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#JusticeLeague<\/b> is the best outcome from DCEU<\/b> in the recent times. But sadly it fails to beat Batman Trilogy<\/b>,Man Of Steel<\/b> and Wonder Woman<\/b>. This movie is a perfect reply to the haters who make fun of DC movies. Justice League Movie is dark,colorful and surprisingly it has fun too. Bruce Wayne's Batman<\/b> is outstanding, Ben Affleck<\/b> proves why he is the best choice for Batman <\/b>once again. But you may be disappointed because he used very less gadgets in this movie,that will not effect much though. Gal Gadot <\/b>as #WonderWoman <\/b>as ever looks glamorous in her role and dominates everyone in the team in few scenes,and of course she saves Batman's back :p The Flash<\/b> and Aquaman <\/b>steals the show and evokes fun at right places. Almost all the scenes featuring Flash<\/b> are hilarious. Superman<\/b>'s screen presence and confrontational scenes with Steppenwolf<\/b> makes people go crazy. Though Superman had less screen time,he manages it by kicking Steppenwolf<\/b>'s ass. Zack Snyder <\/b>and Joss Whedon<\/b>'s hard work can be seen in each and every frame. Steppenwolf looks damn cool as badass villain but his character is too weak. When Superman enters into the scene villain's character goes dumb and powerless. If you can avoid that one excuse then you can thoroughly enjoy the movie. The duration of the movie is also a major plus point. Justice league is a feast and big relief to DC <\/b>fans after facing few disasters.\nDon't miss it. You will like the movie even if you are a Marvel<\/b> fan. Watch it in 3D<\/b>.<\/p>"}]
Hi, my dear fellows!<\/p>\n
Here are few tips and tricks to pass your exams and get chilled!<\/p>\n
->make a summary note on every unit in every subject with syllabus copy beside<\/p>\n
->Read few previous question papers, and see how the questions are?<\/p>\n
->try to show appropriate diagrams or tables for the best presentation.<\/p>\n
->choose the question which you can answer perfectly, write the answer providing side and main headings.<\/p>\n
->it's not necessary that your handwriting should be very good, but it should be understandable with appropriate content<\/p>\n
->don't hesitate or don't feel tense while entering the exam hall.<\/p>\n
->be confident and hope for the best<\/p>\n
->even no examiner is perfect, and mostly he doesn't have time to check each and every point...<\/p>\n
So, Don't makeover decoration it may overcome the content and make examiner feel that you have given more decoration just to cover up what you have written.<\/p>\n
answer every question with your knowledge priority, try to give a relevant answer to the topic mentioned in the question.<\/p>\n
maintain kiss theory! Keep it simple and short with good presentation and basic content you have learned...<\/p>\n
all the best!<\/p>\n
hope all the stumagzers make the best use of this article and help you.<\/p>\n"}]
Hey there, fans! We are super proud to announce the winners and the two GRAND WINNERS of the A.R. Rahman Quiz Contest. The grand winners will be the ones who will be going to the A.R. Rahman Gig later this month, whereas the winners will win a t-shirt from HUG Innovations! Without further ado, allow us to unveil the names!<\/p>
Starting with the winners<\/p>
On Day 1:<\/b> <\/p>
Hemanth Nhs <\/p>
Dev <\/p>
Yash Jain<\/p>
Krishna Chaitanya Bhagavatha<\/p>
On Day 2: <\/b><\/p>
Ajay <\/p>
Nikhil V<\/p>
Now, the two GRAND WINNERS on Day 1 and Day 2 are <\/b><\/p>
Sathya Prakash and Susmitha Chevuri. Congratulations, see you at the concert! <\/p>
To all the winners, please note that you must update your bios so it is easier for us to reach out to you and hand over your winnings. Your status as a winner will be cancelled if you do not update your bios at the earliest. Please be advised. <\/b><\/p>
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to us on our facebook page at www.facebook.com\/stumagz<\/b><\/p>"}]
This was a difficult book to read.<\/p>
Not that the prose is difficult to digest, the Afghan born writer Khaled Hosseini's style is actually quite easy upon the eyes and the mind, pleasant, easy to read and makes you want to read more. It is how he employs this writing style to tell the stories of Laila and Mariam that is difficult to digest. Khaled presents to us these two women united by a common factor that find themselves backed against a wall in a situation that has no way out, in the backdrop of the collapse of the Soviet backed leaders in Kabul and the rise of Taliban. <\/p>
This book will tear your heart out of your chest, throw it to the ground and trample on it. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1511000772623","data":"5a10168c6f43e"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1511000776054","data":"
Over a conversation between friends, Riya Daniel, software engineer and a close personal friend, said, 'It saddens me that some women simply do not appreciate the importance of friendship between women.' <\/p>
The quote struck me, throwing my thoughts into a frenzy as I thought about friendships in general and the relationship men who call each other best friends share between one another. The full extent of that quote, however, wasn't apparent until I saw a copy of A Thousand Splendid Suns lying on my desk. Thinking back on the plot, I understood, I knew what she meant. <\/p>
In other words, The Kite Runner's theme was the relationship between a father and his son, although it would be more appropriate to say it was between a son and his father, considering the story is told through the eyes of an innocent boy growing up in an Afghanistan that was rapidly changing. A Thousand Splendid Suns, however, was about relationships between a mother and daughter and, of course, friendship between two women. <\/p>
When the US Government was done with Taliban in Afghanistan, the anger and hatred fostered to take down the Soviets was turned inwards. Not satisfied with simply overthrowing the government, Taliban quickly proceeded to impose an interpretation of Islam that has since become synonymous with terrorist outfits around the world: Men must grow beards, women's existence itself was to be covered up. <\/p>
In such a world, we are introduced to Mariam and Laila, characters that seem one-dimensional at first, but characters that you will soon grow to love, cherish, and even identify with. From reading about Mariam growing up to Laila's ideals being questioned and then compromised, the story is a constant hammer on your heart, as it shows what it meant to be a woman in a country controlled by fanatics. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1511002726387","data":"5a1016bc71aab"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1511002731990","data":"
Although the story of Afghanistan itself is central to A Thousand Splendid Suns - which is why I've spoken about it above -, the true story is suffering, pain, compromise, and friendship. From hostility to growing to care for each other like a mother and daughter, Mariam and Laila's relationship is explored through their daily routines, the soul-crushing routines and the hopes they have to jump through, and how that routine turns resentment into something beautiful. <\/p>
Set over a period of 40 or so years, A Thousand Splendid Suns is one of those books that you simply cannot stop reading. You will grow to love Mariam like a friend you've never had, a brave woman who picked her battles, lost, yet never lost the fire within her. You will grow to care for Laila like how Mariam cares for her. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1511003102928","data":"
There's magic in Hosseini's writing, the flow of his words is gentle, like a stream, but the impact is quite forceful, you are often moved, and of course, it is hard not to be in awe of how the characters of both the leading protagonists evolve. He also does a fantastic job in painting a window into Afghanistan, his homeland, writing about the country that was lost to fundamentalists like a long lost lover, and lamenting its current condition in a way that will make you feel like you've lost your homeland. It would be fair to say that Hosseini's writing has changed many a mind on how Afghanistan is or was. It is easy to only see news reports and paint a picture of an entire country filled with nothing but insurgents. <\/p>
I cannot recommend this book enough, it is an absolute must-read. Click here to buy! <\/a><\/p>"}]
Growing up playing racing games was a gateway for many into the world of cars, a lot of my friends went on to become full-blown petrol-heads thanks to games like Need for Speed, Forza Motorsport and of course, PlayStation's very own Gran Turismo. While NFS was more of an Arcade experience, Gran Turismo and Forza was where it got real. From customising and fine-tuning the performance on cars to driving them in conditions as realistic as possible, the stage was set for a love affair of the ages to take over the hearts and minds of many in my generation and the coming generations, made by petrol heads behind computer screens. But here's the thing, most of us will only see these cars in video games or in movies, but almost never in real life. <\/p>
That is unless you don't go to the Auto Expo 2017, scheduled to be held from December 2 to 4th at Hitex. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1510998914642","data":"5a10068056028"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1510998916436","data":"
That's right ladies, gentlemen and Petrolheads, the Auto Expo 2017 is coming to town in Hyderabad and will be held over the first weekend of December from 2nd to 4th all the way over at Hitex, a place I like because it hosts Comic Cons all the time, but that is a digression from the original point so I'm going to stop. <\/p>
The Auto Expo, much like last year, will bring to the city the latest and greatest, the meanest and the sleekest, the best and the very best cars to put up for display. Come, witness the powerful engines and the beauty of the design of cars that only a lucky few will be able to own. <\/p>
With an entry fee of Rs. 300 and promise of putting supercars and superbikes on display, you can be sure to join your fellow enthusiasts on the experience of a lifetime as you explore the show floor. Come for the cars, stay for the selfies. <\/p>
Tickets are available right now on BookMyShow, which you can find by clicking here<\/a> or going to the following link. https:\/\/in.bookmyshow.com\/events\/hyderabad-international-auto-show-2017\/ET00065022<\/p><\/p>P.S: Yes, the cover picture is from Forza: Horizon 3<\/p>"}]
P.S: Yes, the cover picture is from Forza: Horizon 3<\/p>"}]
Humans are weird when it comes to doing the impossible: we tend to make doing the impossible a habit. From diving to the depths of the ocean to shooting off into space and conducting experiments like it's no big deal, humans are insane like that, we've done the impossible, we've brought the world closer together than ever before, there is not much left unexplored today, except the oceans of course, but then the oceans are huge. <\/p>
Yet, for those of us who know that they have a limited time on this planet and want to experience whatever they can before they finally kick the bucket, and for those who find themselves perpetually lost in the silent foothills of the mountain ranges around the world, and for those of us who are looking for themselves and think they can only find the answer in the most insane of places on the planet, the world's toughest challenges are nothing but a checklist to conquer. While there's many such challenges, I've put together 5 that I find fascinating, and hopefully, something that I can accomplish one day. <\/p>
1. Scaling the K2 in Winter<\/b><\/p>
K2, the second highest mountain in the world, on first thought seems like a mountain that can be easily scaled, right? <\/p>
Wrong. <\/p>
Even in the summer months, in the best of conditions, many mountaineers give up or die trying to climb this insanely steep mountain. This hasn't, of course, stopped people from attempting to scale it during the summers but not a living soul haunts the foothills of the K2 in the winter months. Why? Because it just cannot be done. The conditions of the mountain the the horrendously demanding climb takes the toll on even the best of the best. While some of the most difficult mountains in the world have been scaled even in the winters, K2's snow capped peak is unreachable as of yet. Many experts believe that it simply can never be done. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1510979341113","data":"5a0fdd47c2931"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1510979343039","data":"
2. Rowing across the Pacific Ocean...Alone: <\/b> <\/p>
I've always wondered what kind of a person would want to spend nearly half year with nothing but water and their own thoughts for company, and decided that these are the kinds of people I certainly can't be friends with, the sheer insanity required to do that is itself unimaginable. But that certainly hasn't stopped people from doing it anyway. <\/p>
While a handful of people have rowed across the Pacific Ocean, both assisted and unassisted, it remains one of the toughest challenges on the face of this planet, mainly due to the sheer size of the Pacific and the fact that the storms on this ocean are, well, catastrophic. Imagine having to row through gigantic waves and insane rainfall that does not know when to stop. One tilt and you're shark food. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1510979768699","data":"5a0fdd7695004"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1510979770790","data":"
3. Scaling The Kangchenjunga In Any Weather: <\/b><\/p>
I did not want to include another mountaineering feat to the list but then again, this is my list and I'm kinda obsessed with mountains. <\/p>
Considered the tallest peak in the world until mid 19th century when the British commissioned a massive expedition throughout the Himalayan ranges to map it all out, Kanchenjunga is - and I'm not trying to exaggerate here - one of the most consistently dangerous peaks to climb in the world. <\/p>
Located at the Sikkim-Nepal border, the Kanchenjunga today is the third tallest mountain in the world after the successful mapping and measurement of the rest of the Himalayas which put K2 and The Everest on top. It is said that the K2 and Nanga Parbat are more difficult climbs, but while both K2 and Nanga Parbat have seen a fall in the number of deaths, Kangchenjunga's death rate has only increased even in the face of improvements in modern technology and climbing gear. The only reason to climb this, then, is to tell people that you managed to climb an insanely difficult mountain. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1510986256680","data":"5a0fddba8eb85"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1510986259469","data":"
4. Running 251 kilometres in the Sahara Desert. <\/b> <\/p>
Sure you think you're tough but are you tough enough to run 251 kilometres in nearly 50 degrees Celsius over the course of 5 nights and 6 days? <\/p>
Sounds insane? Because it is, and yet, Marathon des Sables gets active participation from people from across the world every year, and year on year. The steep participation price, tickets to Morocco, diet and training costs later, you find yourself along with hundreds of competitors standing nervously at the start line as AC\/DCs 'Highway to Hell' blares over the speakers (a fantastic song, by the way) and pray for the lord almighty's grace that you find good tent mates as you crash for the nights, every night for the next 5 nights. It is one of the toughest challenges on earth, hands down. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1510988033466","data":"5a0fdde00164e"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1510988035497","data":"
5. Swimming in the mightiest river of the world. <\/b><\/p>
And hope to not get eaten by pira\u00f1as on the way. The Amazon river has long stood as a symbol of strength and power due to its sheer size and force of nature that backs it. Considered the second longest river in the world (or the longest, depending on whom you ask), the full length of this gigantic river is a mind-numbing 6992 kilometres. <\/p>
Which you have to swim. <\/p>
That's the challenge, don't look at me like I've gone mad. People who attempt this challenge have to face dangerous predators, both from the animal kingdom and in the form of humans along the banks of the river, diseases that can incapacitate even the strongest of human beings and the risk of drowning is omnipresent. But of course, if there is a challenge out there, there's a guy in the world working to beat it as we speak. In 2007, Slovenian swimmer Martin Strel swam 6000 of the 6992 kilometres of the Amazon, since the remaining was unswimmiable due to various reasons. He is the only one to hold this record as of today, many attempts have been made but nobody has managed to conquer the Amazon. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1510988925873","data":"5a0fde0c29791"}]
If the saying 'Never meet your heroes' was a movie, it would be called Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.<\/p>
How does one come back from a movie that horrendous and continue to use the same characters all over again? Is it even possible? Director Zack Snyder sets out to prove us wrong. I'll admit, I was expecting a tremendous turd the likes of Batman v Superman after I read the reviews and to my pleasant surprise, this was not the case. Of course, the movie is still a disjointed mess of a movie that suffers excessively due to studio interference, which is quite apparent to see, but the moments it shines are when the heroes are together and when scenes are allowed to run its course near the end of the movie, where some of the best live action Superhero moments happen. <\/p>
So, I'll put up a brief review that details the pros and the cons of the movie.<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1510915958343","data":"5a0ec3ac3ed90"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1510915960264","data":"
The Cons: <\/p>
Because I like starting off with the bad news. <\/p>
1. The CGI is absolutely horrendous. Steppenwolf looks like he stepped out of some World of Warcraft cinematic and constantly looks like a video game character, the $20 million dollars they spent on digitally removing Henry Cavill's moustache was completely wasted as you can very clearly see that Cavill's face seems to have been reconstructed by plastic. <\/p>
2. Steppenwolf is not threatening at all. It seems that in interest of the DCEU trying to emulate the MCU, they also copied what was MCU's biggest problem: a lacklustre villain. <\/p>
3. The biggest one so far, the extremely terrible job of cutting the film down to 2 hours 1 minute. It truly is a crying shame because if not for these cuts, Justice League would have been a fantastic movie. With these cuts, however, the movie feels like a disjointed mess that not often comes together, but when it does, it is fantastic. Which brings us to the pros <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1510916390406","data":"5a0ec3c3bee7d"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1510916392553","data":"
The Pros: <\/b><\/p>
1. It's the League on the screen for the first time ever! Whether you're a DC fan or not, we've all grown up knowing the existence of the Justice League and it is a part of all of us. <\/p>
2. Superman stands for Hope once again!<\/p>
3. Barry Allen and his actor Ezra Miller are easily the best parts of this movie. <\/p>
4. Characters work well together and are fantastic.<\/p>
5. Jokes are actually funny.<\/p>
6. Action sequences and a blast. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1510916616815","data":"5a0ec3dec373d"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1510916618662","data":"
Conclusion: <\/b><\/p>
The movie certainly suffers and ultimately crticially fails due to its questionable run time choices and some dialogue, which is corny , but that is mostly due to studio interference and not due to the fact that there are two directors for this movie. The flaws add up, though and soon you'll find out that the movie dies due to various mistakes it makes. , Go watch it today <\/p>"}]
I've written about foreign artists before in this series where I talk about people's music and lay down the reasons on why you should listen to them, but for Thaikkudam Bridge, the reasons are pretty simple: They are desi, they are from Kerala, and they mix classical Carnatic music with Progressive Metal. There are no more reasons one needs to listen to them. <\/p>
A fairly recent band to form together, Thaikkudam Bridge found quick fame across the country for their fantastic cover of Metallica's Nothing Else Matters, along with many of their amazing songs which I will list in this article. They truly encapsulate the meaning of the term 'music has no language'. Here are my top 5 absolute favourite Thaikkudam Bridge songs. <\/p>
1. Nostalgia<\/b><\/p>
This song makes me jealous that I do not understand Malayalam, for the song tells a beautiful story that can only be fully appreciated if you understand the language. The emotions conveyed through the music and the lilt of the lyrics, however, are quite universal. Starting with an earthly guitar chord, it ends with a fantastic jam. Check it out here. <\/p>"},{"type":"youtube","id":"vid-url-1510892661943","data":"nZsMJgWXb6M"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1510892695758","data":"
2. Fish Rock<\/b> <\/p>
This song is an absolute riot at their gigs, Fish Rock, a song about the types of fish they love to eat, is an energetic and upbeat track complimented by bassist Vivian Fernandes's rap portion in between, which surprisingly does not feel out of place for this song at all. <\/p>"},{"type":"youtube","id":"vid-url-1510892800777","data":"QUxetheUJVs"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1510892804473","data":"
3. Chekele (originally by Avial) <\/b> <\/p>
Covering Avial songs in Kerala is a risky job, because the Malyalees are a passionate people who will defend their hobbies and choices fiercely. But this song, Chekele, originally by Avial, is given a powerful tone and a louder more upbeat sound that has managed to rope in new fans for both Thaikkudam and Avial. <\/p>"},{"type":"youtube","id":"vid-url-1510892964785","data":"rC25mI-VDhM"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1510892967769","data":"
4. Nothing Else Matters (Originally by Metallica) <\/b><\/p>
Metallica is easily one of the biggest bands in the world, with their music penetrating every corner of this planet. Of their many songs, Nothing Else Matters is easily one of the most popular, therefore also one of the most covered songs of all time. Seeing Thaikkudam take it on in their signature style and then turning the solo on its head by going in a completely different yet familiar direction makes it a cover worth listening to. I guarantee that you will never forget this version of the song. <\/p>"},{"type":"youtube","id":"vid-url-1510893113324","data":"nhYeslfRrbE"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1510893117118","data":"
5. Khwaab<\/b><\/p>
This is perhaps my favourite song of theirs, perhaps because it is in Hindi and I can understand the lyrics, but also because the song is the perfect example of progressive rock, and it features one of Thaikkudam's best solos of all time, including an outro that you will not forget any time soon. This song is pure pleasure for the ears, and I strongly recommend headphones. <\/p>"},{"type":"youtube","id":"vid-url-1510893231350","data":"JPVQxgWeqcs"}]
'That's one small step for man,' said Neil Armstrong, as he looked at the Lunar Surface, drew in a breath and became the first human to ever walk the surface of the moon, 'One giant leap for mankind.'<\/p>
The story of humanity landing on the moon is perhaps one of the finest examples of what human endeavour can achieve, and it was at the height of the cold war, with the Soviets and the United States doing their best to outdo each other in who could pull off the impossible first. It also raises the question of how much one can achieve if humanity put its differences aside and come together to make the world a better place. <\/p>
Collaboration, then, is the key for human progress, especially progress in the areas of space research as more and more children looking at the stars grow up to become adults with degrees in science and engineering. It is important, nay, we would say absolutely imperative that collaboration is the need of the hour, humanity needs to come together and work together so that they may not just look at the skies, but also be one of the stars in the vast expanse of nothingness that surrounds our planet. While this idea might not exactly be unique, 27-year old Tushar Sharma decided that he needed to do something about it.<\/p>
The young man took the idea and went on to conceptualize and organise Young Professionals in Space, a mega event scheduled for the 23rd of this month that is bringing together the best minds in Space Exploration and Research together along with students under one roof in Bengaluru. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1510908941935","data":"5a0ea4a1c3da4"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1510826823676","data":"
Let it never be said that ISRO is not inspiring people, for a direct result of such inspiration is the Young Professionals In Space event itself. Speaking to stuMagz over the phone all the way from the United States, Tushar Sharma offered his insights into the beginnings, \"Back in February, ISRO made a new world record by launching 104 satellites in one go,\" he says, referring to the launch of PSLV C-37, \"It was then I thought to myself that I had to do something about this, in this field, as I was always interested in it.\" <\/p>
Tushar, a self-confessed hardware engineering geek, went on to lament the lack of interest of today's engineers in Space Research, \"Space Research is the confluence of all streams of engineering. Every engineering, from software to hardware, is required to work in this field. Collaboration between different branches of engineering and coming together to conquer the final frontier should drive today's students right into Space Research's arms.\" <\/p>
Yet, as Tushar tells us, this is not happening. With Engineering becoming a gateway into an IT job, we agree with Tushar that students are turning away from research and into more comfortable fields. <\/p>
\"The Internet of Things is almost here, 5G is coming, Moore's Law for Microprocessors has been surpassed, it is not that easy to make chips with twice the number of transistors every two years anymore. It is the time that we look back up at the stars and conquer them,\" Tushar says, the zeal in his voice plain to read. <\/p>
So he set about trying to come up with an idea of bringing the best minds in Space Research and students together, so that students may look at the possibilities and dedicate themselves to the field, \"Let's hope for the best,\" he laughs. This was when Young Professionals in Space was born.<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1510893684577","data":"5a0e691450697"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1510828546166","data":"
Tushar faced three dilemmas: Location, Logistics and Legendary Speakers. <\/p>
\"We finally decided upon Bangalore because I wanted to do something for my country and also give fellow Indian students something to aim for, aspire to become. We do need all the help we can get,\" he says, speaking about choosing the city of the event, \"and also, ISRO is headquartered in Bangalore, which also influenced the decision process.\" <\/p>
As for the other two issues, Tushar says the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - popularly known as IEEE - helped immensely, \"Honestly, none of this would have been possible without IEEE,\" Tushar says, \"We went from having an idea to laying down the groundwork and inviting some of the best minds in the world for Space Research in a matter of a few months. Coordinating with the team back in Bangalore has, of course, been a little pain because of the time difference, but the team on the ground is excellent and forever on their feet, I couldn't have asked for a better squad.\"<\/p>
Tushar also goes on to talk about Bootcamps that will be organised at the Young Professionals in Space conference, \"When we named in Young Professionals in Space, we meant it,\" he laughs, \"we didn't want this event to just feature talks and nothing else, that would get really boring, really fast. So we came up with the idea of a Bootcamp which will nurture student interest in the field of space research and, here's hoping, the field has a valuable addition to it simply due to the presence of that student, the field basically is richer for their presence, and we do need more minds on deck here.\" <\/p>
As we conclude our interview, Tushar goes on to talk a bit about his own work and the road ahead, \"I won't say it was easy or hard, the difficulty is arbitrary, it is the ideals that we strive towards that matter. I'm very glad to see Young Professionals in Space spreading, with an event being held in Israel as well.\" He is also a recipient of the Izaak Walton Killam Pre-Doctoral Scholarship, the AITF Doctoral Scholarship, the Alberta Transformative Talent scholarship, the Academic Excellence Award, and the Research Productivity Award. Safe to say this event is helmed by the right amount of talent. <\/p>
After having graduated from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi, Tushar is currently pursuing his P.hD at the University of Calgary, Canada. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1510893668597","data":"5a0e6935e4902"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1510830132794","data":"
To check out more about the event itself, <\/span>click here<\/a>, and don't forget to read about the startups that will be gracing the event by clicking here. Also, check out their website and feel free to go through the list of speakers by <\/span>clicking here! <\/a><\/p><\/p>"}]
Sure, we don't exactly have winter snows here but that doesn't mean we can't pretend that its snowing outside. Then again, India is a vast and extremely diverse country, anything can happen here. While it might get cold here, up in the mountains, it does actually show. Anyway, I digress, the essential point of this article is that these are 5 of my personal favourite winter songs, because winter is my favourite season of the year. As for the snow, as long as you are feeling cold, you can pretend that it is actually snowing. As simple as that. <\/p>
1. It May Be Winter Outside (But In My Heart It Is Spring) by Love Unlimited<\/b><\/p>
If you're in a relationship, make sure you send them this song. A fantastic romantic track that defined the season in the year it was released, 1971, and every year since then, this song by Love Unlimited is one for the ages. <\/p>"},{"type":"youtube","id":"vid-url-1510805948055","data":"P8D9_QZzARY"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1510805951076","data":"
2. Cold Weather Blues by Muddy Waters<\/b><\/p>
Released in the decade that would go on to become legendary for its blues music, Cold Weather Blues, released in 1964 by Muddy Waters, became an iconic Electric Blues song that simply cannot be missed. <\/p>"},{"type":"youtube","id":"vid-url-1510806117254","data":"ojfMCYpDda8"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1510806126287","data":"
3. Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol <\/b><\/p>
I absolutely love this track. It just makes me feel like I'm wrapped in a warm and thick blanket filled with love and nothing else. Released in 2006 as the alternative music revolution was taking over the world, this song and consequently, Snow Patrol would shoot straight into international fame with their lyrics and music. It's a fantastic song all around. <\/p>"},{"type":"youtube","id":"vid-url-1510806291855","data":"GemKqzILV4w"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1510806296220","data":"
4. Valley Winter Song by Fountains of Wayne <\/b><\/p>
Fountains of Wayne has a gift of writing the perfect songs for angsty teenager phase, including exploring our own bodies and starting to notice attractive people of the opposite gender, which led to us getting the international hit 'Stacy's Mom', which is a fantastic song in its own right. Valley Winter Song, in a similar vein, is also about a girl by a boy who writes about her. It's a fantastic song, worth checking out. Oh and this one came out in 2003. <\/p>"},{"type":"youtube","id":"vid-url-1510806577444","data":"cDfEBmjtkAQ"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1510806581390","data":"
5. Always With Me, Always With You by Joe Satriani <\/b> <\/p>
The ultimate slowdown\/romantic track by a man who has spent his life time trying to make his guitar make as many sounds as possible, Always With Me, Always With You by the guitar maestro and all around legend Joe Satriani was written in honour of his wife and is a fantastic instrumental track that I highly recommend you listen. It's the perfect way a long day of hard work, or to court the person you have a crush on. <\/p>"},{"type":"youtube","id":"vid-url-1510806771336","data":"BsJisD7n8_Q"}]
Rushing back home from school back in the 2000s guaranteed two things: fantastic cartoons on the TV and an evening filled with whatever Mom used to cook, at least in my case. As much as my mother would like to cook for every child out there, she can't be everywhere like how cartoons were, in every home with a cable connection. This is where our love affair with DC comics began, where we were first exposed to the fantastic adventures of Comic Book's grumpiest hero, one of the greatest of all time, The Batman himself. <\/p>
Voiced by Kevin Conroy, who voiced what is considered the best adaptation of Batman till date, Batman: The Animated Series was our hook into the world, which expanded when Superman: The Animated Series began, which then extended to one of the most iconic TV shows of all time, the Justice League. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1510803864832","data":"5a0d0cb71f7ce"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1510803866492","data":"
Now, years later, the child is grown, the demons gone, but the obsession remains. When the DC Cinematic Universe began, it was only a matter of time before we got Justice League. We were extremely excited, every 90s kid, both early and late 90s, were excited to see where it would go. While the DCEU movies so far have not been quite what we expected them to be, and Justice League reviewing terribly, it does not matter because of one singular fact. <\/p>
The League is finally in a movie. A real movie with real actors playing their characters to perfection. What more could a fanboy ask for? <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1510804021690","data":"5a0d0cf453cb4"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1510804023962","data":"
All in! After years of hoping, praying, getting hyped, the League is finally here, about to hit the screens. In fact, by the time you're reading this, the movie would have already released and us fans who have gone their entire lives hoping this happens will be the first in line to watch it unfold on the big screens. We absolutely cannot wait! <\/p>
Which brings me back to the reviews part. Even as a fanboy, I acknowledge that the movie might not be as good as I hoped it would be, but I realise that I'm going to watch it to see the characters I've idolised as a child and still admire to this day come to life on the screen who play them as they are supposed to be. This will not take away from my enjoyment of the movie, neither will it affect my critical review of it once I actually finish watching it. I do pride myself on being an objective person, after all. <\/p>
But until then, let us just sit back and appreciate the fact that our childhood heroes are finally on the screen, together, and on their way to save the world. What a time to be a geek! <\/p>
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