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The festival Makara Sankranti<\/i> is celeberated for 4 days in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Day 1 is Bhogi <\/i>where generally it is a practice to discard old things and burn them, this signifies that one should concentrate on new things in life, Day 2 is Makara Sankranti <\/i>where people buy new clothes and prepare some traditional recipes and decorate their houses with flowers and also rangoli. <\/i>Day 3 is Kanuma<\/i> and day 4 is Mukkanuma. <\/i><\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1484294944571","data":"
The significance of Kanuma <\/i>is not known to many because it is observed by farmers. It is an important part of the Sankranti festival because on this day the farmers worship their cattle and other animals, as they have a vital role to play in the prosperity of farmers; so as thanksgiving they decorate them and worship them. And Mukkanuma<\/i> is popular among non-vegetarians because they avoid meat for the first 3 days of the festival, hence it is a feast for all of them on the fourth day. Also on this day the farmers pray to all those elements that help for the harvest i.e. soil, rain, fire etc. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1484300384805","data":"5878a096dde15"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1484297549398","data":"
History of Kanuma: <\/b><\/p>
As per Hindu mythology, Lord Krishna lifted the Govardhana Hill and rescued the people of Gokul. The hill blocked the clouds that deprived people of rain; hence Lord Krishna asked the people of Gokul to pray to the hill. This outraged Lord Indra (The god of rain), to avenge this insult he flooded the city and then to protect the people and animals, Lord Krishna lifted the hill under which the people found shelter. This day is celebrated as Kanuma. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1484300363334","data":"5878a0858cde6"}]
Dear Khaled Hosseni, <\/i><\/p>
To start off, this letter might not be something you\u2019d usually expect. <\/p>
But all along it was your your runner with a kite in his hand, hiding behind the dark alleys that had crowded up my mind.<\/p>
Oh, there is a special reason that I am writing to you, today.\nRunning down the alley of memory<\/i>.\nIt\u2019s been 15 years now.<\/p>
15 years ago, Amir (totally coincidental) and me were like inseparable. Unforgettable memories and brothers by heart.Those were like the best days of my lives. But you know which was one was the best-est?<\/p>
Yeah, there you go. Sankranti<\/i>.\nSeeing the saffron sky, filled with a thousand multi-coloured kites was something so mesmerizing. Our shouts echoing in grounds, and running after the kites that were dropping down was a moment in its own. <\/p>
They say, life is not made up of just a moment. For that one moment to come back again, I was ready to put my whole life down.<\/i> Oh, what happened all these years you may ask?\nHe left. Well \u2018he had to\u2019 was what he said. For further studies. And since then, things started to change. <\/p>
And so here I was, writing this letter to you, listening to the kids run down the dark alley chasing the kite when I heard a knock. This may sound clich\u00e9 but the moment I opened the door, say it was like that moment was back again.\n 15 long years and here he was<\/i>. Like we were back to being 15 year olds. Like every time back then, he used to come and knock at my door. We used to gather our kites and thread rolls and run out. <\/p>
And so, without wasting a moment I gathered my kites, the ones which had been waiting all these years and ran out with him. With smiles on our faces, leaving everything behind we flew our kites in the same ground where our bond had grown and it felt like it had become even more stronger.<\/p>
And so, when Amir asked me if I\u2019d run the kite for him, you know what I said.\n\u201cFor you, a thousand times over\u201d <\/b><\/i>\nAnd with a smile on my face I ran after it. \nYou told me that they would only let me be this happy if they were going to take something from you. And I know, Amir is going to go back.\nAnd like the past clawed its way out today, I know it will someday again tomorrow.<\/p>
Khalid, Thank You.<\/p>
From bringing the Amir to my Hassan back.<\/b><\/i>\n\n\n<\/p>"}]
\n\nHave you always felt different? Were you the quiet one in the school? Did people ask you,\"Why don't you talk?\" Do they still ask you the same question, today?<\/p>
\n\nHave you always wanted to be one who loved the confines of one's room, lived in the realms of one's emotions, always wanted to be unseen by anyone, felt the urge to become dust rather than to start a conversation, then probably you are like me: an introvert.<\/p>
\n\nI am an introvert and this is for everybody who feels choked in any kind of social situation with a lot of people because we'd rather be home, sip some hot coffee and read a book or listen to some music than be there. The thought itself brings immense pressure.<\/p>
\n\nThe most difficult situation for anyone like me is surviving a family gathering or an event because it involves many people and curious relatives who want to know everything about you. I personally hate general conversations and small talks, I'd rather want to know you on a deeper level beneath the stars, things like : your deepest fears, your favourite animated characters, what or whom you think about in your ideal time, what makes you anxious and in general all the small things you'd rather hide than ever let out to anyone.<\/p>
\n\nSo, I'd always stand in the corner whilst texting someone or reading articles on Facebook and honestly not giving a damn to the surrounding. While my mom constantly wanted me talk to complete strangers. My nightmare would begin whenever I came across someone I knew, I'd want to hide myself in the walls to avoid interaction. More than often I'd despise myself for being like that,I'd always compare myself with others and would wonder how people could laugh so loudly or talk so much and what do they even talk about, for so long? But every attempt of mine to talk to a complete stranger or an acquaintance would make me regret my decision to do so in the first place, because after a conversation I'd feel so drained out that I needed to spend time alone for hours in solace to feel energised again.<\/p>
\n\nAs time went by, I started accepting myself and started enjoying the way I was because my happiness never depended on someone's existence, I don't feel lonely when I'm with myself and I never needed something or someone to feel whole, I was complete with myself and I realized I was the best confidant I could have ever found. So I took a decision to come out of my comfort zone sometimes because even if I fail I'd always have myself to push me again to try something new.<\/p>
\n\nIt isn't bad to enjoy one's own company after all but I realized talking to people is no harm either, when I made some friends in my 9th grade. In the beginning, it was just smiles and tit bits but I started enjoying spending time with them, I started having fun, going out, doing stuff I only did in my dreams or read in books and I actually started liking it. I found new hobbies and people started liking my company, Now I feel like I'm no longer invisible. But even now after all this, I still like spending time alone to retrace myself every now and then . I still like reading books and thinking about the cosmic energy or the universe in general and how things work the way they do. Conversations and smiling a bit doesn't scare me yet I like to keep a smaller circle.<\/p>
\n\nHot pipping coffee with a good book in my hand on my bed in an empty home is something that I still enjoy the most, though. Being an introvert is not a bane, you've the power that most people don't- a strong connection with your inner self. \n\n<\/p>"}]
Sankranti or Makara Sankranti is one of the important festivals celebrated in India; it is a harvest festival that also marks the beginning of warmer days and it is the only Hindu festival that falls on the same day every year on January 14. Kite festivals, cock fighting, some good recipes and beautiful rangoli are a few conventional ways that you can think off. Living in a metro city we don't really get to celebrate this festival as it is supposed to in the usual traditional ways apart from flying kites; so here are some out of the box ways you can try to make the best of this free time. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1547434125455","data":"
1. Bonfire:<\/b><\/p>
A Bonfire in winter is the most amazing idea ever; all you need is a reason, so here it is, what could make this vacation better! A get together with friends and family; a poetry session or the all time favorite Anthyakshari or simply some heart-felt talks. So you could plan out bonfire party and socialize.<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1547434125456","data":"58774ebeef9f9"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1547434125457","data":"
2. Movie Marathon:<\/b><\/p>
Amid the chaos of assignments, classes and exams if you have missed out on some movies or you already have the list of movies that you need to watch, here is the right time. Gather some company of friends, get some popcorn and have fun. You could also plan a sleepover. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1547434125458","data":"5877495e0abd6"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1547434125459","data":"
3. Cooking:<\/b><\/p>
Sankranti is a feast for foodies; you get to eat of lot of sweets and some good traditional dishes. So try some new recipes for this sankranti. If you are someone who loves cooking, call over your friends, family or neighbours for dinner. It would be great if you and your friends cook together. Even if you have never cooked; try it, it's a great idea. You'll have a great memories made to recollect. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1547434125460","data":"
4. Home Decor<\/b>:<\/p>
Usually Diwali is the time when you make changes to your home; but rules are meant to be broken aren't they? If you are a creative person, try some DIY home decor, you can make changes to your room and you can also make some personalized gifts for your friends in this vacation. Flying kites for Sankranti is mainstream, make a kite! <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1547434125461","data":"58774971bc8f2"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1547434125462","data":"
5. Games:<\/b><\/p>
Since it is the holiday season invite all your cousins and friends and re-live your childhood. Childhood memories are so endearing, we should be glad we have a childhood to recollect before technology took over. So if you miss the kid that you were; this is the best time to get nostalgic. Board games are the best way to do this. All of us have definitely played these games as kids. Or you could just plan a weekend with your family which would be refreshing and would add a little energy into your soul. <\/p>
Team Stumagz wishes every one Happy Sankranti!<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1547434125463","data":"5877381850706"}]
Title is a part of a Sanskrit chant, from the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad.<\/p>
You might have wondered why i recalled this chant....<\/p>
Hey! it's Makara Sankranti. And on this occasion, sun greet us and bless us- \"Tamaso Ma Jyotir Gamaya\", which means may you go higher and higher, too more and more light and never to darkness side. See how lucky we are! Great deities<\/p>
like sun are always back of us and shower tonnes of blessings on us. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1547382287383","data":"
let's recall the glory of festival........<\/p>
A festival is best experienced at the heart of all the action. A great example of this is Sankranti. It marks the beginning of the transition of sun into Zodiac of Capricorn(Makar=Capricorn , Sankranti=transition). This makes it the only festival to fall on the same date every year(14th January). It is also symbolic of getting rid of bad vibes of past season and the start of fresh season.It even symbolizes start of new harvesting season.<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1547382287384","data":"
Symbolizes great relationship.....(son and father)<\/b><\/p>
On this day sun visits the house of his son Shani, who is the swami of Makar Rashi. These father and son do not ordinarily get along nicely, but inspite of any differences between each other Lord Sun makes it a point to meet each other on this day. Father in fact himself comes to his son's house for a month. This day is symbolized the importance of special relationship of father and son.<\/p>
Celebrations galore! <\/b><\/p>
How can we forget the glory of colorful kites and fun in flying them up in the sky. It has been believed that these kites are made to fly into sky to greet the great deities. It may be fun in the same way gathers all friends and family members.........<\/p>
Throwback to memories.........<\/b><\/p>
I remember all those funny moments.I remember how all our family members used to gather on at grandma's home.<\/p>
Frankly i don't know to fly kites so,used to be silent. But once when kite flied by my brother used to reach a certain height...., I used to fight and hold on the manja.......Then, my brother's usual dialogue was:\"SHOW...\" Haha... how funny....<\/p>
I remember all those silly holidays where we used to try a lot to take the kites strucked off on the branches of trees and on terrace of neighbors buildings. I think all may have such memories related to this festival....<\/p>
And then come to food......all that sweet tasty pongal....gud ke ladooo........and how can we forget crispy ariselu, appalu<\/p>
These make the festival still more special.<\/p>
From dawn to dusk, the festival is full of fun and is a spectacle to witness.<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1547382287386","data":"
Really festival brings new joy and enthusiasm into our lives......<\/p>
So hope this Sankranti brings new hopes and joy into our lives.<\/p>
Gud ki mithas......Patango ki aas.......Sankranti mein mano jam kar ullas........<\/p>"}]
Germany, inarguably the best army on the planet during the early and mid 20th century. But that didn't help the Duetschlanders from becoming invincible through the two ghastly (world) wars that the humanity has ever witnessed.<\/p>
After the first catastrophe(1914-18), Germany who acted as the linchpin to the axis powers(losers) were not easily excused. They were rekked and humiliated. Treaty of Versailles.<\/p>
1. They lost huge territories.<\/p>
2. They were decreed to demilitarise Rhineland(western Germany adjacent to France).<\/p>
3. Abstained from deploying their own Airforce(Luftwaffe).<\/p>
4. Reduce their army to 100,000 men and had to pay perpetual debts.<\/p>
Yes, the Allies were merciless. And talking about mercy, guess who's back! <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1547224486857","data":"
Adolf Hitler<\/b> <\/p>
People lost faith. Government's fragile. Nation's economy kissed Mariana trench. Also, there's a man who still kisses Flagge Deutschlands. Wait. That's Hitler. Soon he became Herr Hitler. When a chauvinistic man, with an eerie mustache said that he can fix everything, people believed. I am always baffled about how he reconciled and stimulated a huge country like Germany. That was the hunger. I watched a movie which goes by the name \"Hitler: The rise of 'evil'\". Rise of 'evil'? All he wanted was to 'make Germany great again'(pun intended). But he went on to become infamous. How?<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1547224486858","data":"
Epitome of Dictatorship (overtly authoritarian)<\/b> <\/p>
Hitler isn't a shagger. Nor has he addictions. Yet his downfall goes down as one of the darkest ever.<\/p>
En route to his illusory glory, Hitler showed the world just how barbaric he was. Be it the hatred towards Jews or his ruthlessness in the war, his aggressive demeanor is highly notorious. He unknowingly allows his personal interests dictate Government's actions. He never trusted his subordinate's judgement in their own sections of expertise. He set up first Luftwaffe squadrons, introduced conscriptions, jazzed up the army, sent the troops back to Rhineland. The allies were bizarrely nonchalant. Reason? Neville Chamberlain.<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1547224486859","data":"
His blunders<\/b><\/p>
Now, these are some of the mistakes that, I think, Hitler has committed, and from which, again, I think<\/b>, we can learn. I requisite minimal mastery of modern history.<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1547224486861","data":"5c38e80f623df"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1547224486860","data":"
1. Bother about things which 'really' bother you <\/b><\/p>
\nGermany's incursion into Poland was apparently the reason for ww2. The reason for incursion is damn blunt. Well, Hitler didn't like a tiny chunk of Poland intruding into their mainland. He was warned by the Allies not to. But he's Hitler, ain't he?<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1547224486862","data":"
2. Let us see the big picture..<\/b><\/p>
I personally like Winston Churchill's attitude and war tactics. After the amazing dunkirk episode, churchill didn't chill. He instead played mind games with his German counterpart by launching a surprise yet tiny aerial attack in the heart of Berlin. There was no substantial loss. But Hitler was left scalding and he did the same but in a more brutal way to London. That was commonplace for Churchill. He was prepared for the petulant attack and made sure that London was alive and kicking. But Hitler continued it till he got pacified. In the interim, British strengthened their RAF and retaliated Luftwaffe successfully which saw British claiming air superiority over the channel.<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1547224486863","data":"
3. Never underestimate your enemy<\/b><\/p>
After a slight aid in defense from Italy from the south, Hitler was now ready for another invasion. This time he really aims big. The soviet union. Although Churchill and Roosevelt warned Stalin, he took them with a grain of salt. Now, Hitler's after him. With over 3 million troops, <\/b>Hitler launched the largest ground invasion in history(operation barbarossa). He was marching ahead ferociously. It looked like he would invade all of the Soviet Union in a fortnight. But, then it started getting stupid cold. The war conditions were not familiar to the Germans who halted for a while. In the meantime, Stalin woke up and launched an attack on the knackered Germans with his specially trained Siberian troops who were pro at fighting in ice cold landscapes. And there you go, Germany was now no match to them and Hitler had to postpone his invasion.<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1547224486864","data":"
4. Focus on what you want to achieve<\/b><\/p>
Now, here the term greed<\/b> comes into the picture. After the winter, Germany was ready to re-invade the Soviet Union. But Hitler just discovered some oil in the middle east. So, when he resumes his incursion, Hitler now moves his 4th panzer army southwards quite early, which leaves 6th army to fight alone the mighty foes. This resulted in the harshest battle in history, 'Battle of Stalingrad'. <\/b>Now, earlier, before the winter, when Germany launched a surprise attack on the Soviets, Stalin moved all the factories east. These were silently producing some great warfare during the long battle of Stalingrad. And with that warfare, and the Germany's own encircling war tactics, they were finally outclassed and the battle was ended. This is the most important part of the whole world war. It resulted in a deceased German morale. <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1547224486865","data":"
5. Friend's enemy is not necessarily 'your' enemy <\/b><\/p>
In the alternate universe of the world war, there was Japan, an Axis power in the east. It was ravenous for natural resources. So they started hunting them down. Japan developed a sphere of influence pretty easily, in the parts of China and south east Asia. Now, they eyed Oceania which was heavily colonised by The Allies. Also, they lack naval superiority over USA. So they had a plan. They thought of destroying the US's navy before their conquest. Hence, the famous Pearl Harbour<\/b> incident. Roosevelt had no option but to declare war against Japan. And then, UK it's ally also declared war on Japan, which was legit. But Hitler got crazy. He declared war on the USA. The pesky USA. Eventhough, he didn't have to.<\/p>"}]
A LESSON OF HOPE <\/i><\/u><\/b><\/p>
1.<\/b> The dawn of the day has broken. <\/p>
The news of the birds has spoken. <\/p>
Dew drops rest on the greens of the earth, <\/p>
Waiting for the sun to absorb its birth. <\/p>
Now the living beings have left their incomplete dreams, <\/p>
To meet the sun, waiting to be seen. <\/p>
The bright orange light falls on the earth, <\/p>
Like a weak cotton blanket in winter, which is of no worth. <\/p>
2.<\/b> The sun has now turned stronger than before, <\/p>
Producing its beam brighter than how much it store. <\/p>
Now the humans have come to know its worth. <\/p>
The sun has filled us with a warm mirth. <\/p>
But as the sun moves over our head. <\/p>
We start to curse, if it was dead. <\/p>
The heat has increased with a blink of an eye. <\/p>
And we start entering our homes with a great sigh. <\/p>
\n3.<\/b> Lying on the couch our thoughts gets us to a realization, <\/p>
That its a mistake to curse the sun for its creation. <\/p>
With these thoughts we go of to sleep, <\/p>
Hoping to have a beautiful sunny dream. <\/p>
Then again we wake up only to look outside, <\/p>
That the sun is waiting for us to say goodbye. <\/p>
Again a bright orange light was shown. <\/p>
It\u2019s a pre-evening gift like a shiny golden throne. <\/p>
\n4.<\/b> The evening has took the position now. <\/p>
The cold breeze has vowed, <\/p>
That he would torture us with cold, <\/p>
Until the dawn comes and gives her warmth as it\u2019s told. <\/p>
But the moon, during the night asks the cold wind, <\/p>
To stop torturing us as it has sinned. <\/p>
He says to the cold wind that he would absorb half of the cold, <\/p>
As He\u2019s away from the earth and a bit bold. <\/p>
\n5.<\/b> As a result the cold is now tolerable. <\/p>
The climate now, is a little stable. <\/p>
The sleepy living beings take their steps towards their beds, <\/p>
Bidding goodbye to their worldly trends. <\/p>
Everyone are now asleep, <\/p>
Hoping they would jump out before the sun rises from the deep. <\/p>
Well hope is what makes you keep going, <\/p>
But only hope can\u2019t make you always coping. <\/p>
\n6.<\/b> Even the sun hopes to be always in a particular place, <\/p>
Where the warmth we feel is of optimum pace. <\/p>
But still it has to change its position, <\/p>
So that the day be at a stable station. <\/p>
Hence hoping isn\u2019t always needed during our trouble. <\/p>
Sometimes we should let go of our hoping bubble. <\/p>
Let them burst and release all the worries it kept within. <\/p>
Don\u2019t you think our machine of hope needs a resting Inn? <\/p>
7.<\/b> Allowing yourself to lose hope at a particular stage is a good thing, <\/p>
But remaining stagnant in that stage is not a zing. <\/p>
All that makes you struggle in life, is not a negative spot, <\/p>
But it makes a path that leads to a positive thought. <\/p>
Just feel the pain but always go with the flow. <\/p>
You won\u2019t know what may come and go. <\/p>
Always keep your thoughts hopeful, <\/p>
But if it exceeds it can be sorrowful. <\/p>
\nI guess the poem has exceeded too much, <\/p>
\u2018Adios Amigos!\u2019 I\u2019ll keep in touch.\n\n<\/p>"}]
According to Economic times, in India, more than 1,50,000 people are killed in traffic accidents every year. On an average 400+ people lose their lives daily in accidents.<\/p>
Taking these accidents into consideration, many automobile manufactures started working on improving the safety measures in their upcoming models.<\/p>
One of them is TATA motors. It has launched an SUV model called Tata NEXON in 2017. The thing that is to appreciated is, it has received the highest 5-star adult safety rating by Global NCAP(New Car Assessment Program), an internationally renowned safety accreditation body and received 3-star rating in child safety.<\/p>
NCAP also declares that NEXON is the first and only car in India to receive this rating.<\/b><\/p>
We need to be proud as it has been shaped and crafted by INDIAN automobile manufacturers . This is just a beginning, we still have to reach higher levels in car safety. It's not only the manufacturers but also we as the responsible citizens of Indian should take basic level safety measures like wearing seat belt, following the traffic rules etc.<\/p>"},{"type":"youtube","id":"vid-url-1547392375019","data":"z5njR2JH7uo"}]
\u201cJust Waiting for my prince.\u201d This is something most of the girls would say. It is hard to understand the theory behind this statement. A year ago if somebody would had asked me, I would have said the same thing which others told till date. For me it was just a way to comfort my self. I always told my self that some day I am gonna find someone. And there it was \u201cMy constant need of being with someone\u201d.\n\nYou know what they say \" you got to be really; really lucky for finding your prince charming\". But it is merely impossible to predict the future. There is always a possibility of never finding THE PRINCE. <\/p>
I couldn\u2019t help but question myself \u2013 What about those other unlucky group of people? Are they going to live their lives in disappointment and end up being alone? And why are they even called unlucky? If you really look into the perfect little lives of so-called \"The lucky people\", maybe then you\u2019ll understand who is truly lucky here. So these people who are being considered lucky for finding love, have lives filled with rules. Rules such as:<\/p>
1. Talk to the person you love every freaking day.<\/i><\/p>
2. Meet the person more often <\/i><\/p>
3. Share every single thing with them whether they understand or not <\/i><\/p>
4. Be dependent<\/i><\/p>
5. Forget about your friends and your self.<\/i><\/p>
6. Make your lives completely about them and many more <\/i>which many of the couples do follow.<\/p>
Once you get into it you become one of those people who ditch their friends for the person they love, one of those most typical couples you once hated. <\/p>
Maybe few things sound kinda nice but if it\u2019s going to cost myself, my friends and everything that I dreamt of and want to achieve, I rather prefer being alone and independent. And why do you even have to be dependent on somebody? Why do you even need somebody to tell you 'I love you'? Why do you need somebody to get you flowers? <\/p>
Maybe you could just get them all by yourself. You don\u2019t need somebody to hold your hand nor to save you. You don't need to be a princess waiting to be saved. You might be happy being with somebody but you are the most happiest when you are with yourself. <\/p>
In the end it\u2019s always you who is going to be there for you.\n\nWe can not completely get over this \u201csome day I\u2019ll find the one\u201d feeling, least we could do is to stop looking for \u201cThe one\u201d and be \u201cThe one \u201d for our-self. But If you decide to go down this road and look for \u201cthe Charming\", then don\u2019t get upset when you don\u2019t find him. And in case you find him then don\u2019t make your lives completely about him. It not completely bad to be optimistic but be prepared to accept either ways.<\/p>"}]
You're a Human. Yes, I'm a Human too <\/p>
You bleed Red, I don't differ, I'm just like you<\/p>
When you breath air all the same, and so do I<\/p>
Why do we count so different held under the same sky? \n<\/p>
That's Right, it's a jigsaw puzzle, our source of run!<\/p>
Where we are divided as pieces, rather than being arranged as one. <\/p>
They put a nerve, put a word and make you feel <\/p>
That you and I are two poles and not just some simple beings <\/p>
So please try and understand<\/p>
Let's just hold each other's hand <\/p>
Let's just face united every season turn <\/p>
We've been played on my friend <\/p>
We are being chopped off, just like that tree <\/p>
Trust me when I say I'm your friend <\/p>
Because no Statue could ever get us UNITY!<\/b><\/p>"}]
\u201cThe things you own end up owning you. It's only after you lose everything that you're free to do anything.\u201d\u2015 Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club <\/p>
Materialism,that is what our previous generation have followed and living with. They preferred things over people and experiences. Get a job,car,house and live a life around it. \"naya ghar naya car\". They preferred owning things. Many of them built a routine around the materialistic life and started calling it a life.<\/p>
New generation have started showing their mark. People started moving from place to place hunting for new experiences rather than owning things at a place. Materialistic things have now taken a backseat. Experiential economy have started thriving all around the world. People prefer spending money on doing things rather than merely owing them. Experience is their high and feeling their new luxury. This generation doesn't want to accumulate things like their older generation.Things doesn't come with you, but experiences and feelings do come. Follow your intuition and live around experiences.<\/p>
Author's note:<\/i><\/b><\/p>
Experiential economy:As economy in which many goods or services are sold by emphasising the effect they can have on people's lives.<\/i><\/b><\/p>
Live a Life!!<\/i><\/b><\/p>
<\/i><\/b>\u201cIf everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there'd be peace.\u201d\u2015 John Lennon <\/u><\/p>
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