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\nMy journey of dance started when I was in my 9th. I was just another dancer with moves but when I learnt the history of how each and every dance form came in picture my perspective changed. I learnt basics of many styles and I am more trained in freestyle dancing.\nThe necessity of art in this world is important and I understood movement heals and let your body move to the rhythm of your life. Through dance I learnt a lot abt myself. I started taking inspiration from every small thing around me and I am in a process of leaning much more in detail.\n I have met many dancers in this journey and their perspectives gave me a wide range of exposure. Expressing ones truest feelings through movement is a beautiful form of art. This art form will teach how to be a better human by appreciating ur peer dancer, motivating them and also sharing your knowledge with them.<\/p>"},{"type":"youtube","id":"vid-url-1566651854951","data":"kLfVuVSgMp8"}]
Hey! Adjust your whatever device you're hearing this on; because 13 reasons why season 3 is coming this year in live and stereo. Following its tradition, season 3 is expected to have 13 episodes. Owing to the splendid teen-story line and amazing acting skills of Katherine Langford (playing Hannah),Dylan Minnette (starring as Clay) and many more, the series gained a lot a positive response from people across the world. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1564152197936","data":"5d3b142bc3106"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1564152197931","data":"
This high school web drama series focuses mainly on sexual assault and bullying which is very prevalent among teenagers. It picturizes the actual life of teenagers, their insecurities and inferiorities. It pushes one out of the comfortable walls of the box into a harsh reality.<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1564152197940","data":"5d3b14b6b5420"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1564152197932","data":"
Review of the previous seasons:<\/b><\/p>
The series started off with the suicide of a 17-year-old girl named Hannah Baker. She is a charming girl who is unfortunate enough to face betrayals, false promises, backstabbing, sexual assault all at one blow, killing her from within. To worsen the situation, a bunch of gossips about her lead her to despair and helplessness. <\/p>
The box of cassette tapes recorded by her, details about the thirteen reasons why she ended her life. Each tape refers to a student in her school she believes responsible for her death. Clay Jenson (her close friend) and her mother tries to bring out the justice she deserves after listening to her story through the tapes.<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1564152197942","data":"5d3b14f93fc35"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1564152197933","data":"
Audience responses:<\/b>\n Though season one gained a lot of appreciation from the viewers and critics as well, season 2 faced many disappointments. Some of them felt that story in season 2 was bit lagging and proper justice was not given especially in the case of Bryce Walker. Due to its high sexual and emotional content, several health organisations raised an issue. However, some of them were indeed excited to hear the story from each character's perspective.<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1564152197943","data":"5d3b150db84fd"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1564152197934","data":"
Scope for the next season:<\/b>\n The ending of season 2 seems fitting for the come back of another season. Some fan theories say that the next season would be concentrating on Tyler and bullying, while some speak of PTSD of rape survivors, and also gun licence issue in America referring to the scene with Clay getting caught by the cops red handed with a gun in his hand. Let us all wait for the tape of season 3 to see how the story unravels.<\/p>"}]
There\u2019re these gates that we head through and this campus that we walk around EVERY DAY, knowing almost nothing about what breathes life into it and its principles which make it stand this firm. Our college: St.Martin\u2019s Engineering College, swears to be the flag bearer of quality education and next-to-home environment. It\u2019s been fulfilling its promises to students, each passing year, and will hopefully continue to do so.\nThe philosophy of our college loosely translates to \"the essence of learning lies in pursuing the truth that liberates one from the darkness of ignorance.\" The institute believes education to be the real liberation and encourages its students to reach out and opt for unconventionally effective methods of learning, discovering and inventing. \n<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1564121662213","data":"
\"St. Martin\u2019s Engineering College is promoted and managed under St. Martin\u2019s Children Education Society (SMCES) that was founded in 1982. It started with a school at Balanagar having modest student strength of 42, and a unique vision to build a brilliant generation next. As of today, the society has wide spread into four branches from where more than 7,000 students receive quality education. The success backed by the continuous support of parents & students has driven the society to foray into the domain of professional and technical education. Thus was born St. Martin\u2019s Engineering College in the year 2002. SMEC is approved by AICTE New Delhi, affiliated to JNTU, Hyderabad and accredited by National Board of Accreditation(NBA). SMEC is an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution,\" reveals our college, on our college website.<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1564121662214","data":"
Our campus is widespread across 17 acres of land, giving us an extremely comfortable and spacious environment to breathe in. The campus is designed with lush green landscape and has water ponds with ducks, which makes it a visual treat regardless of the weather being a sunny morning or a rainy afternoon! <\/p>
We have a fully stacked library which gives us information in abundance about everything that we would want to know- while at college. There's an auditorium with a commendable seating capacity and a cafeteria with \"yummy-licious\" food, as we call it and like it! We aren't new to the sports activity of our college which makes it stand out! The Martin's ground is the practice home for all the sports achievements of our college. Our classrooms have 4-seater benches and our labs are equipped with all that our different branches of study(ies) would need. The transport facility of our college helps students living far across the city to have a safe and untiring travel as well.<\/p>
Our engineering sector is further divided into 4 blocks and we have an MBA sector located right beside the college-parking lot. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1564121662215","data":"5d32c3446d8c1"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1564121662216","data":"5d32c35349cd2"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1564121662217","data":"5d32c362ef24f"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1564121662218","data":"5d32c371dd137"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1564121662219","data":"
Dr.P.Santosh Kumar Patra is the principal of our college. He has been actively working as an academician and an educational administrator for the last couple of years. He holds a B.E, an M.Tech and a PhD: all, in Computer Science Engineering. He is on the editorial board of various publications like Tata McGraw and Charulatha Publications. His areas of interest include AI and Data Mining. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1564121662220","data":"5d32c50e71885"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1564121662221","data":"
Our college management board consists of notable personalities handling various aspects, namely-<\/p>
Sri.M.Laxman Reddy- President.<\/p>
Sri.G.Durgaiah Yadav- Vice President.<\/p>
Sri.CH.Mallareddy- Secretary and Correspondent.<\/p>
Sri.G.Narasimha Yadav- Treasurer.<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1564121662222","data":"5d32c5bf5af42"}]
It takes immense courage and a little madness\u2014to pursue your real calling! Vidruma Chaavali truly followed her heart at the age of 18 and decided to do more than the cookie-cutter Doctor-Lawyer-Engineer bracket of jobs.\n\n<\/p>
Growing up in a family of lawyers, this passionate teenager decided to enter a space where she truly felt she belonged. Her passion lies in the art of photography and in the stories it tells. She wanted to sharpen her raw talent in photography and explore its art and science. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1564069339263","data":"
Flashback to when all of us were busy choosing between mathematics-sciences and commerce; Vidruma was struggling to convince her family to follow her dreams! Her pictures speak more than her! Her distinct approach towards photography is praiseworthy. <\/p>
Her strong determination and grit landed her in Symbiosis School of Photography and there's no looking back from then! Her zeal to convert her passion into profession is commendable. She has a different perspective in every picture that she captures.<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1564069339264","data":"
She believed in the magic within her when the world was against her decision. The originality in her clicks and her perception towards it, is a perfect blend of creativity that makes her stand out in the crowd. If it wasn't for her strong & unbending nature, we would have surely missed this gem! \n\n<\/p>"}]
Our college, as we know, has just begun to establish clubs. The Cyber Security club of our college didn't exist until last year. The idea of it started when two of our college students- Ramakrishna and Wasey had approached the CSE branch's HOD and tried to put forth their reasons to start a cyber-security club. Initially, he was reluctant to give it a chance but after thinking through it, he agreed to their idea. <\/p>
Ramakrishna and Wasey started off with a couple of friends from their own branch and year. They later spread out the wings of the club to their juniors. When they started promoting the club and invited students to be a part of it, they gathered around 40 people from their immediate juniors. Gradually filtering people out- on the basis of their seriousness and the level of their interest, the club now has 11 members exclusive of Ramakrishna, Wasey and their friends that they had started off with. <\/p>
Some of the activities that the club had begun working on were: basics of communication, modern internet, proxy, VPN etc. The seniors had started training their juniors to work on improving in these fields before they delve into the deeper aspects of cyber security. They later stepped into learning and training: simultaneously, about the concepts involved in 'ethical hacking.' <\/p>
\"The best part about heading this club and being a part of it is- approaching the members of the club with different ways of learning which enable their ability of self-exploration to be put to its best use. We only provide them with necessary resources and help them walk through their doubts while solving their assignments. A challenge, some hints, some help when they're stuck and the job gets done!\" says Ramakrishna when asked about the best part of heading this club. Ramakrishna and Wasey believe that throwing real-time challenges to the students will allow them to learn in ways that they could never see themselves practicing. <\/p>
Wasey adds that the basic resource that they rely on is CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker) repository which briefs them up with the information that they require at times. Coming to the resources that could charge a price, Wasey clarifies that those paid-resources are made free for the members of the club to access. <\/p>
The primary hurdle of finding out and filtering uninterested students from the club was apparently made easy by asking the students to prepare research documents on the tasks that they receive. Quality hard work can never go in vain. Ramakrishna and Wasey plan to handover their responsibilities to their immediate juniors after they leave the college by the end of this academic year. <\/p>
\"We haven't yet participated in any renowned competitions since we are still trying and learning. We would soon start participating too. It would surely help us and the members of our club to test our knowledge and strive to be better at our interests.\" is what both these guides had, to conclude. <\/p>
The club has managed to get permissions to be working actively only on Saturdays. \n<\/p>"}]
All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast.<\/i><\/p>
Breakfast is the utmost important meal of the day. Before I start speaking of the benefits of eating breakfast in the morning, I would like to know how many of us present here today took some time to sit and eat our breakfast rather than rushing through it.<\/i><\/p>
Most of us start our morning hitting the snooze button many a time, finally being forced out of bed, pushed into the bathroom and shouted upon to get ready on time. During this rush morning hours, it is always breakfast that takes the beating.<\/p>
Eat breakfast like a King, Eat lunch like a Prince and Eat dinner like a Pauper.<\/i> <\/b>Adults need to eat breakfast every day to perform their best, kids need it even more. Their growing bodies and developing brains depend heavily on the regular intake of food.<\/p>
1.Cheerful Mood <\/b><\/p>
Now obviously, food is fuel and energy for our bodies and without it, we spend the day-tripping around in a foggy mood and fighting off a headache and a bad attitude. Breakfast is literally just that, breaking the fast that your body is in from the night before.<\/p>
2.Increases The Metabolic Rate<\/b> <\/p>
The consumption of an early morning snack increases the metabolic rate and kick starts your body into gear, telling it what to expect the rest of the day. If breakfast isn\u2019t had, our body doesn\u2019t process the next meal as quickly and tries to hold onto those nutrients.\n\n<\/p>
3.Energy <\/b><\/p>
The more time you spend without eating, the more your body starts to slow down and finally, shut down. It doesn\u2019t take rocket science to glean that food is your body\u2019s main energy source. Without it, thoughts, speech and reaction time sputter and come to a standstill.<\/p>
4.Concentration <\/b><\/p>
Your brain does an interesting thing when it hasn\u2019t had food for many hours(say the time between you go to bed and finally have lunch), it starts focusing on storing the energy it has left- as if you\u2019re in a famine. This is when you start to lose your ability to concentrate. Not to mention headaches and hunger pangs start to take your focus away from what\u2019s really important.<\/p>
5.Your Heart <\/b><\/p>
Researchers have also proven that adults who have a years-long habit of skipping breakfast tend to have higher cholesterol, higher LDL and insulin levels. These are all precursors to heart diseases and diabetes.<\/p>
As my great grandmother always says, that they did not start their day eating out of a box or right out of the fridge. So yes I believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. So let\u2019s eat healthily and live happily.<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1564067304977","data":"5d39c7ddb8d40"}]
Over the past one year, open cultural spaces in Hyderabad have been coming alive with a specific event every now and then where a number of common people speak up and share their stories. This event is where people can recite poetry, speak, perform art, sing, dance and more. According to Raghu Degala, the organiser of those events, they are the open mic initiatives of The Good Talk Factory (TGTF), a collaborative initiative to give a platform for storytelling and sharing. It is a space where one can come up and talk or perform regardless of how famous and well known they are.<\/p>
\u201cThere are many big platforms that give already famous people an opportunity to talk. I have been training and counselling students and sportspersons for eight years now but I once found out that I was rejected by one such event because I was not famous enough by their standards. That was when I felt the need for a platform to share one\u2019s story even if one is not famous. There are many successful people or people with interesting stories to tell who are not famous. Musings by us is an initiative that gives a platform for this,\u201d explains Raghu, who is a professional sports psychologist and a mental toughness coach.<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1564055516622","data":"5d39987e2266f"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1564055516621","data":"
At their speaking events, there usually are a few keynote speakers and many first timers and what makes it special is that the first time speakers are received as well as the keynote performers and according to Raghu, that is the whole point of their initiative. \u201cFirst timers also receive the same kind of respect as experienced performers, with the notion that everyone has a story to tell and every story is worth listening to. In fact, there are instances when people stammer when they first take the mic but when they realise that they are being listened to, they talk without a pause. I believe this helps get rid of stage fear and boosts peoples\u2019 confidence. In fact, TGTF was formed just to enable people to overcome stage fear,\u201d shares Raghu, adding, \u201cIt is definitely working as the number of people we get is constantly increasing.\u201d<\/p>
According to Raghu, it is something that benefits students greatly as it can give a student a platform where they can speak about whatever they want and also by involving themselves in the event, as he explains, \u201cStudents of this country have great skill and content but fear restricts them. Inhibitions about being judged in social scenarios stops so many great minds to open up in public and share their opinions. So, TGTF reached out to colleges and universities to break those chains of what will people think and what will others say. Here students can hone their speaking skills, mingle with different people, learn how to conduct events, learn leadership skills and more.\u201d<\/p>"}]
In the era of finding love through dating apps, it has become nearly impossible to find love without dating apps and in the process of finding your perfect one, I am sure you might have gone through certain situations. So here are 10 situations that every dating app user can relate to.<\/p>
1. You'll feel butterflies in your stomach:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1562894171094","data":"5d26e776dcbd4"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1562894171095","data":"
It is not easy to find a match because every right swipe might not lead you to a perfect match but when you do I\u2019m sure that you will feel butterflies in your stomach. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1562894171096","data":"
2. People will ignore you: <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1562894171097","data":"5d26e719f232f"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1562894171098","data":"
There are those people who just say \u2018Hey\u2019 and disappear or literally say nothing and just ignore you while you are waiting for their message.<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1562894171099","data":"
3. Making friends:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1562894171100","data":"5d26e34ed710d"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1562894171101","data":"
You\u2019ll meet some people on dating apps who have no intention to date and are there just to make friends.<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1562894171102","data":"
4. Sharing way too much information:<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1562894171103","data":"5d26e5649586e"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1562894171104","data":"
Have you ever felt like some people just write way too much information about them in their bio?<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1562894171105","data":"
5. Swiping left:<\/b><\/p>
We humans, often make mistakes but what if you swipe left on a good looking or interesting profile?<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1562894171108","data":"
6. Promoting their work:<\/b><\/p>
You\u2019ll meet people using their profile not to date or find friends but just to promote their work.<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1562894171111","data":"
7. Fake accounts with gender swap filters:<\/b><\/p>
These days you might even see men creating fake profiles using gender swap filters of Snapchat to get the experience of what it\u2019s like to date as a woman.<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1562894171114","data":"
8. When you like his\/her friend:<\/b><\/p>
When there are two or more people in the profile picture and you like his\/her friend.<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1562894171117","data":"
9. Celebrity Pictures:<\/b><\/p>
You might have even bumped into some profiles with celebrity pictures.<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1562894171120","data":"
10. People might judge you:<\/b><\/p>
People around you might judge you or tease you, if you start a serious relationship with a person you met through a dating app.<\/p>
Images source.<\/a><\/p>"}]
Ramadevi Lingannagari is lusted over the field of art; and loved the idea of breathing new life with colors.While pursuing her education in G. Narayanamma Institute of Technology & Sciences, she has never left her colorful roots!\n<\/p>
She has been creating art since she was physically able to grasp a crayon. She has taken up all the art electives offered in school. From notebooks to the hallway at home were filled with her doodling. Gifting her never seemed to be a tough job for anyone! Encouraged by her parents, she has never parted ways with colors! <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1563987478678","data":"
\u201cArt is my first love and my mom is my inspiration!'', says our young artist! \u201cMy mother is into fabric painting! Watching her swirl the paintbrush, electrified my zeal to learn art! That's when I first joined my art class.\u201d With an attempt to get into the good books of her sir, she strove for perfection in her first masterpiece - a village scenery with mountains and sun. <\/p>
\n\n \n\nTalking about her relation with colors, she says, \u201cI feel more grounded than ever while I\u2019m painting\u201d Although she enjoys doing any kind of artwork but zentangles hold a special place in her heart! Her Instagram page - Celebration of Curves is a treat to our eyes. <\/p>
\n\n \n\nThis passionate artist of ours, is never satisfied to remain static and continues to explore and experiment. She explores the world wearing art on her sleeve and her curiosity pushes her to experiment with new ideas. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1563987478676","data":"5d38938b47f18"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1563987478677","data":"5d38939e48b3b"}]
Oh...It\u2019s weekend :)! <\/p>
Looks like something we missed this week.. <\/p>
The boring lectures, punishments, overburden of assignments, yaah\u2026everything we covered <\/p>
Yes\u2019s\u2026! I got it; we missed fun and enjoyment this week. So why to make it patchy, we wanna fill that too...We then decided to hangout somewhere. Some of us bunk the classes and some took permission. Finally we are out of college on a hot Saturday afternoon. <\/p>
We wanna hangout to a place with ambiguence and good food of less cost, so we unanimously choosed Ddestino. It\u2019s our first time to go there. This place is so damn cute\u2026It has an entirely different environment which makes everyone to feel good. They decorated the walls with beautiful paintings can also have a selfie with clown too. The decoration of the baskets is the best part which makes it unique from other restaurants. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1564032522167","data":"5d39409cc746e"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1564032522166","data":"5d39408514327"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1564032522169","data":"5d3940c49e9e8"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1564032522162","data":"
\nComing to the menu, it will have all kinds of foods. Mandi is also available there. The finger licking noodles are just awesome.<\/p>
Many students come there to celebrate their birthdays, offices for their meetings, Families to spend their beautiful time. <\/p>
We all enjoyed the delightful food with soothing music and had a lot of fun.<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1564032522172","data":"5d3941ffb7503"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1564032522171","data":"5d394119e9e15"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1564032522170","data":"
We didn\u2019t realized how the afternoon sunshine turned to evening sunset and how just friends a few hours before turned to a family now. <\/p>
Finally, we made some beautiful stories to be written into our diaries and hope Ddestino walls would have many stories like us... Then after we planned for our next visit to Ddestino and very often we went there, we would be like some of the best customers of them...<\/p>"}]
Human civilization began when the first tree was cut and will end when the last tree is cut.<\/i><\/p>
The topic reminds me of the time when I visited my cousin's place at Vasant Kunj by a four-wheeler and to some extent, the condition of the environment startled me. To start with, there were literally no trees around us where we could park our car under the shade. Yes, you heard that right. The situation got worse when I looked around only to find sky-high buildings all around but hardly any trees to suffice an ecological balance. When finding a shade becomes so difficult, imagine the havoc that we have continually caused on our earth through pollution, deforestation and the list goes on. <\/p>
\nDeforestation is increasing as a global concern. In the present years, deforestation has risen to dangerous levels. This is mainly because most people have no idea what deforestation is. This lack of education has caused many changes in the global economy.<\/p>
Deforestation is clearing the forests or trees. Many people do not even know that this problem exists, although it may be occurring right in their own neighborhood. The causes and effects of deforestation on the environment are numerous. The reduction of forests disturbs the entire ecological cycle. <\/p>
\nForests are home to several plants and animals. When a forest is cut down, the complete cycle suffers. Forests act as carbon \u2018\u2019sinks\u2019\u2019. That is, they help to take in carbon, greenhouse gas and reduce its effect on the atmosphere. Also trees and plants in a forest help to supply an alternative source of fossil fuels. Trees planting is good for urban development. They help with heating and cooling costs to be lowered.<\/p>
There is evidence from the UN-sponsored Inter-Governmental Panel on climate change(IPCC) that came out in 1980. This organization records the change of climate and has the best of programs working for the control. It is predicted that if our environment keeps releasing emissions as it is doing now, our annual temperature would increase at 0.3 degrees per decade over the next century. This is beyond what the earth has experienced over the past 10,000 years.<\/p>
To get the normal levels back, trees which are often known as the backbone of survival, are absolutely necessary. Human beings need to understand that they are only cutting trees for their selfish motives which are leading to many ecological problems. <\/p>
\n\u2018\u2019A nation that destroys its soils, destroys itself\".<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1563892984754","data":"5d371dfe0fa54"}]
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