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Meditation is an ancient practice that helps us to control our own mind and consequently our own life and discover ourselves. Meditation is free, it is powerful and can be practiced by anyone, everywhere and it is extremely beneficial which helps us to feel happier. It also helps us to control our mind and thoughts.Meditation is essential to feel well and live a happy life. <\/p>","type":"txt","id":1582269842439},{"id":1582271316496,"type":"img","data":"5e4f8b55060e6"},{"data":"
It helps use to eliminate negative thoughts, worries, anxiety and all factors that can prevent us feeling happy. If me make a habit of meditating we feel mentally fresh and we are able to deal with difficult situation more easily.I think we don't need any particular reason to start meditating. Even if we are happy with our life, meditation could be very beneficial, it can help with quality of our life and also we can see it as a prevention to a series of health issues. <\/p>","type":"txt","id":1582270366279},{"data":"
There are many benefits of meditation such as it decreases physical tension, delete psychosomatic disorders caused by tension, prophylaxis against stress, lowers blood pressure, strenghthens the immune system, slows aging process, helps to be more creative.So, try to meditate everyday by choosing a peaceful and comfortable place.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1582270859324},{"id":1582271395628,"type":"img","data":"5e4f8ba42a4c8"},{"data":"
By now hopefully we've realised that meditation plays a very important role in our life.And also it cures various health issues...\ud83d\ude00<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1582271102371},{"data":"
Happy Meditating.... \ud83d\ude0a<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1582271244954}]
\"Mamba mentality is a constant quest to find answers. It's that infinite curiosity to want to be better, to figure things out. Mamba mentality is you're going, you're competing, you're not worried about the result. ... That's what mamba mentality truly is,\u201d-Kobe Bryant<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1582301129509","data":"
Thank you, Kobe,<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1582301129511","data":"
For inspiring us to never Give up, to never aim for less, to never lose faith in self, to never settle for less, to realize that everything negative is an opportunity to raise and improve.<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1582301129512","data":"
For making us realize winning needs perfection and there are no grey areas in that, for making us believe in hardship, dedication, passion, and faith, for letting us realize that great things come from precedence and hard work and there are no excuses for it, for letting us realize that if we don't believe in ourselves no one else would.You believing you being the G.O.A.T(Greatest Of All Time) is not exaggerated, You truly are.<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1582301129510","data":"
Your 19-year career with 5 championships, NBA record 15 selections for All-NBA teams and 12 for All-Defensive teams. leading the league in scoring twice, winning the Slam Dunk challenge and 4 All-Star Game MVPs and not to forget the Oscar you possess are the real instances to prove the above and lets the Mamba Army and the Basketball Nation held their head high.<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1582301129513","data":"
We will keep shouting \"Kobe\" whenever there is a paper ball thrown into the dust can, \"Mamba Out\" hits us hard now, I regret every opportunity that I missed to watch you play, I still wish and hope all this is a nightmare and I just had to wait just a little more to watch Gigi (Gianna Bryant) taking the legacy forward. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1582301129514","data":"
Rest in Ease Mamba!! <\/p>"}]
UNESCO observes February 21 as International Mother Language Day and before you roll your eyes thinking it is yet another Whatsapp forward along the lines of a certain Prime Minister being declared as the best in the world by UNESCO, no it is not. It is true, 21 February was declared to be the International Mother Language Day by UNESCO in 1999 and it was started as a tribute to the Bengali Language Movement of Bangladesh, which was East Pakistan at one point.<\/p>
I grew up in a Telugu household but I spoke more English than Telugu while growing up and while I have a combination of reasons behind it, I can say for sure that in the past few years, my love for my mother language has grown a lot, to the point of me being fanatical about it at times. I take this day to write some pointers about the language that every student should know.<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1582182108324","data":"
1: Telugu - The Italian of the East<\/b><\/p>
In 16th century, traveller, merchant and explorer Niccol\u00f2 de\u2019 Conti found a similarity between Italian and Telugu when he visited the Vijayanagara empire, as every word ends with a vowel in both of these languages.<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1582182108325","data":"
2: Telugu is one of the classical languages of India<\/b><\/p>
In 2008, Telugu joined the ranks of the classical languages of India when the GoI added Telugu along with Kannada in that year. Earlier, only Tamil and Sanskrit were the classical languages. Now Odia and Malayalam have also been added to the list.<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1582182108326","data":"
3: Fourth highest native language in India<\/b><\/p>
With over 80 million native speakers, Telugu holds the fourth spot among the languages with the highest number of native speakers in India. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1582182108327","data":"
4: Official language in more than one state<\/b><\/p>
Apart from Hindi and English, Telugu is one of the few languages that holds the official language status in more than one state, as after the bifurcation of erstwhile Andhra Pradesh into Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, it is an official language in two states.<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1582182108328","data":"
5: 11th most spoken language<\/b><\/p>
Telugu takes the 11th spot in the list of languages with the highest number of native speakers in the world, as it is spoken by roughly 1% of the world's population. <\/p>"}]
Maha Shivaratri is a Hindu festival celebrated annually in honour of Lord Shiva , and in particular, marks the day of the celebration of marriage of Shiva . There is a Shivaratri in every luni-solar month of the Hindu calendar , on the month's 13th night\/14th day, but once a year in late winter (February\/March , or phalgun) and before the arrival of Summer , marks Maha Shivaratri which means \"the Great Night of Shiva\" .It is an unique festival of hindus . The people will do fasting whole day and finally at the evening they will eat fruits and they will do jagaram on this day , they will play snakes and ladders during the jagaramand meditating on ethics and virtues such as honesty , non-injury to others , charity , forgiveness ,and the discovery of Shiva . Visit one of the Shiva temples or go on pilgrimage to Jyotirlingams . This is an ancient Hindu festival whose origin date is unknown . In Kashmir Shaivism , the festival is called Har-ratri or phonetically simpler Haerath or Herath by Shiva faithfuls of the Kashmir region . Cannabis is also smoked to mark this festival , especially in countries like Nepal and India . <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1582216639554","data":"5e4eb660e1305"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1582216639555","data":"
Why we celebrate maha Shiva ratri : There are many mythological legends associated with this day . According to a popular legend, when a hunter could not find anything to kill for his food in a forest, he waited on the branch of a Woodapple tree . In order to attract deer , he started throwing the leaves of the tree on the ground , unaware that there was a Shiva Lingam beneath the tree . Pleased with the Woodapple leaves and the patience of the hunter , it is believed that Lord Shiva appeared in front of the hunter and blessed him with wisdom . From that day onwards, the hunter stopped eating meat . His name is bakta kanapa . Another legend has it that after the Earth was faced with an imminent destruction , Goddess Parvati pledged with Lord Shiva to save the world. Pleased with her prayers , Lord Shiva agreed to save the world on the pretext that the people of the Earth would have to worship him with dedication and passion . From that day onwards , the night came to be known as Maha Shivratri and people began worshipping Shiva with a great enthusiasm . Some folklore also consider this to be Shiva's day as this was believed to be the answer given by Lord Shiva when asked about his favorite day by Goddess Parvati . <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1582216639556","data":"
The History of Shivratri : Puranas contain many stories and legends describing the origin of this festival .According to one , during the samudra manthan . a pot of poison emerged from the ocean . This terrified the Gods and demons as the poison was capable of destroying the entire world , and they ran to Shiva for help. To protect the world from its evil effects , Shiva drank the deathly poison but held it in his throat instead of swallowing it . This made his throat turn blue , and he was given the name Neelakantha , the blue-throated one . Shivaratri is the celebration of this event by which Shiva saved the world . <\/p>"}]
How do we know if we are in control? that we're not just making the best of what comes at us, and that's it. Always trying to constantly pick between two options, like engineering or degree, Coke or Pepsi, Mc Donald's or Burger King. It's like choosing between Lays and Bingo. What difference does it make, even though both give us the same chips? It's all the part of the same blur, just out of the focus enough. It is the illusion of choice. It's either yes or a no, it always comes down to that. <\/p>
Half of us cannot even choose our own cable, shampoo or even the breakfast we eat or the water we drink. Even if we did would it matter? Our choices are prepaid for us, a long time ago. We are always advised or rather instructed to do things in a way or follow a procedure that someone followed to be successful. Like perusing engineering for a bright future. No parent will advise their child to be a guru but consults one to take their life's biggest decisions.<\/p>
Every unconventional way of looking at or doing things is often unacceptable by the former successful people. They grew with their very own unconventional methods to be successful. What is success really mean in this society? great grades? A good package job? a happy relationship? we live in a warm messy circle of reality where we rely on each other's mistakes. We manipulate one another, use one another and even relate to one another.<\/p>
Everyone wants to be noticed and the carving for attention messes up lives. The constant need for approval from others makes us feel better. Working hard for the things we love is slowly departing from our lives, we are doing things just for the sake of approval from the people around us. Everyone has their own personal maze which is they don't want to share with anyone. And the habits we develop just to impress others is just so sad. Everyone is special and are amazing in their own way, don't kill habits just because it has something to do with anyone.<\/p>
All the things aside, we always have someone who is secretly admiring us for who we are and they support us, and we won't even notice them. Take time and appreciate the people who always support you. <\/p>
Life is a grand opportunity to be taken advantage of.<\/p>
Are you an IAS Aspirant?? <\/p>
\nThen scholarship test is your only weapon for cracking Civil Services. <\/p>
\n<\/u>Get scholarship up to 50% <\/a><\/a><\/u><\/b><\/p>\nDo you believe you have what it takes to stand out as the best from the rest? <\/p>\nASTRA (ANALOG Scholarship Test for Rising Aspirants) is a search for those bright brains which have the grey matter to be ahead of time and courage to break all barriers. Testing is an inevitable part of learning, take your first step today and watch your career go up! <\/p>\nAppear for ASTRA and secure a chance to avail scholarship on our Civil Services coaching program to guarantee your success.<\/p>\nThe competition is placed on a national pedestal, an invitation to every IAS aspirant across the entire country with IAS preparation as their first step. <\/p>With over 10,00,000+ participants competing for a place, are you ready to mark your stand and be a force to reckon with?\n\nWhat are you waiting for? \n\nJoin the most prestigious exam preparation and build a successful career. <\/p>\nRegister now!!!<\/a><\/a><\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1582206200540","data":"Test Details<\/u><\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1582206200541","data":"5e4bb890c7380"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1582206200542","data":" Register Now!! <\/a><\/b><\/p>"}]
\nDo you believe you have what it takes to stand out as the best from the rest? <\/p>
\nASTRA (ANALOG Scholarship Test for Rising Aspirants) is a search for those bright brains which have the grey matter to be ahead of time and courage to break all barriers. Testing is an inevitable part of learning, take your first step today and watch your career go up! <\/p>
\nAppear for ASTRA and secure a chance to avail scholarship on our Civil Services coaching program to guarantee your success.<\/p>
\nThe competition is placed on a national pedestal, an invitation to every IAS aspirant across the entire country with IAS preparation as their first step. <\/p>
With over 10,00,000+ participants competing for a place, are you ready to mark your stand and be a force to reckon with?\n\nWhat are you waiting for? \n\nJoin the most prestigious exam preparation and build a successful career. <\/p>
\nRegister now!!!<\/a><\/a><\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1582206200540","data":"Test Details<\/u><\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1582206200541","data":"5e4bb890c7380"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1582206200542","data":" Register Now!! <\/a><\/b><\/p>"}]
Test Details<\/u><\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1582206200541","data":"5e4bb890c7380"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1582206200542","data":"
Register Now!! <\/a><\/b><\/p>"}]
The Indian state of Telangana was founded in 2014 . Its territory had formerly been part of Andhra Pradesh . Now Hyderabad is the capital city of telangana . The Telangana movement was instrumental in the creation of the new state , and Telangana Rashtra Samithi , a party which led the Telangana movement after 2001 , forms the government in the Telangana Legislative Assembly under Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao . Telangana movement : In the early Telangana movement , Marri Chenna Reddy formed a party called Telangana Praja Samiti to lead the Telangana movement. In November 1969 , there was a major split in the party and as a result the movement declined. After two years the Telangana Praja Samiti was dissolved and its members rejoined the Congress .A successor party , Telangana Rashtra Samithi , was formed in 2001 by Kalvakuntla Chandrashekar Rao . On 29 November 2009 , Chandrashekar Rao started a fast-unto-death , demanding that the Congress party introduce a Telangana bill in Parliament . Student organisations , employee unions, and various organisations joined the movement . As general strikes shut down much economic activity in Telangana , Telangana Bill was passed in Lok Sabha on 18 February 2014 and in Rajya Sabha on 18 February 2014 , with the support of the BJP. On 4 March 2014 the Government of India declared that 2 June would be the Telangana Formation Day . <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1582113405871","data":"
Culture of Telangana : The Indian state of Telangana has a cultural history of about 5,000 years . The region emerged as the foremost centre of culture in Indian subcontinent during the rule of Hindu Kakatiya dynasty and the Muslim Qutb Shahi and Asaf Jahi dynasties\u2014 (also known as the Nizams of Hyderabad) . The rulers patronage and interest for arts and culture transformed Telangana into a unique multi-cultural region where two different cultures coexist together, thus making Telangana the representative of the Deccan Plateau and its heritage with Warangal and Hyderabad being its epicenter. The regions' major cultural events celebrated are \"Kakatiya Festival\" and Deccan Festival along with religious festivals Bonalu , Bathukamma , Dasara , Ugadi , Sankranthi , Milad un Nabi and Ramadan . Telangana State has long been a meeting place for diverse languages and cultures . It is known as \"South of North and North of South\". It is also known for its Ganga-Jamuna Tehzeeb and the capital Hyderabad is known as a miniature India . <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1582113405873","data":"
Literature : Poets of Telangana from the early era include Pothana , Kancherla Gopanna or Bhakta Ramadasu , Malliya Rechana , Gona Budda Reddy , Palkurthi Somanatha , Mallin\u0101tha S\u016bri , and Hulukki Bhaskara . In the modern era poets include such figures as Padma Vibhushan Kaloji Narayana Rao , Sahitya Akademi Award recipient Daasarathi Krishnamacharyulu, and Jnanpith Award recipient C. Narayana Reddy , as well as P. V. Narasimha Rao , ninth Prime Minister of India . Samala Sadasiva was selected for the Kendra Sahitya Puraskaram distinction . His book Swaralayalu on the subject of Hindustani classical music won the award for the year 2011 . Urdu literature has always enjoyed patronage from successive rulers of the Qutb Shahi and Asaf Jahi era . Mohammed Quli Qutb Shah, the fifth ruler of the Qutb Shahi dynasty is regarded as one of the pioneers of early Urdu poetry .During the rule of Nizams of Hyderabad , printing was introduced in the area . The 18th century courtesan and poetess Mah Laqa Bai is also regarded as a pioneer of this time . During the 19th and 20th centuries, many Urdu scholars emigrated to Hyderabad seeking patronage of the Nizam . This included Fani Badayuni , Josh Malihabadi and Dagh Dehlavi . Other scholars of repute from Telangana included Makhdoom Mohiuddin and Sayyid Shamsullah Qadri . <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1582113405874","data":"5e4d257694404"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1582113405875","data":"
Festivals : Festivals are celebrated with much fervor and people used to go to temples on these days to offer special prayers . Some of the Festivals are Dasara , Bonalu , Eid ul fitr, Bakrid, Ugadi, Makara Sankranti , Guru Purnima , Sri Rama Navami , Hanuman Jayanti , Raakhi Pournami , Vinayaka Chaviti , Nagula Panchami , Krishnashtami, Deepavali ,Mukkoti Ekadasi , Karthika Purnima and Ratha Saptami Regional festivalsBathukamma flower arrangementTelanganites ( Telangana's citizens) not only celebrate the main festivals , but also celebrate certain regional festivals like Bonalu , Batukamma all over Telangana districts , Yedupayala Jatara in Medak , Sammakka Saralamma in Warangal district . <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1582113405876","data":"5e4d258de96eb"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1582113405877","data":"
Visual arts :1. Paintings . 2. Sculpture .3. Architecture .Clothing : Telangana is the home to some of the finest historical cloth making\/fashion and dying traditions of the world. Its rich cotton production , with its innovative plant dye extraction history stand next to its diamond mining . Traditional Women wear sari in the most parts of the state . Langa Voni , Shalwar kameez and Churidaar is popular among the Unmarried Women .<\/p>
Cuisine : Telangana has two types of cuisines , the Telugu cuisine and Hyderabadi cuisine . Telugu cuisine is the part of South Indian cuisine characterized by their highly spicy food .Hyderabadi cuisine, an amalgamation of Persian cuisine, Mughlai , Telugu , Turkish cuisines , developed by the Qutb Shahi dynasty and the Nizams of Hyderabad . It comprises a broad repertoire of rice , wheat and meat dishes and various spices and herbs . <\/p>
Performing arts : 1. Dance .2. Music .3. Oggu Katha .4. Cinema .<\/p>"}]
We all have heard of Adam and Eve who according to Bible were the first couple of human beings created by God but an ancient Jewish myth contests that Eve was not the first woman. This myth states that there was another woman, Lilith. <\/p>","type":"txt","id":1582136436366},{"id":1582138071362,"type":"img","data":"5e4d82ffac356"},{"data":"
Unlike Eve who came from Adam's rib, Lilith emerged from clay along with Adam. Since she was created by God in the same way as Adam, Lilith did not submit to her husband's commands because she thought she was equal to him and did not accept Adam's domination.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1582136681843},{"id":1582137706843,"type":"img","data":"5e4d8193221ba"},{"data":"
Lilith and Adam inhabited the garden of Eden but Lilith's rebellion put her in a situation where she was forced to choose between submitting to her husband or leaving the garden of Eden. Lilith was not willing to give up her independence, therefore she opted to leave Adam and the garden of Eden behind.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1582136823775},{"id":1582138054178,"type":"img","data":"5e4d82ee7f543"},{"data":"
The first woman ever created, went into exile and settled near the Red sea. God sent Angels in an attempt to convince Lilith to return back to Eden but she turned her back on God. Without his wife, the misogynistic airhead( Adam) started to feel lonely. God seeing that he was struggling with loneliness decided to create a new woman for him, Eve.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1582136970007},{"id":1582137760197,"type":"img","data":"5e4d81c87ff52"},{"data":"
Due to her decision to reject the creator, Lilith was demonised. She was considered a woman shaped demon. In her demonic shape, she would have the power to instigate disease in newborn children. To protect the children from evil, the new born babies were given amulets with the names of angels.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1582137152843},{"id":1582137729300,"type":"img","data":"5e4d81a995944"},{"data":"
Lilith was jealous of the happy life that Adam and Eve led in Paradise. As an act of revenge, she assumed the shape of serpent and tricked Eve forcing her and Adam to taste the forbidden fruit which caused the couple to be expelled from the Paradise.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1582137334020},{"id":1582137741448,"type":"img","data":"5e4d81b5caa09"},{"data":"
The figure of Lilith as an independent and strong woman will go against the patriarchal structure, one of the corner stones of Judeo-Christian culture. For this reason, Lilith was embraced by the feminist movement. She is often regarded as th First feminist. The movement claims that Lilith was unfairly demonised, like most women in our history who have attempted to defy patriarchy whether as a demonic figure or a symbol of women's struggle. <\/p>","type":"txt","id":1582137453836},{"id":1582138110893,"type":"img","data":"5e4d8327419df"}]
In the modern world, there is no domain of work that women haven't delved into. The \"Indian Armed Forces\", which for long, was considered to be a male dominated workplace, now has confident and bold women , who are setting examples for everyone. For a very long time, the role of women in the armed forces was limited to medical professions. In 1992, doors were open for the entry of women as regular officers in aviation, logistics, law, engineering etc.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1582037796170},{"data":"
The path chosen by women is tough. But, they proved that they have the spirit, the courage and the will to carry on.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1582038457397},{"data":"
The SC on Monday declared that 'Short Service Commission(SCC)' women officers are eligible for 'Permanent Commission (PC)' and command posts in the army, irrespective of their years of service. It also dismissed the Union government's submissions that women are physiologically weaker than men. The court has forced acknowledgement of the sterling role women have played and continue to play, shoulder to shoulder, with their male counterparts , for the security of our nation. <\/p>","type":"txt","id":1582038446401},{"data":"
For the women in uniform, career progression is now becoming a reality with the SC directing the centre to grant Permanent commission (PC) within 3 months.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1582038971333},{"data":"
I fist pumped through the air when I saw my crush online. I wanted to make the first move and express how I feel about him but everytime I click on his profile, my fingers do an awkward dance of not knowing what to type. My mouth goes dry, my palms start to sweat and butterflies engulf me. I mean what would I say, 'Hey, you're the reason for my sleepless nights' or go the cheesy way 'how you doin', trying ominous pick up lines and make him feel uncomfortable. I would've said, 'Hey I've been shamelessly stalking you online and I know every single detail of your life'. Amidst this internal monologue, he went offline.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1582047624405},{"id":1582049824540,"type":"img","data":"5e4c2a490176e"},{"data":"
Overthinking is the art of taking a relatively small situation and blowing it up way bigger than it needs to be.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1582048551322},{"id":1582049842393,"type":"img","data":"5e4c2a5ad5499"},{"data":"
Everyone has an intuition, the ability to understand something immediately without the need for conscious reasoning. Have you ever been stuck making a decision and somebody says to go with your gut. Your gut is your intuition speaking to you. Gut thoughts actually symbolise that your intuitive thoughts aren't coming from your concious mind but your subconscious mind. This is why it feels like your brain is arguing with itself sometimes. Your subconscious mind is trying to give answers to your problems.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1582048616547},{"id":1582049969936,"type":"img","data":"5e4c2ada675de"},{"data":"
The thing that many overthink the most is their entire existence. Also called EXISTENTIAL CRISIS. Sometimes you wake up in the morning and just go 'What am I doing here exactly?' , 'Why am I human?' , there are more insects on this planet than humans and what if we have an ant invasion. Someday, I and everyone I love will be dead and all will be forgotten.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1582048900671},{"id":1582049998287,"type":"img","data":"5e4c2af6ba34a"},{"data":"
It's basically the moment you realise that life itself probably has no meaning and everything is just chance. We're all just on a giant ball hurtling through space with no destination. The world will continue to spin with or without you.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1582049129716},{"id":1582050069282,"type":"img","data":"5e4c2b3dbb684"},{"data":"
I do believe that life on earth has a meaning. Experience, everyday you're making decisions and those decisions determine where your life is headed and what you'll experience next. This is why overthinking is such a problem because we fear REGRET. <\/p>","type":"txt","id":1582049264567},{"id":1582050151528,"type":"img","data":"5e4c2b8fed4d2"},{"data":"
You have the free will to create the meaning, whatever it is you wanna do, give it your best shot. All we can really do is try anyways and if you completely fail knowing that you gave it your all feels much better than not trying in the first place.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1582049403878},{"id":1582050196880,"type":"img","data":"5e4c2bbd5a265"},{"data":"
Life isn't supposed to be stressful, it's simple actually. We're just here to be human, so whenever it feels like you're drowning with the pressure of everything in life just remember that you're only human and nothing really matters.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1582049531508},{"data":"
Everything will be gone someday and it'll be okay.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1582049672550},{"id":1582050276888,"type":"img","data":"5e4c2c0d522e7"}]
Kasinathuni Vishwanath, the legendary film-maker who is a recipient of five National Film Awards, six state Nandi Awards, ten Filmfare Awards South, and the Bollywood Filmfare Awards in a film career that spanned over six decades, is also a recipient of the prestigious Dadasaheb Phalke Award. Known for making hard hitting films with social themes, at a time when the angry young man was the norm, one of his films -Swati Mutyam- has the distinction of representing India in the Best Foreign Film category at the 59th Academy Awards. The legendary film-maker will turn 90 on February 19, 2020. We take this occasion to pay a small tribute to the film-maker and give you three of his best films that every youngster must watch. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1582006146490","data":"
1. Sankarabharanam<\/b><\/p>
From radically showing a staunch, orthodox Brahmin musician giving shelter to a prostitute and forming a pure, guru-shishya bond regardless of what people around them think; to subtly showing the importance and significance of Carnatic music, this movie deals with several aspects of the South Indian society during the later part of the 20th century. This film won 10 awards, including the National Award For Best Film Providing Wholesome Entertainment. <\/p>"},{"type":"youtube","id":"vid-url-1582006146491","data":"JpGSPvWzHmc"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1582006146492","data":"
2. Sagara Sangamam<\/b><\/p>
In this 1983 classic film shows the transformation of a young man from a simple, innocent but brilliantly skilled dancer to a sad, drunk, art critic. Kamal Haasan's portrayal of that young man, won him the Best Actor award at the Filmfare awards that year. An interesting point about this movie is the bond that forms between Kamal Haasan's character and Jaya Prada's character and how he sacrifices his love for her for his respect for the institution of marriage. The protagonist being disturbed at the way modern styles of art degrade the traditional style of art is very similar to Sankarabharanam and is a subtly recurring theme in K Vishwanath's films. <\/p>"},{"type":"youtube","id":"vid-url-1582006146495","data":"gs38L1jIQC0"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1582006146493","data":"
3. Swati Mutyam<\/b><\/p>
The lullaby 'Laali laali' is something that almost every 90s Telugu kid has heard his\/her mom sing to them and it is from this very movie by K Vishwanath. Dealing with the concept of widow re-marriage, this movie raises a much needed question. Kamal Haasan plays an autistic man who notices a widow, suffering a lot because of the societal norms and decides to marry her on the occasion of an auspicious day in their village.<\/p>"},{"type":"youtube","id":"vid-url-1582006146496","data":"LKR-7lxwDUQ"}]
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