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Having uneasiness at the very first days of college is the first quality you build being a student. No wonder why many people call the first day of college as \"The nightmare of every student\". But there are some people who get excited about these first days and are very rare to be found. <\/p>","type":"txt","id":1578056597488},{"data":"
Then there are first benchers and rank holders, who visit the college as they are the coolest ones in this world. No matter how the day is, they keep their minds completely fresh as much as teachers. That might be the reason why teachers love them\ud83d\ude05<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1578056854424},{"data":"
No one would believe if I say there are few people around us who get extremely excited about the initial days as they are going to get new friends for new beginnings. If you believe me, then you must be the one among them. Cheers!\u270c\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1578057035993},{"data":"
Luckiest people are the ones who have their old friends with them at these initial times. These are the first ones who could enjoy the college atmosphere happily. They stand first when it comes to associating with other students. <\/p>","type":"txt","id":1578057149276},{"data":"
But when it comes to experiences, every student's story starts with the phrase- \"From being scary at the first day of college to being emotional at the last day of college, this journey had a great impact\". That is the beauty of graduating. <\/p>","type":"txt","id":1578057303627},{"data":"
Initial days are never easy, but they could be more happier if you feel so. Worry less, Associate more, Smile the most! ~ Sushanth Mogili\u2764<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1578057594198}]
Dark clouds swarmed over the sky, diminishing the brightness of a new day. I woke up to a gloomy morning, dead with silence. I grabbed my phone hoping to find any texts from my friends but I was startled to see the unfortunate news circulating in my feed, Qasem Soleimani was killed by the US.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1578073692462},{"data":"
Known as ' The Shadow Commander', Qasem Soleimani was an Iranian major general in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1578074177216},{"id":1578075229712,"type":"img","data":"5e0f8485acb7c"},{"data":"
On 22nd September 1980, when Saddam Hussein launched an invasion of Iran, setting of the Iran- Iraq war, Soleimani joined the battlefield serving as the leader of a military company. He quickly earned a reputation for bravery and rose through the ranks because of his role in the successful operations. Soleimani was described as ' the single most powerful operative in the Middle East today' and the principal military strategist and tactician. He was promoted to Major general and became the principal leader after the Prime minister.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1578074281709},{"data":"
On 3rd January, 2020, Soleimani was killed on after missiles shot from American drones targeted him. The airstrike followed attacks on the American embassy in Baghdad. Pentagon confirmed that US had initiated the airstrike at the direction of President Trump.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1578074610528},{"data":"
While some have described the killing of Soleimani as a 'declaration of war' by the US against Iran, it is important both not to overstate nor to understate the significance of the moment. This will not prompt World war 3. The key power blocks such as Russia and China were not significant players in this drama. <\/p>","type":"txt","id":1578074760039},{"id":1578075248752,"type":"img","data":"5e0f8498b5761"},{"data":"
Soleimani was a man whom Washington believed already had the blood of many US personnel on his hands. The Quds organisation he headed was a terrorist one. Iran does not have nuclear weapons, so we may be safe for a while. As the blood thirsty Iran vows to seek 'severe revenge' let's just wait and watch shit unfold. <\/p>","type":"txt","id":1578074975981}]
The way you engage students on the first day sends powerful messages about the level of involvement and interaction you expect from them. <\/p>","type":"txt","id":1578064937210},{"data":"
Whatever you plan to do during the semester, do it on the first day. For instance, if you plan to use discussions, have students start talking on first day. If you plan to use groups frequently, put students in groups on the first day. If you plan to use extensive writing, have some kind of short reflective activity. If you want the students to be in charge for their own learning, start with an activity where they are the experts, and cannot relay on you for information. For instance, in a psychology course on myths about human behavior, the instructor starts with a brain storming of myths about student behaviors in droms. <\/p>","type":"txt","id":1578065837015},{"data":"
At the beginning of the semester students have the different mythology that they need to achieve goals and targets. Students come up with different ideas to showcase their talents. In extra co-curricular activity, students have an active participation and showcase their talents. Mostly students are interested in other activities but they need to concentrate on their studies to get good marks and achieve their goals with both edutainment ( education+entertainment) in all aspects. <\/p>","type":"txt","id":1578068306087},{"data":"
Every day is a new beginning: The first day of the class is a great chance to stimulate interest about the course and to activate relavant prior knowledge students have about the material. Whatever your plan in the beginning, students should get some idea of what's expected of them throughout the semester, and also have the opportunity to discern their place in the class and it's activity. <\/p>","type":"txt","id":1578071247368},{"data":"
POSITIVE FIRST IMPRESSION: First impressions can be long lasting, and they are usually based on a thin slice of behavior. Before you even start teaching, your students will have already made some discussions about you, so it is important to understand what those impressions are based on and how to manage them. <\/p>","type":"txt","id":1578072228605},{"data":"
Your attire: Many of them judge on the dressing sense of other person and communication as well. If more formal attire it is then they communication will be more expertise and confidence. Usually, it is easier to relax a more formal impression in to a relaxed one than the other way around. <\/p>","type":"txt","id":1578072711323},{"data":"
In addition to the categories above, students are likely trying to determine whether you are harsh or easy grader, how flexible you will be with dead lines. <\/p>","type":"txt","id":1578073103016},{"data":"
Establish a culture of feedback: Let students know your interested in how they experience the course and any suggestions they have. They should feel free to give you constructive feedback. You might not adopt the every suggestion they have but you will listen and consider them. This starts to create beginning of learning. At the end of the year they need to take the feedback of students which gives confidence and they will make sure that it would not repeat again.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1578074168773}]
IT and Industries Minister K.T. Rama Rao, on January 2, will officially declare 2020 as the Year of AI (Artificial Intelligence) for Telangana, announce AI projects and launch the calendar of events.<\/p>
Several industry and academic leaders are collaborating to design the year of AI programme and sign MoUs with the government at the inaugural function. Secretary to the Union Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology Ajay Prakash Sawhney and NITI Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant have been invited to the programme.<\/p>
A release from the Minister\u2019s office on Tuesday said a round table was organised here to formulate AI-specific incentives as well as Telangana\u2019s AI strategy framework document. AI experts from all over the country were contributing to the document. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1578078138604","data":"5e0f90e05b952"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1578078138605","data":"
\u201cThe State has already operationalised its Blockchain framework document and Drone framework document. With AI and Big Data Analytics expected to generate eight lakh jobs in India by 2021, Telangana will launch its AI programme in 2020, which will be implemented by Nasscom and guided by the AI framework document,\u201d said Jayesh Ranjan, IT and Industries Secretary in a press note. <\/p>"}]
A Teacher teaching Maths to a seven year-old Rose asked him \u201cIf I give you one apple and one apple and one more apple, how many apples will you have?\u201d Within a few seconds Rose replied confidently, \u201cFour!\u201d.<\/p>
\u201cMaybe the child did not listen properly\u201d, she thought. She repeated, \u201cRose, listen carefully. It is very simple. If I give you one apple and one apple and one more apple, how many apples will you have? \"<\/p>
Rose calculated again on his fingers. But within him he was also searching for the answer that will make the teacher happy. This time hesitatingly he replied: \u201cFour\u2026..\u201d<\/p>
The teacher remembered Rose loves Strawberries. She thought maybe he doesn\u2019t like apples and that is making him lose focus. <\/p>
This time with exaggerated excitement and twinkling eyes she asked, \u201cIf I give you one strawberry and one strawberry and one more strawberry, then how many will Rose have?\" <\/p>
Young Rose calculated on his fingers again. With a hesitating smile young Rose enquired, \u201cThree\"? The teacher now had victorious smile. But one last thing remained. <\/p>
Once again she asked him, \u201cNow if I give you one apple and one apple and one more apple, how many will you have?\" Promptly Rose answered, \u201cFour!\" The teacher was aghast. \u201dHow Rose, How?\u201d she demanded in a little stern and irritated voice. <\/p>
In a voice that was law and hesitating young Rose replied, \u201cBecause I already have on apple in my bag\u201d...<\/p>
Moral of the Story<\/b>: When someone gives us an answer that is different from what we are expecting, not necessarily they are wrong. There may be an angle that we have not understood at all.<\/p>
Savitribai Jyotirao Phule (3 January 1831 \u2013 10 March 1897) was an Indian social reformer and poet. Along with her husband, Jyotirao Phule, she played an important role in improving women's rights in India during British rule. Phule along with her husband founded the first women's school at Bhide Wada in Pune in 1848.<\/p>
The child bride who stood up against discrimination Born into a family of farmers in Naigaon, Maharashtra, she was married to 12-year-old Jyotirao Phule at the age of nine. She worked very hard to abolish discrimination and unfair treatment of people based on caste and gender. She is regarded as an important figure of the social reform movement in Maharashtra.<\/p>
Savitribai Jyotirao Phule is also known as the first Indian female teacher. <\/p>
At a time when people hardly identified the grievances of women in India, Savitribai Phule along with her husband stood up to fight the injustice against women.<\/p>
How Balhatya Pratibandhak Griha came into existence?<\/p>
She noticed the plight of women who after falling prey to sexual exploitation and becoming pregnant, either committed suicide or killed the newborn due to fear of banishment by the society. To cater to such women she opened a care centre for pregnant rape victims and helped deliver their children. The care centre was called \"Balhatya Pratibandhak Griha\" (Infanticide prohibition house).<\/p>
Phule also worked to abolish discrimination and unfair treatment of people based on caste and gender, she found the treatment of the untouchables problematic and opened a well in her house in 1868 so that, people who were refused drinking water by the upper caste can use it.Phule also worked to abolish discrimination and unfair treatment of people based on caste and gender. She found the treatment of the untouchables problematic and opened a well in her house in 1868 so that, people who were refused drinking water by the upper caste can use it.<\/p>
Conclusion: While there are several women who go on to perform well in their chosen fields outside their homes, there are many who sit at home and still own the world. The last, but not the least, every Indian mother is an achiever we just cannot leave out. <\/p>"}]
There are different stages in our life. One of these stages is student days.This stage is considered one of the most important stages in our life where our present,future desires & dreams and everything depend on this stage only. At this time,our mind is like a clay. Clay is a soft thing used to design various shapes. Like clay,our minds can also be shaped in different ways. Onces the pots are made their shape cannot be changed. Likewise, onces our character is formed in one way,it cannot be changed easily. If we make the right use and receive a good education during our student life,we shall be successsfull in the future. On the other hand,if we aren't serious at this time,we can't achieve our goals. Students therefore, should be very careful. We must think seriously before every step we take. We must learn new things as much as possible at this period.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1577976964728},{"data":"
The most important factor that students have to learn is Time management. We know that Time is most valuable thing in everyone's life and It never wait for anyone. If we dont know time management,it is difficult to achieve our goals. So every student has to plan accordingly and follow it daily. At the beginning of every step like 10th class or inter or BTech or any other fields, every student will have dreams to score good percentage of marks or someones will have dream to become the topper of university........... but at the end,the maximum students cannot achieve their respective goals. This is just because lack of preparation or lack of time management or underestimating themselves or laziness . If we ask any student about their preparation strategy, most of the students will answer \"ONE DAY BATTING\",completing the whole syllabus in just one night,and scoring average marks. Don't you think,how great they are!!!! Because it is difficult task to remember all the formulas within a short period. And some students say that surrounding matters alot, I dont know why it affects them. Because if you want to read or if you want to achieve your goals, it has to depend only on you, not on your surroundings, if you are really deterministics, nothing will affect you. And also some students who dont want to waste their time on movies or parties or chilling with friends. According to me, A student has to know everything about every field. Because this is the only stage where we learn and experience, after that we can only teach. If we dont know anything How can we teach our future generation???<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1577978009084},{"data":"
I suggest you work for your goals for at least an hour, which matters alot. Every step is valuable. Count your steps and know where you are and where you have to be. Never give up your dreams, and dont underestimate yourselves. Believe in yourselves and try hard and hard until you reach your success. Never giveup your dreams for anything. If you prepare a plan to achieve something, dont skip it. Follow it daily. <\/p>","type":"txt","id":1577978916378}]
I make resolutions, I have a list of them,When I say this I mean loads and loads of them. And for obvious reasons I know I won't work towards everything from that list. And no, I am not proud of it. But I think resolutions should not only be made on a specific occations, If there is something I want to work on then I'll start working from that instant, and if I dont want to do it then I wait until the deadline knock my door. Because I think enthusiasm and time are inversely proportional, as time increases the enthusiasm to do something decreases. Yes, I do resolute on special occasions like new years,my birthdays and all,but i don't wait for them. Speaking of my resolutions, ---I want to improve my performance in basketball. I want our team to be undefeated and I want to play the better part to make our team be the one. I want me to have those muscle tear on a very frequent basis after my practice sessions, which makes me count my every step i walk, but which also makes me feel good about the great practice session i would have had, and generates the motivation to work harder everyday. ---I want to perform well in my acadamics. No, I dont want to be a topper, I do not aim to perform better than anyone, I just want to perform well enough that it gets me placed. \tI believe in my passion in regards to the first one, but for the second one i think i need a lots of push and a little luck, May god bless me with that. These are the two major things I want to concentrate on,there are other little things I want to work on,I know there are many that would add on to the list, but these two top my list right now. \t\t\t\t WORK POSTPONED IS WORK DENIED!! Do not do that,do not postpone your work. If you want to do something ,remember the right time is the very particular instant, The right place is where it has to be ; ) Regards,\nSreeja Kalvala.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1577987632482}]
A new semester brings a new beginning, a clean slate. I know before semesters just don't vanish away but we have a chance to start learning new subjects leaving the old ones behind. New semester brings new plans, new ways to bunk classes and hang out.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1577999979347},{"data":"
Every student behaviour is different from another, one of the way in which students behave is studiously ones that start studying the moment semester begins.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1578000491278},{"data":"
Then there are exact opposite ones the one that wastes the whole semester before they open the books. They are the ones who score amazing despite the fact that they study just for a day.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1578000952817},{"data":"
The most important ones back benchers who use the phone whole time during the lecture.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1578000978290},{"data":"
Then there are also coordinators for different clubs they need to start planning for the activities for the semester.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1578000996766},{"data":"
Then there are sports ones who start their training for the season.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1578001014889},{"data":"
They are many different types of behaviour in students and I'm pretty sure that I haven't even listed half of them, and to list all of them, it is easier to a book on psychology than list them.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1578001037908},{"data":"
Either way, hope everyone enjoys the new semester.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1578001057499}]
\nBehavior and comfort level goes hand in hand. <\/p>
let's talk about the changes that we see in students today, Are you exactly the person you were when you entered the four walls that you are spending your 3 years in? I can feel you shaking your head a no and I'm shaking my head too as I answer this question. <\/p>
And the reason is simple it's because the level of comfort that we develope in our surroundings automatically influences our behavior for better or for worst. In the beginning, our behavior is like someone walking on eggshells praying they don't crack we are very\naware of what we say and the consequences of our actions, we put on a mask the mask of kindness, the mask of a good listener, the mask of a learner, and most of all the mask of a whole new person. <\/p>
But then a few weeks pass by and it all sort of changes we commence getting comfortable with each other it becomes more facile the mask comes off, we are no more afraid to bring out who we truly are we become more of a rebel, we start caring less of what people have to say\nand the fear that we had, in the beginning, to fit in is no more we just blend in, \nthe more you get used or habituated to a situation the more chill our personality becomes. <\/p>
\nI think everybody would agree with me when I say this initially we would run to college either to learn something (which is very rare) or to meet our friends but now its come to such a point where the only reason we get up from our cozy beds is for the word ATTENDANCE that haunts our\nbeautiful slumber. <\/p>
Initially, in the beginning, our grades mattered but now just seeing the word PASSED feels like a trip to heaven these are few of the many changes that all of us as students witness, the teachers that we were once terrified of turn out to become our friends and the strangers that we are put with become our good friends that we ultimately share our life with.<\/p>
These changes can be good when we start becoming comfortable in our surroundings the fear within us drastically reduces it becomes easier to break into \nnew territories and help us build lasting relationships.<\/p>"}]
It is a new year, a new decade and in most colleges, the new semester has just started for students. The new year brings with it many new year resolutions that most people fail to keep up. Going by the short attention spans of today's students, it is more likely that students find it tough to keep up their new year resolutions and that's why we are making this list to enable you to keep track of what you do and follow your new year resolutions.<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1577962697924","data":"
Fitness and diet:<\/b><\/p>
Being fit is a resolution that most people make and fail to keep up. While hitting the gym and sweating it out is important for strength and stamina, diet is important too. In fact, according to many fitness experts, the key to fitness lies in diet and exercise is jut a small part of it. Use apps like MyFitnessPal, LoseIt!, and Fooducate help you keep track of what you eat. So keep track of it and stay fit and healthy. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1577962697925","data":"
Productivity: <\/b><\/p>
Students have a lot of things on their plate, especially in an even semester as many students are involved in various events that happen in colleges during this semester. There's the college fest, there are technical events and for third and fourth year students, there are the mini-project and major-project respectively and all this is apart from the regular assignments and all. To ensure you prioritise your tasks on hand and get everything done without forgetting anything, there are several apps that one can use. Evernote, Trello, Slack are some apps that help you be productive. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1577962697926","data":"
Money management:<\/b><\/p>
Considering how all of you students will start earning soon, it is important for you to learn how to manage your money and keep track of expenses. Make effective money-management a new year resolution and use apps like Wally and Walnut to keep track of your expenses and to ensure you don't over-spend. These apps let you set a monthly budget and in that you can put in various expenses and plan everything accordingly. <\/p>
Also, you can use apps like Splitwise that help you keep track of expenses when you go out with friends or when you go for trips with friends. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1577962697927","data":"
Make writing a new year resolution and write about whatever you feel like. Writing is a powerful way of expressing yourself and can also put a lot of things in perspective for you. It can just be about what you're feeling on a particular day, like a journal of sorts and for that, you have apps like Journey and more. You can also utilise stuMagz app to write about particular topics that you want to share your views on, write about your projects and more. The best part of writing on stuMagz is that you get stuMagz Coins for every story that you write on stuMagz and you can use these coins for various offers and deals on stuMagz VIP! <\/p>"}]
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