. You should then breathe in deeply\nas your shoulder blades move toward your ribs. Lean backward slightly and\nrelax your ribs before pulling the lower ribs up toward your chest and away\nfrom the pelvis. Bring your hands down to meet your heels, and move your\narms outward. Hold this position for 30 seconds before you lift your torso up,\nbring your arms forward, and return to the original position. Try repeating this pose several times to really reap the benefits.<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561099563340","data":"5d0c7ec40ce3c"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561099563342","data":"
image source <\/a><\/p>You could peel off layer after layer, and each time a new personality emerges; that\u2019s Dr. Mani Pavitra in short. A person who wear multiple hats with equal ease. An Orthodontist by profession. A columnist. A motivational speaker. A Lamaze instructor. A serial entrepreneur. And a trained Yoga instructor. A mother. A daughter. A friend. And, make no mistake, she brings a sort of mad vivacity to each role she plays. Enter into her aura and, Dr. Mani Pavitra has a rare ability to make a stranger seem a friend, and a friend feel extremely rare.<\/i><\/p>"}]
You could peel off layer after layer, and each time a new personality emerges; that\u2019s Dr. Mani Pavitra in short. A person who wear multiple hats with equal ease. An Orthodontist by profession. A columnist. A motivational speaker. A Lamaze instructor. A serial entrepreneur. And a trained Yoga instructor. A mother. A daughter. A friend. And, make no mistake, she brings a sort of mad vivacity to each role she plays. Enter into her aura and, Dr. Mani Pavitra has a rare ability to make a stranger seem a friend, and a friend feel extremely rare.<\/i><\/p>"}]
The ancient Indian form of Yoga has been a practice to increase ones' mental and physical abilities for millennia now, and in the last couple of decades, it has received widespread recognition from across the world. People from all walks of life practice it widely and in fact, in 2015, the United Nations declared June 21 as International Day of Yoga; following Narendra Modi's proposal for the same in 2014. <\/p>
With a practice like this, which enhances both physical and mental abilities, it doesn't come as a surprise to see people from the film-industry (especially actors and actresses, for whom fitness is of utmost importance) taking it up. Lakshmi Manchu, who is one of the fittest actresses in Tollywood, is a well known practitioner of Yoga and she believes that it is one form that has equally helped her mentally.<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1497955869171","data":"5948fe769adc6"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1497955223798","data":"
\"I took it up 12 years ago and since then, I have benefitted extensively from it. The fact that you do difficult asanas and stretch your body in ways that you never thought you could, helps you confront your fears easily in life,\" says Lakshmi, over a telephone call, adding \"Subconsciously, it adds to your mental strength a lot and while physical exercise is a major part of Yoga, the mental strength you get from it is equally beneficial.\"<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1497955849077","data":"5948fe650ab56"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1497955864089","data":"
Just a google image search of the actress practising Yoga is enough to make everyones' jaws drop in awe, as the actress can pull off feats like a full split with the ease of a student bunking a class. The joy that she gets when she does it is evident in the pictures and as she says, \"I really wish I practiced it more often and had taken it up earlier. It gives me immense joy and is an absolute stress buster.\"<\/p>
Lakshmi also believes that Yoga will benefit students greatly as it helps the body in many ways as opposed to other forms of physical exercise, as she explains, \"Other forms of exercise just help the body but yoga is extremely internal too. It helps every cell in the body and that is why I would even suggest this to students. The mental and spiritual strength that you get from practising yoga will enable you to face anything in the world with ease, whether it is an interview or an exam. In fact, I believe yoga should be made mandatory in schools and in our school (the school that the Manchu family runs) yoga is one of the options available to the children. We put a lot of emphasis on physical activities and in fact, we openly tell parents that if they want to send their children to our school only for getting marks, then they can choose some other school.\"<\/p>
Another reason why it should be mandatory in schools, according to her, is the fact that most Indians don't know much about Yoga. \"With globalisation, many people in other countries are happily taking it up while at the place of its origin, it is neglected to a great extent. I think only 1 in 50 individuals are into yoga and it should gain more acceptance in our own country,\" she shares.<\/p>"}]
LHH(literacy helping hands)<\/b> is an NGO which is a non-profitable trust where students from different colleges take initiative in running campaigns on different aspects and challenge to change the society by educating people spreading literacy irrespective of age.<\/p>
The main theme of LHH is to share their inhabitant knowledge to the underprivileged schools and colleges by conducting various campaigns in different fields.<\/p>
One of the campaigns conducted by team LHH is \"Mission Hygiene<\/i><\/b>\". the theme of the campaign is \"Clean water and Sanitation<\/b>\" which is one of the important goals among UN sustainable development goals to transform the goal to let people enjoy peace and prosperity. this campaign is to bring awareness of water utilization and consumption with clean surroundings through a session and drawing competition to engage students from orphanages in a creative exercise to test out their ideas in a risk-free manner. this allows the students to think practical in an investment of future success.<\/p>
The campaign was conducted on 11th of June,2019. A few volunteers of team LHH conducted this campaign at \"Sri Sathya Sai Krupa Home<\/i>\". They visualized the clean water and sanitation through a PPT in explaining how one should keep his surroundings tidy and water preservation techniques to save water.<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560401297383","data":"5d00a463b69c5"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560401297384","data":"5d00a3d2b7fc9"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560401297385","data":"5d00a4905826a"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560401297386","data":"
A total of 19 students were divided into 3 groups separately by assigning 2 mentors for each group respectively. Individually, they came up discussing with students to pitch their own ideas and issues on clean water and sanitation. The students drew a few pictorial diagrams and mentioned their ideas on a piece of paper.<\/p>
By this campaign, the students can think in a more creative way of presenting their ideas and thoughts which can improve their thinking capabilities for their future gaining success. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560401297387","data":"5d009ff21a5d9"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560401297388","data":"5d00a18d15dec"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560401297389","data":"
As coming to their next campaign, they're about to discuss on the idea through a Debate, Group Discussion, and Jam sessions. <\/p>
\nCONCLUSION:<\/b> A step forward in encouraging the students from underprivileged schools to learn UN SDG's<\/i> and on clean water and sanitation which makes the students to think creatively and to pitch their ideas on problem-solving cognitions.<\/p>"}]
If you are a dog lover or own a dog then these are the 10 things you will surely relate to.<\/p>
1. Puppy faces, wagging tails and head tilt:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393482","data":"5d0a06b762d2e"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393483","data":"
I don\u2019t know whether it is their way of showing love or grabbing our attention. Whatever it is, puppy faces, wagging tails and head tilts are somethings that you can never resist and turns your heart to mush.<\/p>
Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>2. You can\u2019t leave them behind and go out:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393484","data":"5d0a0773af9ff"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393485","data":"Tell me how many of you all have skipped a vacation or hanging out with your friends for your dog? Sometimes you do skip them thinking \u201cWill my dog eat without me?\u201d, \u201cWill they look after my dog properly?\u201d etc. Yes, you\u2019ll get all these motherly instincts.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>3. Unconditional love:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393486","data":"5d0a08a885e80"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393487","data":"No matter how grumpy and moody you are to them. They will always give you unconditional love.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>4. If anyone mistreats or abuse a stray dog:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393488","data":"5d0a094bc7122"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393489","data":"If anyone on streets mistreat or abuse any stray dog, you\u2019ll not leave that place without picking up a fight with them.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>5. You\u2019ll find yourself ranting all your problems to them:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393490","data":"5d0a179e454e5"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393491","data":"No matter how much ever you burden them with your ranting, they will always hear you out patiently with their puppy eyes and will never judge you.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>6. You\u2019ll know more dog breeds than any other animal species in the world:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393492","data":"5d0a1818ca769"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393493","data":"For you, a cat is a cat and a tortoise is a tortoise but when it comes to a dog you\u2019ll know everything about it. Starting from its breed name to its behavioral traits.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>7. Natural alarms:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393494","data":"5d0a18d2e3b2c"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393495","data":"You\u2019ll never need any alarms to wake up. Dogs are these natural alarms which will wake you up every day at the same time with wet kisses and cuddles.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>8. If your dog gets your tricks:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393496","data":"5d0a1973af446"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393497","data":"When your dog gets a trick that you have been teaching it for quite some time, you\u2019ll feel like you have achieved something great. <\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>9. You\u2019ll shop more for your dog than for yourself:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393498","data":"5d0a1a0a0e30d"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393499","data":"You\u2019ll try and give everything your dog needs like cute clothes, toys, den, etc.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>10. Hardest goodbye:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393500","data":"5d0a1ab6a01fd"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393501","data":"Though we know that dogs are one of the shortest living beings, it is never too easy for us to let them go. It is one of the hardest goodbyes ever.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p>Cover image source.<\/a><\/p>"}]
2. You can\u2019t leave them behind and go out:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393484","data":"5d0a0773af9ff"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393485","data":"
Tell me how many of you all have skipped a vacation or hanging out with your friends for your dog? Sometimes you do skip them thinking \u201cWill my dog eat without me?\u201d, \u201cWill they look after my dog properly?\u201d etc. Yes, you\u2019ll get all these motherly instincts.<\/p>
Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>3. Unconditional love:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393486","data":"5d0a08a885e80"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393487","data":"No matter how grumpy and moody you are to them. They will always give you unconditional love.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>4. If anyone mistreats or abuse a stray dog:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393488","data":"5d0a094bc7122"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393489","data":"If anyone on streets mistreat or abuse any stray dog, you\u2019ll not leave that place without picking up a fight with them.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>5. You\u2019ll find yourself ranting all your problems to them:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393490","data":"5d0a179e454e5"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393491","data":"No matter how much ever you burden them with your ranting, they will always hear you out patiently with their puppy eyes and will never judge you.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>6. You\u2019ll know more dog breeds than any other animal species in the world:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393492","data":"5d0a1818ca769"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393493","data":"For you, a cat is a cat and a tortoise is a tortoise but when it comes to a dog you\u2019ll know everything about it. Starting from its breed name to its behavioral traits.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>7. Natural alarms:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393494","data":"5d0a18d2e3b2c"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393495","data":"You\u2019ll never need any alarms to wake up. Dogs are these natural alarms which will wake you up every day at the same time with wet kisses and cuddles.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>8. If your dog gets your tricks:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393496","data":"5d0a1973af446"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393497","data":"When your dog gets a trick that you have been teaching it for quite some time, you\u2019ll feel like you have achieved something great. <\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>9. You\u2019ll shop more for your dog than for yourself:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393498","data":"5d0a1a0a0e30d"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393499","data":"You\u2019ll try and give everything your dog needs like cute clothes, toys, den, etc.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>10. Hardest goodbye:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393500","data":"5d0a1ab6a01fd"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393501","data":"Though we know that dogs are one of the shortest living beings, it is never too easy for us to let them go. It is one of the hardest goodbyes ever.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p>Cover image source.<\/a><\/p>"}]
3. Unconditional love:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393486","data":"5d0a08a885e80"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393487","data":"
No matter how grumpy and moody you are to them. They will always give you unconditional love.<\/p>
Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>4. If anyone mistreats or abuse a stray dog:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393488","data":"5d0a094bc7122"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393489","data":"If anyone on streets mistreat or abuse any stray dog, you\u2019ll not leave that place without picking up a fight with them.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>5. You\u2019ll find yourself ranting all your problems to them:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393490","data":"5d0a179e454e5"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393491","data":"No matter how much ever you burden them with your ranting, they will always hear you out patiently with their puppy eyes and will never judge you.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>6. You\u2019ll know more dog breeds than any other animal species in the world:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393492","data":"5d0a1818ca769"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393493","data":"For you, a cat is a cat and a tortoise is a tortoise but when it comes to a dog you\u2019ll know everything about it. Starting from its breed name to its behavioral traits.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>7. Natural alarms:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393494","data":"5d0a18d2e3b2c"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393495","data":"You\u2019ll never need any alarms to wake up. Dogs are these natural alarms which will wake you up every day at the same time with wet kisses and cuddles.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>8. If your dog gets your tricks:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393496","data":"5d0a1973af446"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393497","data":"When your dog gets a trick that you have been teaching it for quite some time, you\u2019ll feel like you have achieved something great. <\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>9. You\u2019ll shop more for your dog than for yourself:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393498","data":"5d0a1a0a0e30d"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393499","data":"You\u2019ll try and give everything your dog needs like cute clothes, toys, den, etc.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>10. Hardest goodbye:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393500","data":"5d0a1ab6a01fd"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393501","data":"Though we know that dogs are one of the shortest living beings, it is never too easy for us to let them go. It is one of the hardest goodbyes ever.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p>Cover image source.<\/a><\/p>"}]
4. If anyone mistreats or abuse a stray dog:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393488","data":"5d0a094bc7122"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393489","data":"
If anyone on streets mistreat or abuse any stray dog, you\u2019ll not leave that place without picking up a fight with them.<\/p>
Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>5. You\u2019ll find yourself ranting all your problems to them:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393490","data":"5d0a179e454e5"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393491","data":"No matter how much ever you burden them with your ranting, they will always hear you out patiently with their puppy eyes and will never judge you.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>6. You\u2019ll know more dog breeds than any other animal species in the world:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393492","data":"5d0a1818ca769"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393493","data":"For you, a cat is a cat and a tortoise is a tortoise but when it comes to a dog you\u2019ll know everything about it. Starting from its breed name to its behavioral traits.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>7. Natural alarms:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393494","data":"5d0a18d2e3b2c"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393495","data":"You\u2019ll never need any alarms to wake up. Dogs are these natural alarms which will wake you up every day at the same time with wet kisses and cuddles.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>8. If your dog gets your tricks:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393496","data":"5d0a1973af446"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393497","data":"When your dog gets a trick that you have been teaching it for quite some time, you\u2019ll feel like you have achieved something great. <\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>9. You\u2019ll shop more for your dog than for yourself:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393498","data":"5d0a1a0a0e30d"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393499","data":"You\u2019ll try and give everything your dog needs like cute clothes, toys, den, etc.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>10. Hardest goodbye:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393500","data":"5d0a1ab6a01fd"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393501","data":"Though we know that dogs are one of the shortest living beings, it is never too easy for us to let them go. It is one of the hardest goodbyes ever.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p>Cover image source.<\/a><\/p>"}]
5. You\u2019ll find yourself ranting all your problems to them:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393490","data":"5d0a179e454e5"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393491","data":"
No matter how much ever you burden them with your ranting, they will always hear you out patiently with their puppy eyes and will never judge you.<\/p>
Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>6. You\u2019ll know more dog breeds than any other animal species in the world:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393492","data":"5d0a1818ca769"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393493","data":"For you, a cat is a cat and a tortoise is a tortoise but when it comes to a dog you\u2019ll know everything about it. Starting from its breed name to its behavioral traits.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>7. Natural alarms:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393494","data":"5d0a18d2e3b2c"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393495","data":"You\u2019ll never need any alarms to wake up. Dogs are these natural alarms which will wake you up every day at the same time with wet kisses and cuddles.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>8. If your dog gets your tricks:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393496","data":"5d0a1973af446"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393497","data":"When your dog gets a trick that you have been teaching it for quite some time, you\u2019ll feel like you have achieved something great. <\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>9. You\u2019ll shop more for your dog than for yourself:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393498","data":"5d0a1a0a0e30d"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393499","data":"You\u2019ll try and give everything your dog needs like cute clothes, toys, den, etc.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>10. Hardest goodbye:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393500","data":"5d0a1ab6a01fd"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393501","data":"Though we know that dogs are one of the shortest living beings, it is never too easy for us to let them go. It is one of the hardest goodbyes ever.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p>Cover image source.<\/a><\/p>"}]
6. You\u2019ll know more dog breeds than any other animal species in the world:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393492","data":"5d0a1818ca769"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393493","data":"
For you, a cat is a cat and a tortoise is a tortoise but when it comes to a dog you\u2019ll know everything about it. Starting from its breed name to its behavioral traits.<\/p>
Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>7. Natural alarms:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393494","data":"5d0a18d2e3b2c"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393495","data":"You\u2019ll never need any alarms to wake up. Dogs are these natural alarms which will wake you up every day at the same time with wet kisses and cuddles.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>8. If your dog gets your tricks:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393496","data":"5d0a1973af446"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393497","data":"When your dog gets a trick that you have been teaching it for quite some time, you\u2019ll feel like you have achieved something great. <\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>9. You\u2019ll shop more for your dog than for yourself:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393498","data":"5d0a1a0a0e30d"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393499","data":"You\u2019ll try and give everything your dog needs like cute clothes, toys, den, etc.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>10. Hardest goodbye:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393500","data":"5d0a1ab6a01fd"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393501","data":"Though we know that dogs are one of the shortest living beings, it is never too easy for us to let them go. It is one of the hardest goodbyes ever.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p>Cover image source.<\/a><\/p>"}]
7. Natural alarms:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393494","data":"5d0a18d2e3b2c"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393495","data":"
You\u2019ll never need any alarms to wake up. Dogs are these natural alarms which will wake you up every day at the same time with wet kisses and cuddles.<\/p>
Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>8. If your dog gets your tricks:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393496","data":"5d0a1973af446"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393497","data":"When your dog gets a trick that you have been teaching it for quite some time, you\u2019ll feel like you have achieved something great. <\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>9. You\u2019ll shop more for your dog than for yourself:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393498","data":"5d0a1a0a0e30d"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393499","data":"You\u2019ll try and give everything your dog needs like cute clothes, toys, den, etc.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>10. Hardest goodbye:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393500","data":"5d0a1ab6a01fd"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393501","data":"Though we know that dogs are one of the shortest living beings, it is never too easy for us to let them go. It is one of the hardest goodbyes ever.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p>Cover image source.<\/a><\/p>"}]
8. If your dog gets your tricks:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393496","data":"5d0a1973af446"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393497","data":"
When your dog gets a trick that you have been teaching it for quite some time, you\u2019ll feel like you have achieved something great. <\/p>
Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>9. You\u2019ll shop more for your dog than for yourself:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393498","data":"5d0a1a0a0e30d"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393499","data":"You\u2019ll try and give everything your dog needs like cute clothes, toys, den, etc.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>10. Hardest goodbye:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393500","data":"5d0a1ab6a01fd"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393501","data":"Though we know that dogs are one of the shortest living beings, it is never too easy for us to let them go. It is one of the hardest goodbyes ever.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p>Cover image source.<\/a><\/p>"}]
9. You\u2019ll shop more for your dog than for yourself:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393498","data":"5d0a1a0a0e30d"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393499","data":"
You\u2019ll try and give everything your dog needs like cute clothes, toys, den, etc.<\/p>
Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>10. Hardest goodbye:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393500","data":"5d0a1ab6a01fd"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393501","data":"Though we know that dogs are one of the shortest living beings, it is never too easy for us to let them go. It is one of the hardest goodbyes ever.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p>Cover image source.<\/a><\/p>"}]
10. Hardest goodbye:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561001393500","data":"5d0a1ab6a01fd"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561001393501","data":"
Though we know that dogs are one of the shortest living beings, it is never too easy for us to let them go. It is one of the hardest goodbyes ever.<\/p>
Image source.<\/a><\/p>Cover image source.<\/a><\/p>"}]
Cover image source.<\/a><\/p>"}]
A girl gang trying to shed light on the topics which are less spoken seems interesting right? Yes, the Firefly Community is just that. The students Alifiya, Ayesha, Aaliya and Neeti have established this organization as there are barely any platforms where you can express your thoughts with like-minded people and this community provides you with that. On the choice of the name, Alifiya, says \"It's because fireflies are known to emit light. One may not be that visible but together they are hard to miss out. LGBTQ issues, mental health, sexual abuse, disabilities are aspects that the society expects us to either suffer in silence or turn a blind eye but we believe that together we can break these barriers and taboos and that is why we decided to come up with this.\" <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561012305654","data":"5d0a245239339"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1561012305655","data":"
Through different channels like art and by making safe spaces to initiate a dialogue, in addition to offering a chance for the victims to share their experiences, the community has so far been striving towards their goal for a year now, actively conducting several events city-wide, engaging students and young professionals.\"In addition to initiating a dialogue, our events include subject matter experts on the particular issue and through them, we also create awareness and dispell any myths pertaining to that issue,\" she shares. <\/p>
\n\"The audience are usually teenagers and middle age people but we rarely find kids attending the events and workshops. It is not uncommon for the children to face sexual abuse and there is not much awareness among them as sexual abuse is often a silent epidemic. The harsh reality is that it is not just children who are unaware, but also the parents and hence, preventive awareness is much needed as it plays a vital role in curbing the crime before it actually happens because child sexual abuse isn\u2019t always easy to spot. Most importantly people need to understand that this can't be ignored. Parents, especially women need to be re-empowered to empower their children as well. It is just that we need to make the environment comfortable to let the bottled up children explode.\" she says about their future plans. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1561012305656","data":"5d0a25ac4df58"}]
Don\u2019t take any extra classes, and just build things. It\u2019s no coincidence that Microsoft and Facebook both got started in January. At Harvard that is (or was) Reading Period, when students have no classes to attend because they\u2019re supposed to be studying for finals.<\/i><\/p>
- Paul Graham, Venture Capitalist.<\/i><\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560940645734","data":"
These words by the eminent venture capitalist and founder of Y Combinator Paul Graham, emphasise the importance of starting up in college. While the founders of Microsoft and Facebook were radical enough to have dropped out of college after starting their respective companies; it is important for every student to understand the significance of being an entrepreneur or at least working for a startup while in college.<\/p>
India produces 1.5 million engineers every year and the employability of these 1.5 million engineers is only 7%, according to this report<\/a>. I was one such student at an engineering college and the only reason I have a career now in the field of digital content is because of me being in a co-founding capacity at a startup while I was a student.<\/p>Having worked in a co-founding capacity at the age of 19, I learnt the ropes of entrepreneurship first hand and experienced the struggles, successes, agony and ecstasy of being an entrepreneur. <\/p>Being an entrepreneur forces one to step out of their comfort zone in the pursuit of success. It forces one to either succeed or to learn from failure. <\/p>Pursuing entrepreneurship right in college goes against the traditional norms of focussing only on grades while you're a student but it teaches one a lot more about real life. Here, it is not against having good grades; the point is about students coming out of their comfort zone, realising the opportunities they can create for themselves; opportunities that are much bigger than a job at some outsourced company at the end of their four-year undergraduate course.<\/p>Here is an opportunity to all the student entrepreneurs to understand and learn the ropes of entrepreneurship from someone who built the startup that has one of the largest network of students across India. Do Participate In 18 Day Boot camp By stuMagz and students participating in the boot camp will be a part of a special journey of 5 weeks guided by Sri Charan Lakkaraju, CEO of stuMagz and a Forbes 30 under 30 listed.<\/p>Register Now<\/a> Using Following Link.<\/p>"}]
Having worked in a co-founding capacity at the age of 19, I learnt the ropes of entrepreneurship first hand and experienced the struggles, successes, agony and ecstasy of being an entrepreneur. <\/p>
Being an entrepreneur forces one to step out of their comfort zone in the pursuit of success. It forces one to either succeed or to learn from failure. <\/p>
Pursuing entrepreneurship right in college goes against the traditional norms of focussing only on grades while you're a student but it teaches one a lot more about real life. Here, it is not against having good grades; the point is about students coming out of their comfort zone, realising the opportunities they can create for themselves; opportunities that are much bigger than a job at some outsourced company at the end of their four-year undergraduate course.<\/p>
Here is an opportunity to all the student entrepreneurs to understand and learn the ropes of entrepreneurship from someone who built the startup that has one of the largest network of students across India. Do Participate In 18 Day Boot camp By stuMagz and students participating in the boot camp will be a part of a special journey of 5 weeks guided by Sri Charan Lakkaraju, CEO of stuMagz and a Forbes 30 under 30 listed.<\/p>
Register Now<\/a> Using Following Link.<\/p>"}]
Hands that heal should not bleed. But this what exactly happened on June 10, 2019, an 87-year-old terminally ill patient was brought to the Emergency Department of NRS Hospital, Kolkata. But he passed away despite the best efforts by the doctors on duty to save him.<\/p>
The patient's family blamed the doctors for medical negligence, verbally abused and misbehaved with one of the interns while while they were being issued the death certificate and when they are asked to apologize, they left the place by threatening them. <\/p>
The family then attacked the hospital with a 200 strong mob and attacked many medicos and doctors and injured two interns. One intern ended up in a coma and is battling for his life at the Institute of Neurosciences, Kolkata, with a high chance of permanent neurological disability. <\/p>
While the pain of losing a loved one is understandable, it doesn't justify the patients' family assaulting the doctors and physical assault is also against the law. <\/p>
This attack has been condemned by healthcare professionals nationwide and doctors from prominent medical colleges and hospitals are protesting against this enmasse in major cities like Kolkata, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Patna and more. <\/p>
More than 700 doctors resigned from public hospitals to protest against the violence at the workplace. The 5 people involved in the attack were arrested on June 14, 2019.<\/p>
On June 15, 2019, the AIIMS Resident Doctors' Association issued a 48-hour ultimatum to the West Bengal government. Additionally, more than 200 doctors from various hospitals resigned from their posts in solidarity with doctors nationwide.<\/p>
\nOn June 17, of 2019, a group of students, interns and doctors held a meeting with Mamata Banerjee, The Chief Minister of West Bengal, Chandrima Bhattacharya, Health Minister of West Bengal with several other government officials including Anuj Sharma, Commissioner of Kolkata Police. After the meeting, the doctors called off the seven-day long protest saying that the meeting and discussion with the chief minister met a logical end and hence, they end the 'cease work'. \n\n<\/p>
Cover image source: PTI<\/p>"}]
The word 'picnic' triggers a lot of memories for people. If you are reading this, chances are high you have gone down the memory lane thinking about the fun-and-food-filled picnics you had in your childhood with your friends and family. <\/p>
Would you like to have one such picnic again with either your loved ones, these 10 spots in and around Hyderabad are perfect to have a Instagram worthy picnic.<\/p>
1. Sri Kotla Vijayabhaskara Reddy Botanical Garden: <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243906","data":"5d08b9a58ef6a"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243907","data":"
A well-maintained garden with lush greenery, fresh breeze and pleasant ambiance with a nominal entry fee and its location make it a perfect place for a picnic. <\/p>
It offers nature walks, bird-watching, etc. for adults and amusement parks for kids. It is also various medicinal plants, ornamental plants, aquatic plants and a special section of bamboo and palm trees.<\/p>
Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>2. Osman Sagar Lake:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243908","data":"5d08bb1197dcf"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243909","data":"Osman Sagar lake also known as Gandipet is a picturesque lake. There are two well-maintained parks, perfectly suitable for a one-day picnic with your family. There are also viewpoints from which you experience a breathtaking view of sunrise and sunset. <\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>3. Shamirpet Lake:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243910","data":"5d08bbb4d656a"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243911","data":"It is one of the best places with a great scenic view for a one-day picnic with your family. Its main attractions are wildlife, natural greenery, deer park, boating, birdwatching, toy train for kids and a pristine lake with land surrounding it.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>4. Sanjeevaiah Park: <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243912","data":"5d08bbfb2173b"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243913","data":"It is a well maintained and decorated park with refreshing ambiance and lake on one side. Its main attractions are the rose garden at the entrance, butterfly garden, maze garden, an open gym and national flag which is the second tallest flag in India. It is a perfect place to spend some quality time with your family and friends with some trees all around.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>5. Anantagiri Hills: <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243914","data":"5d08bcf6a2c75"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243915","data":"A quite unique and picturesque landscape outside the Hyderabad city to spend a day with your family and friends. It is a hilltop with a great view of lush greenery and freshwater streams. You can also visit a temple dedicated to Lord Vishnu which is built around a cave.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>6.Pillalamarri: <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243916","data":"5d08bd9c655d3"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243917","data":"It is one of the unique picnic spots outside the Hyderabad with a nominal entry fee. It is a huge banyan tree which is 700+ years old. It is spread over 3 acres throwing its shade over the massive area. You can visit Lord Shiva temple which was built in the 16th century and there is also a mini zoo park where you can spend some quality time with kids and family.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>7. Rachakonda Fort: <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243918","data":"5d08c24c8bd54"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243919","data":"Rachakonda fort is an old fort near Hyderabad which is known for his own old cultural charm. Located at just 60 kilometress away from the center of the city it has now become a perfect picnic spot for the people of Hyderabad. Its attractions are stone walls and lookout points.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>8. Mrugavani National Park: <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243920","data":"5d08c3bb21cc7"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243921","data":"It is a small and well-maintained park amidst a 1200 a national forest reserve. There is a tower setup on top of a hill inside the park from where you can have a breathtaking view of the entire forest and city backdrop. You can take safari rides and can even see deer and peacocks.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>9. Ethipothala Waterfalls: <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243922","data":"5d08cb1dba59e"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243923","data":"It is one of the best waterfalls with a scenic view about 150 kilometres Hyderabad. It is a perfect place for a one-day picnic with lush greenery, eye appealing waterfalls, and awesome landscapes. It also has a well-maintained garden and a good viewpoint where you can spend some fun time with your loved ones. <\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>10. Bhongir Fort:\n<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243924","data":"5d097c1cb379d"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243925","data":"Located just 50 kilometres from Hyderabad, Bhongir hill is home to the Bhongir fort and one can see some well preserved sections of the fort. One can walk up the stairs to get to the fort and it is also home to a rock-climbing school for the adventurous soul. <\/p>When you reach the top you can see a mesmerizing view with a pleasant breeze. <\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p>Cover image source.<\/a><\/p>"}]
2. Osman Sagar Lake:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243908","data":"5d08bb1197dcf"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243909","data":"
Osman Sagar lake also known as Gandipet is a picturesque lake. There are two well-maintained parks, perfectly suitable for a one-day picnic with your family. There are also viewpoints from which you experience a breathtaking view of sunrise and sunset. <\/p>
Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>3. Shamirpet Lake:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243910","data":"5d08bbb4d656a"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243911","data":"It is one of the best places with a great scenic view for a one-day picnic with your family. Its main attractions are wildlife, natural greenery, deer park, boating, birdwatching, toy train for kids and a pristine lake with land surrounding it.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>4. Sanjeevaiah Park: <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243912","data":"5d08bbfb2173b"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243913","data":"It is a well maintained and decorated park with refreshing ambiance and lake on one side. Its main attractions are the rose garden at the entrance, butterfly garden, maze garden, an open gym and national flag which is the second tallest flag in India. It is a perfect place to spend some quality time with your family and friends with some trees all around.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>5. Anantagiri Hills: <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243914","data":"5d08bcf6a2c75"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243915","data":"A quite unique and picturesque landscape outside the Hyderabad city to spend a day with your family and friends. It is a hilltop with a great view of lush greenery and freshwater streams. You can also visit a temple dedicated to Lord Vishnu which is built around a cave.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>6.Pillalamarri: <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243916","data":"5d08bd9c655d3"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243917","data":"It is one of the unique picnic spots outside the Hyderabad with a nominal entry fee. It is a huge banyan tree which is 700+ years old. It is spread over 3 acres throwing its shade over the massive area. You can visit Lord Shiva temple which was built in the 16th century and there is also a mini zoo park where you can spend some quality time with kids and family.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>7. Rachakonda Fort: <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243918","data":"5d08c24c8bd54"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243919","data":"Rachakonda fort is an old fort near Hyderabad which is known for his own old cultural charm. Located at just 60 kilometress away from the center of the city it has now become a perfect picnic spot for the people of Hyderabad. Its attractions are stone walls and lookout points.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>8. Mrugavani National Park: <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243920","data":"5d08c3bb21cc7"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243921","data":"It is a small and well-maintained park amidst a 1200 a national forest reserve. There is a tower setup on top of a hill inside the park from where you can have a breathtaking view of the entire forest and city backdrop. You can take safari rides and can even see deer and peacocks.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>9. Ethipothala Waterfalls: <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243922","data":"5d08cb1dba59e"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243923","data":"It is one of the best waterfalls with a scenic view about 150 kilometres Hyderabad. It is a perfect place for a one-day picnic with lush greenery, eye appealing waterfalls, and awesome landscapes. It also has a well-maintained garden and a good viewpoint where you can spend some fun time with your loved ones. <\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>10. Bhongir Fort:\n<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243924","data":"5d097c1cb379d"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243925","data":"Located just 50 kilometres from Hyderabad, Bhongir hill is home to the Bhongir fort and one can see some well preserved sections of the fort. One can walk up the stairs to get to the fort and it is also home to a rock-climbing school for the adventurous soul. <\/p>When you reach the top you can see a mesmerizing view with a pleasant breeze. <\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p>Cover image source.<\/a><\/p>"}]
3. Shamirpet Lake:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243910","data":"5d08bbb4d656a"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243911","data":"
It is one of the best places with a great scenic view for a one-day picnic with your family. Its main attractions are wildlife, natural greenery, deer park, boating, birdwatching, toy train for kids and a pristine lake with land surrounding it.<\/p>
Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>4. Sanjeevaiah Park: <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243912","data":"5d08bbfb2173b"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243913","data":"It is a well maintained and decorated park with refreshing ambiance and lake on one side. Its main attractions are the rose garden at the entrance, butterfly garden, maze garden, an open gym and national flag which is the second tallest flag in India. It is a perfect place to spend some quality time with your family and friends with some trees all around.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>5. Anantagiri Hills: <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243914","data":"5d08bcf6a2c75"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243915","data":"A quite unique and picturesque landscape outside the Hyderabad city to spend a day with your family and friends. It is a hilltop with a great view of lush greenery and freshwater streams. You can also visit a temple dedicated to Lord Vishnu which is built around a cave.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>6.Pillalamarri: <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243916","data":"5d08bd9c655d3"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243917","data":"It is one of the unique picnic spots outside the Hyderabad with a nominal entry fee. It is a huge banyan tree which is 700+ years old. It is spread over 3 acres throwing its shade over the massive area. You can visit Lord Shiva temple which was built in the 16th century and there is also a mini zoo park where you can spend some quality time with kids and family.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>7. Rachakonda Fort: <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243918","data":"5d08c24c8bd54"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243919","data":"Rachakonda fort is an old fort near Hyderabad which is known for his own old cultural charm. Located at just 60 kilometress away from the center of the city it has now become a perfect picnic spot for the people of Hyderabad. Its attractions are stone walls and lookout points.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>8. Mrugavani National Park: <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243920","data":"5d08c3bb21cc7"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243921","data":"It is a small and well-maintained park amidst a 1200 a national forest reserve. There is a tower setup on top of a hill inside the park from where you can have a breathtaking view of the entire forest and city backdrop. You can take safari rides and can even see deer and peacocks.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>9. Ethipothala Waterfalls: <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243922","data":"5d08cb1dba59e"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243923","data":"It is one of the best waterfalls with a scenic view about 150 kilometres Hyderabad. It is a perfect place for a one-day picnic with lush greenery, eye appealing waterfalls, and awesome landscapes. It also has a well-maintained garden and a good viewpoint where you can spend some fun time with your loved ones. <\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>10. Bhongir Fort:\n<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243924","data":"5d097c1cb379d"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243925","data":"Located just 50 kilometres from Hyderabad, Bhongir hill is home to the Bhongir fort and one can see some well preserved sections of the fort. One can walk up the stairs to get to the fort and it is also home to a rock-climbing school for the adventurous soul. <\/p>When you reach the top you can see a mesmerizing view with a pleasant breeze. <\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p>Cover image source.<\/a><\/p>"}]
4. Sanjeevaiah Park: <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243912","data":"5d08bbfb2173b"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243913","data":"
It is a well maintained and decorated park with refreshing ambiance and lake on one side. Its main attractions are the rose garden at the entrance, butterfly garden, maze garden, an open gym and national flag which is the second tallest flag in India. It is a perfect place to spend some quality time with your family and friends with some trees all around.<\/p>
Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>5. Anantagiri Hills: <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243914","data":"5d08bcf6a2c75"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243915","data":"A quite unique and picturesque landscape outside the Hyderabad city to spend a day with your family and friends. It is a hilltop with a great view of lush greenery and freshwater streams. You can also visit a temple dedicated to Lord Vishnu which is built around a cave.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>6.Pillalamarri: <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243916","data":"5d08bd9c655d3"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243917","data":"It is one of the unique picnic spots outside the Hyderabad with a nominal entry fee. It is a huge banyan tree which is 700+ years old. It is spread over 3 acres throwing its shade over the massive area. You can visit Lord Shiva temple which was built in the 16th century and there is also a mini zoo park where you can spend some quality time with kids and family.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>7. Rachakonda Fort: <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243918","data":"5d08c24c8bd54"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243919","data":"Rachakonda fort is an old fort near Hyderabad which is known for his own old cultural charm. Located at just 60 kilometress away from the center of the city it has now become a perfect picnic spot for the people of Hyderabad. Its attractions are stone walls and lookout points.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>8. Mrugavani National Park: <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243920","data":"5d08c3bb21cc7"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243921","data":"It is a small and well-maintained park amidst a 1200 a national forest reserve. There is a tower setup on top of a hill inside the park from where you can have a breathtaking view of the entire forest and city backdrop. You can take safari rides and can even see deer and peacocks.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>9. Ethipothala Waterfalls: <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243922","data":"5d08cb1dba59e"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243923","data":"It is one of the best waterfalls with a scenic view about 150 kilometres Hyderabad. It is a perfect place for a one-day picnic with lush greenery, eye appealing waterfalls, and awesome landscapes. It also has a well-maintained garden and a good viewpoint where you can spend some fun time with your loved ones. <\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>10. Bhongir Fort:\n<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243924","data":"5d097c1cb379d"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243925","data":"Located just 50 kilometres from Hyderabad, Bhongir hill is home to the Bhongir fort and one can see some well preserved sections of the fort. One can walk up the stairs to get to the fort and it is also home to a rock-climbing school for the adventurous soul. <\/p>When you reach the top you can see a mesmerizing view with a pleasant breeze. <\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p>Cover image source.<\/a><\/p>"}]
5. Anantagiri Hills: <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243914","data":"5d08bcf6a2c75"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243915","data":"
A quite unique and picturesque landscape outside the Hyderabad city to spend a day with your family and friends. It is a hilltop with a great view of lush greenery and freshwater streams. You can also visit a temple dedicated to Lord Vishnu which is built around a cave.<\/p>
Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>6.Pillalamarri: <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243916","data":"5d08bd9c655d3"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243917","data":"It is one of the unique picnic spots outside the Hyderabad with a nominal entry fee. It is a huge banyan tree which is 700+ years old. It is spread over 3 acres throwing its shade over the massive area. You can visit Lord Shiva temple which was built in the 16th century and there is also a mini zoo park where you can spend some quality time with kids and family.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>7. Rachakonda Fort: <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243918","data":"5d08c24c8bd54"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243919","data":"Rachakonda fort is an old fort near Hyderabad which is known for his own old cultural charm. Located at just 60 kilometress away from the center of the city it has now become a perfect picnic spot for the people of Hyderabad. Its attractions are stone walls and lookout points.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>8. Mrugavani National Park: <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243920","data":"5d08c3bb21cc7"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243921","data":"It is a small and well-maintained park amidst a 1200 a national forest reserve. There is a tower setup on top of a hill inside the park from where you can have a breathtaking view of the entire forest and city backdrop. You can take safari rides and can even see deer and peacocks.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>9. Ethipothala Waterfalls: <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243922","data":"5d08cb1dba59e"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243923","data":"It is one of the best waterfalls with a scenic view about 150 kilometres Hyderabad. It is a perfect place for a one-day picnic with lush greenery, eye appealing waterfalls, and awesome landscapes. It also has a well-maintained garden and a good viewpoint where you can spend some fun time with your loved ones. <\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>10. Bhongir Fort:\n<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243924","data":"5d097c1cb379d"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243925","data":"Located just 50 kilometres from Hyderabad, Bhongir hill is home to the Bhongir fort and one can see some well preserved sections of the fort. One can walk up the stairs to get to the fort and it is also home to a rock-climbing school for the adventurous soul. <\/p>When you reach the top you can see a mesmerizing view with a pleasant breeze. <\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p>Cover image source.<\/a><\/p>"}]
6.Pillalamarri: <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243916","data":"5d08bd9c655d3"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243917","data":"
It is one of the unique picnic spots outside the Hyderabad with a nominal entry fee. It is a huge banyan tree which is 700+ years old. It is spread over 3 acres throwing its shade over the massive area. You can visit Lord Shiva temple which was built in the 16th century and there is also a mini zoo park where you can spend some quality time with kids and family.<\/p>
Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>7. Rachakonda Fort: <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243918","data":"5d08c24c8bd54"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243919","data":"Rachakonda fort is an old fort near Hyderabad which is known for his own old cultural charm. Located at just 60 kilometress away from the center of the city it has now become a perfect picnic spot for the people of Hyderabad. Its attractions are stone walls and lookout points.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>8. Mrugavani National Park: <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243920","data":"5d08c3bb21cc7"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243921","data":"It is a small and well-maintained park amidst a 1200 a national forest reserve. There is a tower setup on top of a hill inside the park from where you can have a breathtaking view of the entire forest and city backdrop. You can take safari rides and can even see deer and peacocks.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>9. Ethipothala Waterfalls: <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243922","data":"5d08cb1dba59e"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243923","data":"It is one of the best waterfalls with a scenic view about 150 kilometres Hyderabad. It is a perfect place for a one-day picnic with lush greenery, eye appealing waterfalls, and awesome landscapes. It also has a well-maintained garden and a good viewpoint where you can spend some fun time with your loved ones. <\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>10. Bhongir Fort:\n<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243924","data":"5d097c1cb379d"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243925","data":"Located just 50 kilometres from Hyderabad, Bhongir hill is home to the Bhongir fort and one can see some well preserved sections of the fort. One can walk up the stairs to get to the fort and it is also home to a rock-climbing school for the adventurous soul. <\/p>When you reach the top you can see a mesmerizing view with a pleasant breeze. <\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p>Cover image source.<\/a><\/p>"}]
7. Rachakonda Fort: <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243918","data":"5d08c24c8bd54"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243919","data":"
Rachakonda fort is an old fort near Hyderabad which is known for his own old cultural charm. Located at just 60 kilometress away from the center of the city it has now become a perfect picnic spot for the people of Hyderabad. Its attractions are stone walls and lookout points.<\/p>
Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>8. Mrugavani National Park: <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243920","data":"5d08c3bb21cc7"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243921","data":"It is a small and well-maintained park amidst a 1200 a national forest reserve. There is a tower setup on top of a hill inside the park from where you can have a breathtaking view of the entire forest and city backdrop. You can take safari rides and can even see deer and peacocks.<\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>9. Ethipothala Waterfalls: <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243922","data":"5d08cb1dba59e"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243923","data":"It is one of the best waterfalls with a scenic view about 150 kilometres Hyderabad. It is a perfect place for a one-day picnic with lush greenery, eye appealing waterfalls, and awesome landscapes. It also has a well-maintained garden and a good viewpoint where you can spend some fun time with your loved ones. <\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>10. Bhongir Fort:\n<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243924","data":"5d097c1cb379d"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243925","data":"Located just 50 kilometres from Hyderabad, Bhongir hill is home to the Bhongir fort and one can see some well preserved sections of the fort. One can walk up the stairs to get to the fort and it is also home to a rock-climbing school for the adventurous soul. <\/p>When you reach the top you can see a mesmerizing view with a pleasant breeze. <\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p>Cover image source.<\/a><\/p>"}]
8. Mrugavani National Park: <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243920","data":"5d08c3bb21cc7"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243921","data":"
It is a small and well-maintained park amidst a 1200 a national forest reserve. There is a tower setup on top of a hill inside the park from where you can have a breathtaking view of the entire forest and city backdrop. You can take safari rides and can even see deer and peacocks.<\/p>
Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>9. Ethipothala Waterfalls: <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243922","data":"5d08cb1dba59e"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243923","data":"It is one of the best waterfalls with a scenic view about 150 kilometres Hyderabad. It is a perfect place for a one-day picnic with lush greenery, eye appealing waterfalls, and awesome landscapes. It also has a well-maintained garden and a good viewpoint where you can spend some fun time with your loved ones. <\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>10. Bhongir Fort:\n<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243924","data":"5d097c1cb379d"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243925","data":"Located just 50 kilometres from Hyderabad, Bhongir hill is home to the Bhongir fort and one can see some well preserved sections of the fort. One can walk up the stairs to get to the fort and it is also home to a rock-climbing school for the adventurous soul. <\/p>When you reach the top you can see a mesmerizing view with a pleasant breeze. <\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p>Cover image source.<\/a><\/p>"}]
9. Ethipothala Waterfalls: <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243922","data":"5d08cb1dba59e"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243923","data":"
It is one of the best waterfalls with a scenic view about 150 kilometres Hyderabad. It is a perfect place for a one-day picnic with lush greenery, eye appealing waterfalls, and awesome landscapes. It also has a well-maintained garden and a good viewpoint where you can spend some fun time with your loved ones. <\/p>
Image source.<\/a><\/p><\/p>10. Bhongir Fort:\n<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243924","data":"5d097c1cb379d"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243925","data":"Located just 50 kilometres from Hyderabad, Bhongir hill is home to the Bhongir fort and one can see some well preserved sections of the fort. One can walk up the stairs to get to the fort and it is also home to a rock-climbing school for the adventurous soul. <\/p>When you reach the top you can see a mesmerizing view with a pleasant breeze. <\/p>Image source.<\/a><\/p>Cover image source.<\/a><\/p>"}]
10. Bhongir Fort:\n<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560939243924","data":"5d097c1cb379d"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560939243925","data":"
Located just 50 kilometres from Hyderabad, Bhongir hill is home to the Bhongir fort and one can see some well preserved sections of the fort. One can walk up the stairs to get to the fort and it is also home to a rock-climbing school for the adventurous soul. <\/p>
When you reach the top you can see a mesmerizing view with a pleasant breeze. <\/p>
When it comes to self improvement, the major idea here involves doing what is necessary, necessary to your future self.<\/p>
Here are some essential tips that can help you along the way.<\/p>
1. Kill the laziness that lures inside you <\/b><\/p>
\nThe moment you start feeling lazy to do your job, the job becomes null. The reason for this being that your subconscious mind starts wishing that the job disappears and your productivity starts degrading every moment.\n\n\n\n<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1519456028658","data":"5a91106b66287"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1519455773148","data":"
2. Take responsibility <\/b><\/p>
\n\nResponsibilities inspires improvement.When you start working on your responsibility, you find your own faults. Moreover you will be surprised to find your strengths. The more responsibilities you take,the more you get to know yourself.\n\n<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1519456284792","data":"5a91116c02d7f"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1519455752616","data":"
3. Create good habits <\/b><\/p>
\nOur ability to improve is largely determined by our habits. Our habits influence the way we respond to any given situation, and ultimately they define how efficient we can become. The determination by which you follow your habits depends on your will-power. Once you have the will to do what's necessary, your dreams will appear to be a little closer.\n\n<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1519456954258","data":"5a91141050da3"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1519455731315","data":"
4. Add some technology <\/b><\/p>
\n\nWe cannot ignore technology. Everyday, technology gets better than yesterday and it virtually controls most of the world. But be vigilant, do not let it overtake your personal self, never let technology inspire lazy behavior. Use it to your own benefit. Technology gives you the opportunity to be aware of the entire world.<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1519457102278","data":"5a91149c5122b"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1519455709918","data":"
5. Find balance in life <\/b><\/p>
\nThere is a fine line between challenging yourself to be better and accepting yourself as you are. Focus on what matters the most, the things that will benefit you in long term. Set short term goals for your long term benefits, develop balance in everything you do. Be creative and at the same time be thoughtful of the drawbacks of your creation.\n<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1519455686734","data":"
Once you start acting on these, you will see the change it brings to your life. Your future self will definitely thank you for these.\"Love yourself enough to work harder\".<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1519457120418","data":"5a9114bc2e7e4"}]
Missed the hottest event of Warangal? Attended but want to live through the exciting evening once again? Either way, read ahead and know what went down at the highly anticipated CULT Warangal Launch event!<\/p>
The inaugural event of CULT Warangal conducted at Alakananda Gardens on 15th of June 2019 from 5 pm to 8 pm was an enthralling affair that had the whole of young Warangal hooked on.\nThe event saw a gathering of around 350 enthusiastic students from over 10 well established educational institutions.\nCULT, an initiative powered and mentored by Stumagz, proved its brand as Warangal's first ever student community and a source of opportunities for development of Warangal students.\nThe launch event started with Jyothi Prajwala invoking blessings followed by a beautiful welcome song and a captivating welcome dance.\n <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560876282608","data":"5d0910115a81b"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560876282609","data":"
The lighting of flame symbolizing wisdom and knowledge<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560876282610","data":"
The chief guests at the event were eminent personalities Mr. Sri Charan Lakkaraju, CEO, Stumagz, listed in Forbes 30 under 30, Ms Sathvika Gupta, Director of Sathvika fire services and Founder of Adira for empowering women. Their addresses enlightened the young gathering and inspiration could be sensed overpowering the hall as they spoke motivating words.\nThe audience also witnessed special guest Mr Suhaas from Chai Biscuit productions who struck all the right chords with the excited students.\n<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560876282611","data":"5d0910a36fee2"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560876282612","data":"
Mr Sri Charan Lakkaraju firing up the audience with inspiration and sharing invaluable inputs on talents and talent based communities like CULT <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560876282613","data":"5d0910b0032b8"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560876282614","data":"
Ms Sathvika Gupta propelling the audience towards success with her new age experiences and views<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560876282615","data":"5d0910bbad410"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560876282616","data":"
Mr. Suhaas interacting with the young Warangal and sharing his encouraging experiences and opinions.<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560876282617","data":"
Following these fiery speeches were mesmerizing performances by students which left the stage ablaze and audience wanting more!! The brilliant performances included dances, instrumental music, beat boxing, singing and music band performances. The motivation of CULT to support talent was evident throughout the event as performers put on a bold and beautiful show! The performers were felicitated for being a part of CULT community\u2019s talent brigade.\n<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560876282618","data":"5d09125fe33b6"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560876282619","data":"
A member of the Lights Out band making the audience dance to the tunes of his drums <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560876282620","data":"5d0912ab7c6a9"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560876282621","data":"
Soulful singing in process!! <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560876282622","data":"5d0912da40497"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560876282623","data":"
Beat boxing that drove the audience to a new level of crazy!<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560876282624","data":"
This starry affair was brought to reality by an enthusiastic, optimistic,innovative and hardworking core team. The core team is assisted in their operations by an equally involved group of campus ambassadors which are students selected from each educational institution for spearheading CULT activities in their specific college.\nThe members of CULT distributed brochure highlighting CULT\u2019s plans to revolutionize the way students explore their talents. <\/p>
With students looking satisfied and CULT looking encouraged to do more, the curtains fell over the event and an evening celebrating talents interwoven with inspiration and motivation came to an end. <\/p>
It is safe to say that CULT's beginning perfectly showed the audience what CULT is exactly-a community where talent shows and the youth grows!\n\n <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560876282625","data":"
Sooooo, hope all those who were with us at CULT's launch had fun reliving the memories. And to all those who missed it, do not worry!<\/p>
CULT is on its way to bring more exciting events to the table. All you need to do is join us!<\/p>
Register NOW for more opportunities at:<\/p>
Feel free to post queries, doubts, complaints and suggestion in comments below.<\/p>
Fareeha Almas<\/p>
Content Manager<\/p>
Team CULT<\/p>"}]
Being a world-class city and one of the swiftest developing metropolitan cities in India, Hyderabad possesses some of the top institutions for Engineering. To get education for an inspired life have a look at these top 5 institutions.<\/p>
<\/b><\/p>Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology:
CBIT is a private Institute located in Hyderabad and was established in the year 1979. The Institute is affiliated to Osmania University (OU) and is approved by AICTE. It is also accredited with \u2018Grade B\u2019 by NAAC and is an ISO 9001-2000 Certified Institute. Courses offered by CBIT are B.Tech., M.Tech. MBA and MCA. The Practices and the Culture at the Institute has always been to provide Quality Education by enhancing the overall Educational experience of Students adopting a wide range of Academic, Practical, Co-Curricular, Extra-Curricular Programs.<\/p>
EAMCET code: CBIT<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560843693428","data":"5d089988073a4"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560843693420","data":"
<\/b><\/p>VNR Vignana Jyothi Institution Of Engineering & Technology:
VNR VJIET, established in the year 1995 . The Institute has a permanent affiliation with JNTUH and is recognised under Section 2(f) and 12 (B) of UGC Act, 1956. The campus is huge with a wide range of infrastructure and there are many hangout places nearby as it is situated at Bachupally, Nizampet, Hyderabad.<\/p>
EAMCET code: VJEC<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560843693429","data":"5d0899b5150a9"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560843693422","data":"
\nCMR Group of Institutions is one of the pre-eminent educational institutions devoted to bestow quality education and fostering excellence in academic pursuits in the field of Science, Pharmacy, Engineering and Technology, and Management. It is marked as 8th with respect to top colleges by \u201cTimes of India\u201d in Telangana as they impart value based quality technical education through innovative teaching and learning methods. Students can exhibit their talents apart from the academics by becoming part of the various student clubs. <\/p>
It has been acknowledged as the institute of excellence for making Deep learning and AI mainstream in India. Most importantly if you Think Placements<\/b> then you have to Think CMR<\/b>. A full fledged Training and Placement wing is established to cater to the placements. A number of outgoing students in the CMR Group Of Institutions have been placed in some of the top companies such as Infosys, Amazon, Wipro, Accenture, HSBC, TCS, Genpact, Cognizant, SAP and many more.<\/p>
EAMCET Codes:<\/p>
CMRK- CMR College of Engg & Tech<\/p>
CMRP- CMR College of Pharmacy<\/p>
CMRG- CMR Technical Campus<\/p>
CMRN- CMR Engineering College<\/p>
CMRM- CMR Institute of Tech<\/p>
\nThis college established in 1981 near Ibrahimbagh is one of the best twin state colleges with NBA and AICTE accreditation. Situated over a sprawling 13.6-acre campus with lush lawns, a beautiful landscape, tasteful architecture and modern infrastructure, the College epitomizes an exemplary setting for higher learning and offers six UG courses. The college has been granted autonomy by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi, and Osmania University, Hyderabad <\/p>
EAMCET Code: VASV<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560843693432","data":"5d089c0de296c"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1560843693426","data":"
MVSR: (Maturi Venkata Subba Rao Engineering College) <\/b><\/p>
\nMVSR Engineering College is established in 1981 and is located along the Nadergul Main Road in the southern outskirts of Hyderabad. The campus spreads over vast stretches of land plenty of open areas and lush greenery which makes the environment relaxed and pleasing. They Impart technical education of the highest standards, producing technically skilled confident and socially responsible engineers. They also have a club, FUEL which has different streams and gives opportunities for the students to venture their ideas, talent and to work on social issues for the upliftment of the society. <\/p>
EAMCET Code: MVSR<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1560843693433","data":"5d089c3a0fb3f"}]
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