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As much as we tend to avoid them, your professors in college are there after years of experience in teaching students, and rest assured, when they tell you they've seen every kind of student, they are usually serious about that. <\/p>
We all love the memes about exams, but a large majority of us still take it for granted, often opting to preparing the night before the exam and hoping for the best, because that one friend of yours who never studies but still gets good marks by studying the night before the exam. The fundamental flaw with that method of studying is thoroughly debunked by the professors stuMagz spoke to. Here's what they had to say. <\/p>
1. Prepare a schedule ahead of time<\/b><\/p>
Since most of the professors we spoke to were from engineering colleges, this advice was universal. When you're studying a course which requires student's practical application instead of just theoretical, it becomes prudent to prepare a schedule way ahead of time and stick to it without fail. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490693397293","data":"58da2d9c4c8a4"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490693472817","data":"
2. Make it a point to study regularly <\/b><\/p>
I'm sure we've all heard this advice from our parents, almost every day in some people's cases, and often by professors as well. Guess it, it really works. Studying regularly ensures you don't panic study at the end of the semester and right before the exams. A professor likened it to body building, or learning a new skill. No amount of hard work on the night before will get your body into shape, it is literally impossible. Similarly, you cannot learn to play a guitar in one night, so, he questions, why would students think they'll get adept at the subject in one night. <\/p>
It doesn't even have to be every night, the many professors echoed the same advice, even thrice a week, or twice a week would do, as long as you study properly. Of course, if you're a daily studying types person, then it's the best thing you could do for yourself as a student. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490693769755","data":"58da2ef93da53"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490693821474","data":"
3. Don't be afraid to ask your professors for help <\/b><\/p>
Your professors are more than willing to help you out in studying before the exam, only if you let them help you. It goes without saying that someone who doesn't want to be helped, will not be helped, and neither will help come seeking you when you need it. Call up your professors, or speak to them in the college, sit with them, discuss the subject, crunch numbers with them. They are there to help, and help they will. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490694354377","data":"58da3144ce81f"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490694413444","data":"
4. Listen to the class <\/b><\/p>
A professor from my alma mater lamented the fact that students tend to not listen to lectures and end up being completely clueless as the end of the semester approaches. Great professors tend to teach the class in a way you remember, which helps you immensely in understanding concepts much faster when you're studying. As a personal note, I'd like to add that this method works for me as well, I liked a class back in my college days so much I listened to every class carefully, which led me to prepare for the exam with ease. To date it remains one of the best exams I've written. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490694734933","data":"58da32af2695b"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490694771891","data":"
5. Stay till the bitter end <\/b><\/p>
Another point all the professors unanimously agreed to, stay till the end of the exam, no matter what. Fight till the last minute, write as much as you can. If you leave early, you're denying yourself the chance of writing more that could make all the difference in your marks. By making your stand and writing till the end, you give yourself more room for inspiration to strike and continue writing. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490694988593","data":"58da3393ad7b4"}]
Alcy Caluamba, or ALCY, as he's known, is a skilled choreographer, actor and all around amazing person. His journey has taken him a long way, from Mozambique in Africa, to the United States on an exchange program and now to India, studying Computer Science Engineering and in his final year. Alcy was also a runner up for Telangana Got Talent held a few months ago, and he impressed all with his dance moves. <\/p>
In a conversation with stuMagz recently, Alcy speaks at length about his experiences. \"I was in the United States when I was asked to make a dance video, and I did, with little to no experience. It was uploaded to YouTube and people loved it. It was then I realised that I could continue doing this\" he says. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490651924581","data":"58d98b67b5af1"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490651948583","data":"
Alcy started his performances in 2011, and has never looked back since then, however, when the conversation shifts to passion and hopes and dreams, Alcy says with passion and conviction, \"I want to act! I want to become an actor, dancing was something that came to me naturally, just like acting, but I know for a fact that acting is my passion. In fact, within the next 5 years, I hope to be an actor, don't have to be a big star, just a small actor, but I want to act.\"<\/p>
Talking about his journey to India, he laughs and says, \"It was nothing short of a miracle, to be honest. We have this exam back home in Mozambique, where you get to choose your course abroad if you score well. I wanted to take up filmmaking, but let's just say that I didn't really score well,\" he continues, \"My mother was then asked if I would be interested in CSE, and she just said yes, came to me and told me to pack my bags because I was going to India.\" <\/p>
Unsurprisingly, Indian food brings even the best food lovers to their knees, with the spice and the taste, Alcy was no different, \"It was hard to adapt at first, we don't really eat spicy food where I'm from. But it got better over time\" he smiles. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490652427317","data":"58d98d5d50a3b"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490652452584","data":"
We ask Alcy what his advice to students would be, and he responded without missing a beat, \"Whatever you are, you must follow your passions. Because, to be honest, if you are forced to do what people want you to do, you're never going to be happy doing it. So whatever you are, and wherever you are, follow your passions, and the rest will come,\" he concludes. <\/p>"}]
GATE is the common entrance exam that tests a student's potential in undergraduate(engineering) subjects and sciences. It is considered as one of the toughest exams to crack. GATE is conducted jointly by the Indian Institute of Science and seven Indian Institutes of Technology (Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras and Roorkee) on behalf of the National Coordination Board \u2013 GATE, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD), Government of India.<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490619911826","data":"
This time GATE was conducted by IIT Roorkee and the result was declared on 26 March 2017. Around 8 lakh students appeared for the exam this year in various centres across India. GATE being on of the difficult exams, only a few manage to secure the required marks that help them seek admission to post graduation courses like M.Tech or M.Sc in top colleges in the country. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490620294190","data":"
GATE All India Rank 2017 in all branches like CS, ME, ECE, CE, EE is given below. All these students with innate abilities and sheer determination have made it to the top scoring a good percentage of marks in the exam. StuMagz congratulates all the rank holders and we wish them good luck in all their future endeavours. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490620724311","data":"
GATE 2017 Paper Code <\/b> All India Rank <\/b> Name of The Student<\/b> <\/p>
ME 1 Sudheer Kumar <\/p>
ME 8 Divyanshu Jha <\/p>
ME 16 Ashish Agarwal <\/p>
PE 2 Sonu Gandhi <\/p>
BT 5 Tanmana Mitra <\/p>
BT 16 Nabotia Sinha <\/p>
MT 1 Nitesh Rai <\/p>
CS 16 Komal Rathod <\/p>
CS 21 Monish Keswani <\/p>
CS 91 KV Abhishekh <\/p>
CH 2 Yatendra Kumar<\/p>
CH 15 Vaibhav Singh <\/p>
CH 27 Imran Khan <\/p>
CH 45 Faizal Aziz<\/p>"}]
Every college has people who live for music, but there are students who go a step beyond and pick up a skill in the field, whether it is singing, playing an instrument, and even mastering sound mastering and mixing. However, very few colleges have a place for it's students to practice their music, even fewer have music clubs that actively encourage participation from students, both seniors and juniors. One such club is, the directly named MGIT Music Club. Founded in 2013, the club has been a hub for the students of the college to perform, practice and meet like minded people from their own college, and it has a band of it's own, called Symphony Squad.<\/p>
We catch up with the current President of the club, Farhan Qureshi, discussing about the club and the band, and the young student himself. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490648336553","data":"58d97d5af04e2"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490648355119","data":"
\"We have 47 people in the club as of now,\" says Farhan, \"out of them, 16 are part of the band Symphony Squad. We actually formed the band this year, 4 years after the inception of the music club in 2013.\"<\/p>
Farhan, a 4th year EEE student at MGIT, goes on to talk about the selection process involved in picking new members for the club, \"Earlier, we had a simple audition process, we'd conduct auditions and that would be the end of it. However, we changed it recently, now we have an audition event called 'Fresco', where we invited fresh new students and encourage them to participate. We are looking for various talents, rappers, beatboxers, vocalists, and once the audition process starts, the existing members of the band, along with the faculty in charge, shortlist candidates and et voila! They're part of the band\" <\/p>
\"The way it is conducted, we encourage a lot of people, who have the talent but say they are shy to be on stage, or with people in general. In fact just today, there was a girl who was quite shy but with a bit of encouragement she finally sang, and sing she did, wonderfully\" he says. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490648808481","data":"58d97f32cbc6e"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490648835080","data":"
\"I joined the year after the club was formed, in 2014, and became the head in 2016,\" Farhan says, \"as mentioned earlier, Symphony Squad, our band, was started this year, and now we're focusing our efforts into forming an acappella group. Still working on the name.\" <\/p>
The band and by extension, the music club has been invited to various events, from fests in JNTU to Rigolade 2017 at SNIST. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490714836186","data":"58da812456fe0"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490649259214","data":"
We shift the conversation towards Farhan, and ask him on if he plans on continuing singing post graduation, to which he says, \"I have plans for higher studies for now, but I don't think I'll be ever away from my musical side. A person cannot obvious devote his entire life to only one thing, so I'll continuing singing. I don't see myself as a guy who works a regular 9-5 job, I'm someone who likes a lot of things and does a lot of things, and I hope that never changes.\"<\/p>
With the young students of today making a mark for themselves in various ways, not just in studies, the example is set for the students of the next generation, who will look up to the people who didn't just go to college for the classes, but to connect and collaborate with like minded people. That, after all, is the best education you can get from a college, the people. <\/p>
Do you have talented students in your college? Let us know, or better yet, write about them yourself! Signing up with us is easy, and in the words of Farhan Qureshi, \"I believe talent is to be searched, then put to use. From a hobby to a practice.\"<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490714879107","data":"58da8159ccd96"}]
1. The Design of Everyday Things<\/b><\/p>
This is a classic engineering book and has been through several editions. Written by Donald Norman, this book isn\u2019t just about the design process but also about people and the way they use things. 'The Design of Everyday Things' can change the way we think about the products we use, and about the part, we play in creating new products. You can buy the book here<\/a><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490614549023","data":"58d8f961a8cee"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490608042932","data":"2. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance<\/b><\/p>Written by Robert Pirsig, this book is probably one of the most influential engineering books of the 20th century. It was first published over forty years ago and it\u2019s still relevant today for any mechanical engineer. Maintenance is a powerfully moving & penetrating examination of how we live, a breathtaking meditation on how to live better. This is the book that transformed a generation, an unforgettable narration of a summer motorcycle trip across America's Northwest, undertaken by a father & his young son. You can buy the book here<\/a>. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490614536535","data":"58d8f9513b66b"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490608954219","data":"3. Engineering Fundamentals \u2013 An Introduction To Engineering <\/b><\/p>\nSpecifically designed for people who are interested in studying engineering, this is an excellent introduction written by Saeed Moaveni. It explains the fundamental principles of engineering. This book will help readers develop the strong problem-solving skills and solid foundation in fundamental principles they will need to become analytical, detail-oriented, and creative engineers. The book opens with an overview of what engineers do, an inside glimpse of the various areas of specialization, and a straightforward look at what it takes to succeed. You can buy the book here<\/a>. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490614507746","data":"58d8f9366e59f"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490610345977","data":"4. To Engineer Is Human: The Role of Failure in Successful Design<\/b><\/p> <\/b>To Engineer Is Human is a work that looks at our deepest notions of progress and perfection, tracing the fine connection between science and realities of everyday life. Emphasizing on the importance of the study of design failures, this book is a great read for all engineers. You can buy the book here<\/a>. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490614495929","data":"58d8f927ee6bf"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490611197932","data":"5. Engineering and the Mind\u2019s Eye<\/b><\/p>This book by Eugene Ferguson is an insight into engineering in relation to intuition and nonverbal thinking. He argues that a system of engineering education that ignores nonverbal thinking will produce engineers who are dangerously ignorant of the many ways in which the real world differs from the mathematical models constructed in academic minds. It is one of the finest literary works that is worth a read. You can buy the book here<\/a>. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490614484427","data":"58d8f91cf284d"}]
2. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance<\/b><\/p>
Written by Robert Pirsig, this book is probably one of the most influential engineering books of the 20th century. It was first published over forty years ago and it\u2019s still relevant today for any mechanical engineer. Maintenance is a powerfully moving & penetrating examination of how we live, a breathtaking meditation on how to live better. This is the book that transformed a generation, an unforgettable narration of a summer motorcycle trip across America's Northwest, undertaken by a father & his young son. You can buy the book here<\/a>. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490614536535","data":"58d8f9513b66b"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490608954219","data":"3. Engineering Fundamentals \u2013 An Introduction To Engineering <\/b><\/p>\nSpecifically designed for people who are interested in studying engineering, this is an excellent introduction written by Saeed Moaveni. It explains the fundamental principles of engineering. This book will help readers develop the strong problem-solving skills and solid foundation in fundamental principles they will need to become analytical, detail-oriented, and creative engineers. The book opens with an overview of what engineers do, an inside glimpse of the various areas of specialization, and a straightforward look at what it takes to succeed. You can buy the book here<\/a>. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490614507746","data":"58d8f9366e59f"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490610345977","data":"4. To Engineer Is Human: The Role of Failure in Successful Design<\/b><\/p> <\/b>To Engineer Is Human is a work that looks at our deepest notions of progress and perfection, tracing the fine connection between science and realities of everyday life. Emphasizing on the importance of the study of design failures, this book is a great read for all engineers. You can buy the book here<\/a>. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490614495929","data":"58d8f927ee6bf"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490611197932","data":"5. Engineering and the Mind\u2019s Eye<\/b><\/p>This book by Eugene Ferguson is an insight into engineering in relation to intuition and nonverbal thinking. He argues that a system of engineering education that ignores nonverbal thinking will produce engineers who are dangerously ignorant of the many ways in which the real world differs from the mathematical models constructed in academic minds. It is one of the finest literary works that is worth a read. You can buy the book here<\/a>. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490614484427","data":"58d8f91cf284d"}]
3. Engineering Fundamentals \u2013 An Introduction To Engineering <\/b><\/p>
\nSpecifically designed for people who are interested in studying engineering, this is an excellent introduction written by Saeed Moaveni. It explains the fundamental principles of engineering. This book will help readers develop the strong problem-solving skills and solid foundation in fundamental principles they will need to become analytical, detail-oriented, and creative engineers. The book opens with an overview of what engineers do, an inside glimpse of the various areas of specialization, and a straightforward look at what it takes to succeed. You can buy the book here<\/a>. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490614507746","data":"58d8f9366e59f"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490610345977","data":"4. To Engineer Is Human: The Role of Failure in Successful Design<\/b><\/p> <\/b>To Engineer Is Human is a work that looks at our deepest notions of progress and perfection, tracing the fine connection between science and realities of everyday life. Emphasizing on the importance of the study of design failures, this book is a great read for all engineers. You can buy the book here<\/a>. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490614495929","data":"58d8f927ee6bf"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490611197932","data":"5. Engineering and the Mind\u2019s Eye<\/b><\/p>This book by Eugene Ferguson is an insight into engineering in relation to intuition and nonverbal thinking. He argues that a system of engineering education that ignores nonverbal thinking will produce engineers who are dangerously ignorant of the many ways in which the real world differs from the mathematical models constructed in academic minds. It is one of the finest literary works that is worth a read. You can buy the book here<\/a>. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490614484427","data":"58d8f91cf284d"}]
4. To Engineer Is Human: The Role of Failure in Successful Design<\/b><\/p>
<\/b>To Engineer Is Human is a work that looks at our deepest notions of progress and perfection, tracing the fine connection between science and realities of everyday life. Emphasizing on the importance of the study of design failures, this book is a great read for all engineers. You can buy the book here<\/a>. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490614495929","data":"58d8f927ee6bf"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490611197932","data":"5. Engineering and the Mind\u2019s Eye<\/b><\/p>This book by Eugene Ferguson is an insight into engineering in relation to intuition and nonverbal thinking. He argues that a system of engineering education that ignores nonverbal thinking will produce engineers who are dangerously ignorant of the many ways in which the real world differs from the mathematical models constructed in academic minds. It is one of the finest literary works that is worth a read. You can buy the book here<\/a>. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490614484427","data":"58d8f91cf284d"}]
5. Engineering and the Mind\u2019s Eye<\/b><\/p>
This book by Eugene Ferguson is an insight into engineering in relation to intuition and nonverbal thinking. He argues that a system of engineering education that ignores nonverbal thinking will produce engineers who are dangerously ignorant of the many ways in which the real world differs from the mathematical models constructed in academic minds. It is one of the finest literary works that is worth a read. You can buy the book here<\/a>. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490614484427","data":"58d8f91cf284d"}]
1. Shiv Sena engage in the logical fallacy of whataboutery, ask why there has been no action against Kapil Sharma but Ravindra Gaikwad is being hounded for beating a senior AI staff member with his slipper. <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490614597320","data":"58d8f9fa38ee5"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490614718467","data":"
2. Supreme Court earlier today said that the government cannot make Aadhar mandatory of welfare schemes, amid fears of Aadhar becoming more invasive as the days go by. <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490614875056","data":"58d8faabc16b2"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490614896257","data":"
3. Man claiming to be former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa's son arrested in Chennai earlier today, the High Court orders action against him for forging documents and lying to the court. <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490615019854","data":"58d8fb2de7c8e"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490615025486","data":"
4. The Supreme Court asked the Army today to consider replacements for the pellet guns used to suppress riots in Kashmir. Pellet guns have come under fire for being extremely brutal on unsuspecting victims. <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490615090212","data":"58d8fb84bfbe5"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490615112662","data":"
5. Universities in the United States see a sharp decline in applications from Indian students following recent events and President Donald Trump's anti immigration rhetoric. <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490615286675","data":"58d8fc3a39b8d"}]
The fest season of this year has already knocked the doors of colleges in the city. Every student look on to this period of the year, as it completely belongs to them with the spurt of college fest around this time. Some are a part of the organising committee, few gear up to perform and others are the one who watch. <\/p>
The youth of Hyderabad recently witnessed one of the best annual fest, Carpediem VIII which stands to be the god of all campus fests. It left each student's memory filled with boasting acts of Nucleya<\/a>, Bollywood's Prince of Romance, Aarman Malik<\/a>, stand up artist, Sapan Verma and Tolywood singer, Hema Chandra.<\/p>Here is the list of upcoming college fests to attend and cherish in. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490607972242","data":"1. Tarang 2K17<\/b>: Vignan Group Of Institution presents TARANG 2K17, the college fest on April 7 and 8, with the centre of attraction being DJ Chetas, Tollywood Actor Vijay Devarakonda and many other to entertain all their lovely public.<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490610961475","data":"58d8eb85994e2"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490608284116","data":"2. Shiznay 2K17: <\/b>SHIZNAY which initially started with \"Parikrama\", the first indigenious Indian rock band, later on saw \"Euphoria\" with Kailash Kher's Allah Ke Bandhe<\/i>,\nJaved Ali's Tu He Haqeeqat<\/i>, and Hard Kaur's famous char bay gaye.\nShIzNaY has gone international...with live performance of \"Akcent!!\" <\/p>This year it's going to more bigger with Ankit Tiwari's performance.<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490611643330","data":"58d8ee0934ec3"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490608682288","data":"3. Zealotz:<\/b> 'Zealotz' is the annual cultural fest of 'BVRIT'. It is the most famous fest in Hyderabad in terms of crowd presence. It is also the only fest that goes on until early morning. The main attractions of Zealotz are a professional singer and DJ night. Other attractions include stunt mania, rampwalk and other dance performances by students.<\/p>Proceedings for this year's edition of Zealotz on April 1, 2017 begins with a 'Stunt Mania' followed by dance performances students of Bvrit.\nLater on, the crowd will be in for a treat with a performance by YouTube's youngest singing sensation, Shirley Setia<\/b>.\nThermal Projekt<\/b>, a nationally acclaimed DJ, will entertain the crowd through the night that lasts upto early in the morning! <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490612075958","data":"58d8efba0c4c9"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490609124033","data":"4. Electrika 2K17:<\/b> Electrika is Organised by team VIDYUTH of Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology which is a student entrepreneurship group whose basic concentration is to bring out the innovative projects and lead the student towards goals.<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490612975753","data":"58d8f36d57ab3"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490609846576","data":"5. Technovanza 2017<\/a>: Technovanza is the annual technology festival organized by IEEE Student Branch of MVSR Engineering College. Technovanza on March 31 and April 1 will be hosting a variety of events that include competitions, exhibitions, lectures covering the departments of engineering including ECE, CSE, IT, EEE, MECH and others. Started with an aim of providing a platform for the student community to develop and showcase their technical prowess, Technovanza 2k17 is expected to be the massive technological festival with a footfall of atleast 3000 students.\n<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490613063119","data":"58d8f392cbb38"}]
Here is the list of upcoming college fests to attend and cherish in. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490607972242","data":"
1. Tarang 2K17<\/b>: Vignan Group Of Institution presents TARANG 2K17, the college fest on April 7 and 8, with the centre of attraction being DJ Chetas, Tollywood Actor Vijay Devarakonda and many other to entertain all their lovely public.<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490610961475","data":"58d8eb85994e2"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490608284116","data":"
2. Shiznay 2K17: <\/b>SHIZNAY which initially started with \"Parikrama\", the first indigenious Indian rock band, later on saw \"Euphoria\" with Kailash Kher's Allah Ke Bandhe<\/i>,\nJaved Ali's Tu He Haqeeqat<\/i>, and Hard Kaur's famous char bay gaye.\nShIzNaY has gone international...with live performance of \"Akcent!!\" <\/p>
This year it's going to more bigger with Ankit Tiwari's performance.<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490611643330","data":"58d8ee0934ec3"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490608682288","data":"
3. Zealotz:<\/b> 'Zealotz' is the annual cultural fest of 'BVRIT'. It is the most famous fest in Hyderabad in terms of crowd presence. It is also the only fest that goes on until early morning. The main attractions of Zealotz are a professional singer and DJ night. Other attractions include stunt mania, rampwalk and other dance performances by students.<\/p>
Proceedings for this year's edition of Zealotz on April 1, 2017 begins with a 'Stunt Mania' followed by dance performances students of Bvrit.\nLater on, the crowd will be in for a treat with a performance by YouTube's youngest singing sensation, Shirley Setia<\/b>.\nThermal Projekt<\/b>, a nationally acclaimed DJ, will entertain the crowd through the night that lasts upto early in the morning! <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490612075958","data":"58d8efba0c4c9"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490609124033","data":"
4. Electrika 2K17:<\/b> Electrika is Organised by team VIDYUTH of Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology which is a student entrepreneurship group whose basic concentration is to bring out the innovative projects and lead the student towards goals.<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490612975753","data":"58d8f36d57ab3"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490609846576","data":"
5. Technovanza 2017<\/a>: Technovanza is the annual technology festival organized by IEEE Student Branch of MVSR Engineering College. Technovanza on March 31 and April 1 will be hosting a variety of events that include competitions, exhibitions, lectures covering the departments of engineering including ECE, CSE, IT, EEE, MECH and others. Started with an aim of providing a platform for the student community to develop and showcase their technical prowess, Technovanza 2k17 is expected to be the massive technological festival with a footfall of atleast 3000 students.\n<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490613063119","data":"58d8f392cbb38"}]
1. Content Writing Internship At Leonia Holistic Destination<\/a><\/p>Create concepts to support the new projects, write about new themes, features, ideas and info cards, create database lists by browsing the internet, operational flow and working models. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490600715855","data":"2. Data Science Internship At FeltSo<\/a><\/p> Solve the most challenging tasks in Natural Language Processing, improving phrase detection in the sentences, sarcastic detection, emotion detection and compliant detection. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490600822948","data":"3. Six Months Internship In Software Development<\/a><\/p>The selected intern should work on Test strategy, Test cases, Manual Testing, Creating and running Test automation, Quality reporting and release readiness. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490601200444","data":"4. Six Months Paid Internship In Marketing<\/a><\/p>Building academic alliances with colleges and institutes, managing sales and marketing operations, developing business through local educational institutes, colleges, schools, coaching classes, educational trusts etc, ensuring local level direct marketing activities implementation, participate and carry out seminars, workshops, and other BTL activities, creative networking to build a network of college placement heads and faculty members. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490601285598","data":"5. Business Development Internship<\/a><\/p>Promote brand, conduct events, educate colleges on our training activities provided and build a network of agents for promotion<\/p>"}]
Create concepts to support the new projects, write about new themes, features, ideas and info cards, create database lists by browsing the internet, operational flow and working models. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490600715855","data":"
2. Data Science Internship At FeltSo<\/a><\/p> Solve the most challenging tasks in Natural Language Processing, improving phrase detection in the sentences, sarcastic detection, emotion detection and compliant detection. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490600822948","data":"3. Six Months Internship In Software Development<\/a><\/p>The selected intern should work on Test strategy, Test cases, Manual Testing, Creating and running Test automation, Quality reporting and release readiness. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490601200444","data":"4. Six Months Paid Internship In Marketing<\/a><\/p>Building academic alliances with colleges and institutes, managing sales and marketing operations, developing business through local educational institutes, colleges, schools, coaching classes, educational trusts etc, ensuring local level direct marketing activities implementation, participate and carry out seminars, workshops, and other BTL activities, creative networking to build a network of college placement heads and faculty members. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490601285598","data":"5. Business Development Internship<\/a><\/p>Promote brand, conduct events, educate colleges on our training activities provided and build a network of agents for promotion<\/p>"}]
Solve the most challenging tasks in Natural Language Processing, improving phrase detection in the sentences, sarcastic detection, emotion detection and compliant detection. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490600822948","data":"
3. Six Months Internship In Software Development<\/a><\/p>The selected intern should work on Test strategy, Test cases, Manual Testing, Creating and running Test automation, Quality reporting and release readiness. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490601200444","data":"4. Six Months Paid Internship In Marketing<\/a><\/p>Building academic alliances with colleges and institutes, managing sales and marketing operations, developing business through local educational institutes, colleges, schools, coaching classes, educational trusts etc, ensuring local level direct marketing activities implementation, participate and carry out seminars, workshops, and other BTL activities, creative networking to build a network of college placement heads and faculty members. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490601285598","data":"5. Business Development Internship<\/a><\/p>Promote brand, conduct events, educate colleges on our training activities provided and build a network of agents for promotion<\/p>"}]
The selected intern should work on Test strategy, Test cases, Manual Testing, Creating and running Test automation, Quality reporting and release readiness. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490601200444","data":"
4. Six Months Paid Internship In Marketing<\/a><\/p>Building academic alliances with colleges and institutes, managing sales and marketing operations, developing business through local educational institutes, colleges, schools, coaching classes, educational trusts etc, ensuring local level direct marketing activities implementation, participate and carry out seminars, workshops, and other BTL activities, creative networking to build a network of college placement heads and faculty members. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490601285598","data":"5. Business Development Internship<\/a><\/p>Promote brand, conduct events, educate colleges on our training activities provided and build a network of agents for promotion<\/p>"}]
Building academic alliances with colleges and institutes, managing sales and marketing operations, developing business through local educational institutes, colleges, schools, coaching classes, educational trusts etc, ensuring local level direct marketing activities implementation, participate and carry out seminars, workshops, and other BTL activities, creative networking to build a network of college placement heads and faculty members. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490601285598","data":"
5. Business Development Internship<\/a><\/p>Promote brand, conduct events, educate colleges on our training activities provided and build a network of agents for promotion<\/p>"}]
Promote brand, conduct events, educate colleges on our training activities provided and build a network of agents for promotion<\/p>"}]
If you've been a regular follower of stuMagz, and followed our Telangana Got Talent event, you might remember Silvester Stephen, who was the third runner-up of the talent hunt event. Silvester, since then, has honed his craft and performed a handful of shows. We catch up with him for a chat. <\/p>
\"When I started, there wasn't really anyone who could teach you beatboxing, I mean you have places to go for learning various instruments, but nobody really teaches you beatboxing here,\" he says, \"so I had to learn it myself, using YouTube.\"<\/p>
Silvester is a completely self taught beat boxer, who first came into contact with the art form during a college fest, \"I was a student of PDA College of Engineering. This was in my third year, and beatboxers from Bangalore came down to perform in my college,\" he says, \"I remember being amazed and enthralled, and all I knew after that was that I wanted to learn how to beatbox and do it myself.\"<\/p>
The journey was not easy, \"Oh I suffered, but it was worth the suffering. Your throat goes sore, there are days it hurts a lot, but you have to keep pushing through,\" he continues, \"It took me nearly 6 months to have some amount of mastery over beatboxing.\"<\/p>
Silvester only performed in his college in the beginning, performing for Freshers Day, before expanding his horizons, \"I was called back to my college to perform after graduation, and that was something to remember\" he says, smiling.<\/p>
Silvester went a step beyond traditional beatboxers when he incorporated instruments into his performances, \"I started using the flute and the mouth organ for my beatboxing gigs, it makes it unique and gives people something to remember, by creating a surreal experience.\" He also incorporates the use of an Harmonica for his sets, something which you have to see and experience to believe. <\/p>
He's gone on to perform at TEDxYouth Hyderabad, NMIMS, Hyderabad, for their '60 seconds to fame', and finished first, and also Acoustics, a talent hunt competition in IIM Raipur, where he stood first, \"I performed with Kenny Sebastian in NMIMS and Daniel Fernandes last month at Goa Institute of Management. Kenny was amazing, in a conversation with him, he bought up the importance of stories, because people like listening to a story, and asked if I could incorporate storytelling into my gigs. Now, my sets tend to have a story to them, where I tell a story through beatboxing\" he explains. <\/p>
Silvester also does stand-up comedy. The 25 year old MBA student laughs and says, \"My stand up material is focused on MBA, so when I'm performing at another management college, it really gels with the crowd. However, I am expanding my material now, writing jokes that don't just appeal to the MBA crowd.\"<\/p>
When asked what differences are inherent to beatboxing and stand up, he replies, \"See with beatboxing, you can continue your set because it's music you and the people there are focused on. With stand up, there are some jokes that just won't work with people, and that can be a little bit of a mood killer,\" he smiles, \"However, you learn from the experience, you know what works and what doesn't. The crowd is never the same\" he concludes.<\/p>
From teaching himself beatboxing to stand up comedy over a few short years, Silvester Stephen is certainly an inspiration for students looking to make a break in less than conventional paths in life, and we certainly believe he is a great inspiration to look up to. <\/p>
Did you watch Silvester perform live? Let us know in the comments below! <\/p>"}]
Street Cause was founded by Akhilesh Reddy, a former student of SNIST in the year 2009. <\/p>
It was established to create a platform for youngsters intent on doing their bit towards the betterment of the society with the objective of helping the underprivileged and the destitute , in every way possible.<\/p>
Having successfully completed 10 major projects,6347 tasks with more than 6,000 members, the club now spreads across 28 engineering colleges in the state.<\/p>
The President of the club, Smruthi Rupavath, says \"We always look for those students who have a zeal of serving the poor with their helping hands.\" <\/p>
Every year, a recruitment process takes place and very few people who are genuinely enthusiastic about the cause that instantaneously come up with feasible ideas for upliftment of the poor and welfare of the society, are carefully picked out.<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1490387637403","data":"58d582fc1c388"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1490511184217","data":"She also says, \"As always we find people who feel responsible and have an intention of giving back to the society, we do give training and instruct them for the role they'll be playing in shaping the organization and make them reliable and responsible to carry out their duties as assigned and directed.\"On being asked what she hopes for the club in the near future, She says \"A hope for the organization is that, though it has already sown its seeds in the society , support from the government and its officials will be highly appreciated and will be an encouragement for every civilian to join this movement and also recognize the good work.\"
You can expect to get around 95 mg of caffeine from an average cup of coffee.However, this amount varies between different coffee drinks, and can range from almost zero to over 500 mg. This is a detailed guide to the caffeine content of different types and brands of coffee.<\/p>
Types of coffee beans:There are many varieties of coffee beans available,which may naturally contain different amounts of caffeine.<\/p>
Roasting:Lighter roasts have more caffeine than darker roasts, although the darker roasts have a deeper flavor.<\/p>
Type of coffee:The caffeine content can vary significantly between regularly brewed coffee, espresso,instant coffee and decaf coffee.<\/p>
Serving size:\"one cup of coffee\" can range anywhere from 30-700 ml(1-24 oz), greatly affecting the total caffeine content.<\/p>
Caffeine content is affected by the type of coffee bean,roast style, how the coffee is prepared and the serving size.<\/span><\/p>CAFFEINE IN CUP OF COFFEE:<\/p>BREWED COFFEE:<\/p>Brewing is the most common way to make coffee in the US and Europe.Also known as regular coffee, brewed coffee is made by pouring hot or boiling water over ground coffee beans, usually contained in a filter. One cup of brewed coffee (8 oz) contains about 70-140 mg of caffeine, or about 95 mg on average.<\/span><\/p>ESPRESSO:<\/p>Espresso is made by forcing a small amount of hot water, or steam, through finely ground coffee beans.\n\nAlthough espresso has more caffeine per volume than regular coffee, it usually contains less per serving, since espresso servings tend to be small.\n\nOne shot of espresso is generally about 30\u201350 ml (1\u20131.75 oz), and contains about 63 mg of caffeine.\n\nA double shot of espresso therefore contains roughly 125 mg of caffeine.<\/span><\/p>ESPRESSO-BASED DRINKS:<\/p>Many popular coffee drinks are made from espresso shots mixed with varying types and amounts of milk.\n\nThese include lattes, cappuccinos, macchiatos and Americanos.\n\nSince the milk does not contain any additional caffeine, these drinks contain the same amount of caffeine as straight espresso.\n\nA single (small) contains about 63 mg of caffeine on average, and double (large) contains about 125 mg.<\/p>INSTANT COFFEE:<\/p>Instant coffee is made from brewed coffee that has been freeze-dried or spray-dried. It is generally in large, dry pieces, which dissolve in water.\n\nTo prepare instant coffee, simply mix one or two teaspoons of dried coffee with hot water. There is no need for any brewing.\n\nInstant coffee usually contains less caffeine than regular coffee, with one cup containing roughly 30\u201390 mg.<\/span><\/p>DECAF COFFEE:<\/p>Although the name may be deceiving, decaf coffee is not entirely caffeine free.\n\nIt may contain varying amounts of caffeine, ranging from 0\u20137 mg per cup, with the average cup containing 3 mg.\n\nHowever, some varieties may contain even higher amounts of caffeine, depending on the type of coffee, method of de-caffeination and cup size. <\/p>MC DONALD'S:<\/p>McDonald\u2019s sells coffee all over the world, often under their McCafe brand.\n\nHowever, despite being one of the biggest fast food chains that sells coffee, they do not standardize or calculate the amount of caffeine in their coffee.\n\nAs an estimate, the caffeine content of their brewed coffee is about:<\/span><\/p> \nSmall (12 oz): 109 mg<\/p> \nMedium (16 oz): 145 mg<\/p> \nLarge (21\u201324 oz): 180 mg<\/p>Their espresso contains 71 mg per serving, and decaf contains 8\u201314 mg, depending on the size of the cup.<\/span><\/p>DUNKIN DONUTS:<\/p>Dunkin Donuts is another chain of coffee and donut shops that is very popular worldwide. The caffeine content of their brewed coffee is as follows:<\/p> Small (10 oz): 215 mg<\/p> Medium (16 oz): 302 mg <\/span><\/p> Large (20 oz): 431 mg <\/p> Extra large (24 oz): 517 mg<\/p>Their single espresso shot contains 75 mg of caffeine, which is also how much you can expect to get from their espresso-based drinks.\n\nDecaf coffee from Dunkin Donuts may also contain quite a bit of caffeine. According to one source, a small cup (10 oz) has 53 mg of caffeine, and a large cup (24 oz) contains 128 mg. <\/p>That\u2019s almost as much caffeine as you find in other varieties of regular coffee.<\/p>"}]
Brewing is the most common way to make coffee in the US and Europe.Also known as regular coffee, brewed coffee is made by pouring hot or boiling water over ground coffee beans, usually contained in a filter. One cup of brewed coffee (8 oz) contains about 70-140 mg of caffeine, or about 95 mg on average.<\/span><\/p>ESPRESSO:<\/p>Espresso is made by forcing a small amount of hot water, or steam, through finely ground coffee beans.\n\nAlthough espresso has more caffeine per volume than regular coffee, it usually contains less per serving, since espresso servings tend to be small.\n\nOne shot of espresso is generally about 30\u201350 ml (1\u20131.75 oz), and contains about 63 mg of caffeine.\n\nA double shot of espresso therefore contains roughly 125 mg of caffeine.<\/span><\/p>ESPRESSO-BASED DRINKS:<\/p>Many popular coffee drinks are made from espresso shots mixed with varying types and amounts of milk.\n\nThese include lattes, cappuccinos, macchiatos and Americanos.\n\nSince the milk does not contain any additional caffeine, these drinks contain the same amount of caffeine as straight espresso.\n\nA single (small) contains about 63 mg of caffeine on average, and double (large) contains about 125 mg.<\/p>INSTANT COFFEE:<\/p>Instant coffee is made from brewed coffee that has been freeze-dried or spray-dried. It is generally in large, dry pieces, which dissolve in water.\n\nTo prepare instant coffee, simply mix one or two teaspoons of dried coffee with hot water. There is no need for any brewing.\n\nInstant coffee usually contains less caffeine than regular coffee, with one cup containing roughly 30\u201390 mg.<\/span><\/p>DECAF COFFEE:<\/p>Although the name may be deceiving, decaf coffee is not entirely caffeine free.\n\nIt may contain varying amounts of caffeine, ranging from 0\u20137 mg per cup, with the average cup containing 3 mg.\n\nHowever, some varieties may contain even higher amounts of caffeine, depending on the type of coffee, method of de-caffeination and cup size. <\/p>MC DONALD'S:<\/p>McDonald\u2019s sells coffee all over the world, often under their McCafe brand.\n\nHowever, despite being one of the biggest fast food chains that sells coffee, they do not standardize or calculate the amount of caffeine in their coffee.\n\nAs an estimate, the caffeine content of their brewed coffee is about:<\/span><\/p> \nSmall (12 oz): 109 mg<\/p> \nMedium (16 oz): 145 mg<\/p> \nLarge (21\u201324 oz): 180 mg<\/p>Their espresso contains 71 mg per serving, and decaf contains 8\u201314 mg, depending on the size of the cup.<\/span><\/p>DUNKIN DONUTS:<\/p>Dunkin Donuts is another chain of coffee and donut shops that is very popular worldwide. The caffeine content of their brewed coffee is as follows:<\/p> Small (10 oz): 215 mg<\/p> Medium (16 oz): 302 mg <\/span><\/p> Large (20 oz): 431 mg <\/p> Extra large (24 oz): 517 mg<\/p>Their single espresso shot contains 75 mg of caffeine, which is also how much you can expect to get from their espresso-based drinks.\n\nDecaf coffee from Dunkin Donuts may also contain quite a bit of caffeine. According to one source, a small cup (10 oz) has 53 mg of caffeine, and a large cup (24 oz) contains 128 mg. <\/p>That\u2019s almost as much caffeine as you find in other varieties of regular coffee.<\/p>"}]
Espresso is made by forcing a small amount of hot water, or steam, through finely ground coffee beans.\n\nAlthough espresso has more caffeine per volume than regular coffee, it usually contains less per serving, since espresso servings tend to be small.\n\nOne shot of espresso is generally about 30\u201350 ml (1\u20131.75 oz), and contains about 63 mg of caffeine.\n\nA double shot of espresso therefore contains roughly 125 mg of caffeine.<\/span><\/p>ESPRESSO-BASED DRINKS:<\/p>Many popular coffee drinks are made from espresso shots mixed with varying types and amounts of milk.\n\nThese include lattes, cappuccinos, macchiatos and Americanos.\n\nSince the milk does not contain any additional caffeine, these drinks contain the same amount of caffeine as straight espresso.\n\nA single (small) contains about 63 mg of caffeine on average, and double (large) contains about 125 mg.<\/p>INSTANT COFFEE:<\/p>Instant coffee is made from brewed coffee that has been freeze-dried or spray-dried. It is generally in large, dry pieces, which dissolve in water.\n\nTo prepare instant coffee, simply mix one or two teaspoons of dried coffee with hot water. There is no need for any brewing.\n\nInstant coffee usually contains less caffeine than regular coffee, with one cup containing roughly 30\u201390 mg.<\/span><\/p>DECAF COFFEE:<\/p>Although the name may be deceiving, decaf coffee is not entirely caffeine free.\n\nIt may contain varying amounts of caffeine, ranging from 0\u20137 mg per cup, with the average cup containing 3 mg.\n\nHowever, some varieties may contain even higher amounts of caffeine, depending on the type of coffee, method of de-caffeination and cup size. <\/p>MC DONALD'S:<\/p>McDonald\u2019s sells coffee all over the world, often under their McCafe brand.\n\nHowever, despite being one of the biggest fast food chains that sells coffee, they do not standardize or calculate the amount of caffeine in their coffee.\n\nAs an estimate, the caffeine content of their brewed coffee is about:<\/span><\/p> \nSmall (12 oz): 109 mg<\/p> \nMedium (16 oz): 145 mg<\/p> \nLarge (21\u201324 oz): 180 mg<\/p>Their espresso contains 71 mg per serving, and decaf contains 8\u201314 mg, depending on the size of the cup.<\/span><\/p>DUNKIN DONUTS:<\/p>Dunkin Donuts is another chain of coffee and donut shops that is very popular worldwide. The caffeine content of their brewed coffee is as follows:<\/p> Small (10 oz): 215 mg<\/p> Medium (16 oz): 302 mg <\/span><\/p> Large (20 oz): 431 mg <\/p> Extra large (24 oz): 517 mg<\/p>Their single espresso shot contains 75 mg of caffeine, which is also how much you can expect to get from their espresso-based drinks.\n\nDecaf coffee from Dunkin Donuts may also contain quite a bit of caffeine. According to one source, a small cup (10 oz) has 53 mg of caffeine, and a large cup (24 oz) contains 128 mg. <\/p>That\u2019s almost as much caffeine as you find in other varieties of regular coffee.<\/p>"}]
Many popular coffee drinks are made from espresso shots mixed with varying types and amounts of milk.\n\nThese include lattes, cappuccinos, macchiatos and Americanos.\n\nSince the milk does not contain any additional caffeine, these drinks contain the same amount of caffeine as straight espresso.\n\nA single (small) contains about 63 mg of caffeine on average, and double (large) contains about 125 mg.<\/p>
Instant coffee is made from brewed coffee that has been freeze-dried or spray-dried. It is generally in large, dry pieces, which dissolve in water.\n\nTo prepare instant coffee, simply mix one or two teaspoons of dried coffee with hot water. There is no need for any brewing.\n\nInstant coffee usually contains less caffeine than regular coffee, with one cup containing roughly 30\u201390 mg.<\/span><\/p>DECAF COFFEE:<\/p>Although the name may be deceiving, decaf coffee is not entirely caffeine free.\n\nIt may contain varying amounts of caffeine, ranging from 0\u20137 mg per cup, with the average cup containing 3 mg.\n\nHowever, some varieties may contain even higher amounts of caffeine, depending on the type of coffee, method of de-caffeination and cup size. <\/p>MC DONALD'S:<\/p>McDonald\u2019s sells coffee all over the world, often under their McCafe brand.\n\nHowever, despite being one of the biggest fast food chains that sells coffee, they do not standardize or calculate the amount of caffeine in their coffee.\n\nAs an estimate, the caffeine content of their brewed coffee is about:<\/span><\/p> \nSmall (12 oz): 109 mg<\/p> \nMedium (16 oz): 145 mg<\/p> \nLarge (21\u201324 oz): 180 mg<\/p>Their espresso contains 71 mg per serving, and decaf contains 8\u201314 mg, depending on the size of the cup.<\/span><\/p>DUNKIN DONUTS:<\/p>Dunkin Donuts is another chain of coffee and donut shops that is very popular worldwide. The caffeine content of their brewed coffee is as follows:<\/p> Small (10 oz): 215 mg<\/p> Medium (16 oz): 302 mg <\/span><\/p> Large (20 oz): 431 mg <\/p> Extra large (24 oz): 517 mg<\/p>Their single espresso shot contains 75 mg of caffeine, which is also how much you can expect to get from their espresso-based drinks.\n\nDecaf coffee from Dunkin Donuts may also contain quite a bit of caffeine. According to one source, a small cup (10 oz) has 53 mg of caffeine, and a large cup (24 oz) contains 128 mg. <\/p>That\u2019s almost as much caffeine as you find in other varieties of regular coffee.<\/p>"}]
Although the name may be deceiving, decaf coffee is not entirely caffeine free.\n\nIt may contain varying amounts of caffeine, ranging from 0\u20137 mg per cup, with the average cup containing 3 mg.\n\nHowever, some varieties may contain even higher amounts of caffeine, depending on the type of coffee, method of de-caffeination and cup size. <\/p>
McDonald\u2019s sells coffee all over the world, often under their McCafe brand.\n\nHowever, despite being one of the biggest fast food chains that sells coffee, they do not standardize or calculate the amount of caffeine in their coffee.\n\nAs an estimate, the caffeine content of their brewed coffee is about:<\/span><\/p> \nSmall (12 oz): 109 mg<\/p> \nMedium (16 oz): 145 mg<\/p> \nLarge (21\u201324 oz): 180 mg<\/p>Their espresso contains 71 mg per serving, and decaf contains 8\u201314 mg, depending on the size of the cup.<\/span><\/p>DUNKIN DONUTS:<\/p>Dunkin Donuts is another chain of coffee and donut shops that is very popular worldwide. The caffeine content of their brewed coffee is as follows:<\/p> Small (10 oz): 215 mg<\/p> Medium (16 oz): 302 mg <\/span><\/p> Large (20 oz): 431 mg <\/p> Extra large (24 oz): 517 mg<\/p>Their single espresso shot contains 75 mg of caffeine, which is also how much you can expect to get from their espresso-based drinks.\n\nDecaf coffee from Dunkin Donuts may also contain quite a bit of caffeine. According to one source, a small cup (10 oz) has 53 mg of caffeine, and a large cup (24 oz) contains 128 mg. <\/p>That\u2019s almost as much caffeine as you find in other varieties of regular coffee.<\/p>"}]
\nSmall (12 oz): 109 mg<\/p>
\nMedium (16 oz): 145 mg<\/p>
\nLarge (21\u201324 oz): 180 mg<\/p>
Their espresso contains 71 mg per serving, and decaf contains 8\u201314 mg, depending on the size of the cup.<\/span><\/p>DUNKIN DONUTS:<\/p>Dunkin Donuts is another chain of coffee and donut shops that is very popular worldwide. The caffeine content of their brewed coffee is as follows:<\/p> Small (10 oz): 215 mg<\/p> Medium (16 oz): 302 mg <\/span><\/p> Large (20 oz): 431 mg <\/p> Extra large (24 oz): 517 mg<\/p>Their single espresso shot contains 75 mg of caffeine, which is also how much you can expect to get from their espresso-based drinks.\n\nDecaf coffee from Dunkin Donuts may also contain quite a bit of caffeine. According to one source, a small cup (10 oz) has 53 mg of caffeine, and a large cup (24 oz) contains 128 mg. <\/p>That\u2019s almost as much caffeine as you find in other varieties of regular coffee.<\/p>"}]
Dunkin Donuts is another chain of coffee and donut shops that is very popular worldwide. The caffeine content of their brewed coffee is as follows:<\/p>
Small (10 oz): 215 mg<\/p>
Medium (16 oz): 302 mg <\/span><\/p> Large (20 oz): 431 mg <\/p> Extra large (24 oz): 517 mg<\/p>Their single espresso shot contains 75 mg of caffeine, which is also how much you can expect to get from their espresso-based drinks.\n\nDecaf coffee from Dunkin Donuts may also contain quite a bit of caffeine. According to one source, a small cup (10 oz) has 53 mg of caffeine, and a large cup (24 oz) contains 128 mg. <\/p>That\u2019s almost as much caffeine as you find in other varieties of regular coffee.<\/p>"}]
Large (20 oz): 431 mg <\/p>
Extra large (24 oz): 517 mg<\/p>
Their single espresso shot contains 75 mg of caffeine, which is also how much you can expect to get from their espresso-based drinks.\n\nDecaf coffee from Dunkin Donuts may also contain quite a bit of caffeine. According to one source, a small cup (10 oz) has 53 mg of caffeine, and a large cup (24 oz) contains 128 mg. <\/p>
That\u2019s almost as much caffeine as you find in other varieties of regular coffee.<\/p>"}]
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