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A gentleman was walking through an elephant camp, and he spotted that the elephants weren’t being kept in cages or held by the use of chains.<\/p>\n
All that was holding them back from escaping the camp, was a small piece of rope tied to one of their legs.<\/p>\n
As the man on seeing the elephants, he was completely confused as, why the elephants didn’t just use their strength to break the rope and escape the camp. They could easily have done so, but instead they didn’t try to do at all.<\/p>\n
The man was Curious and wanted to know the answer, he asked a trainer nearby why the elephants were just standing there and never tried to escape.<\/p>\n
The trainer replied;<\/p>\n
“when they are very young and much smaller we use a chain to tie them and, at that age, it tries harder to escape but the chain Hurts the leg and it gets Hurt. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free<\/b>.\"<\/p>\nOnly MINDSET is <\/b>enough to hold them.\n<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<\/div>\nThe only reason that the elephants weren’t breaking free and escaping from the camp was because over the time they adopted the MINDSET that it just wasn’t possible.<\/p>\nMoral of the story:<\/b><\/p>\n No matter how much the world tries to hold you back, always continue with the BELIEF that what you want to achieve is possible.<\/p>\nBuild Up a STRONG MINDSET that \"I CAN.\" At every Moment,that Believing in yourself can make successful, it is the most important step in actually achieving it.<\/p>\nTO be an ENTREPRENEUR :\n\"THINK BIG\"\n\"Set Strong Positive MINDSET\"<\/p>\n \nIt was my first STORY writting in Stumagz.. If there are any mistakes plz mention in the below coment box that makes me to rectify it.\n \n @#..THANK YOU..@#<\/p>\n","id":"1514912374005","type":"txt"}]
“when they are very young and much smaller we use a chain to tie them and, at that age, it tries harder to escape but the chain Hurts the leg and it gets Hurt. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free<\/b>.\"<\/p>\n
Only MINDSET is <\/b>enough to hold them.\n<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<\/div>
\nThe only reason that the elephants weren’t breaking free and escaping from the camp was because over the time they adopted the MINDSET that it just wasn’t possible.<\/p>\n
Moral of the story:<\/b><\/p>\n
No matter how much the world tries to hold you back, always continue with the BELIEF that what you want to achieve is possible.<\/p>\n
Build Up a STRONG MINDSET that \"I CAN.\" At every Moment,that Believing in yourself can make successful, it is the most important step in actually achieving it.<\/p>\n
TO be an ENTREPRENEUR :\n\"THINK BIG\"\n\"Set Strong Positive MINDSET\"<\/p>\n
\nIt was my first STORY writting in Stumagz.. If there are any mistakes plz mention in the below coment box that makes me to rectify it.\n \n @#..THANK YOU..@#<\/p>\n","id":"1514912374005","type":"txt"}]
We find lot of people complaining about, the lack of time to do what they love as their main hindrance towards success. If you are working 9 to 5 in some agency and love singing very much that you actually know that this thing that you do from 9 to 5 is not going to take you anywhere, then you have only two options. First, succumb to self pity about your situation and get used for bearing the regret and do nothing about it. Second, go work for 9 to 5, come home, kiss the dog, play and then, work on what you love from 7 pm to 2 am. That 7 to 2 in the morning is everything. It is the only way, it is the only time for you to outwork others and become a poster child in singing or whatever that matters to you. We have to deploy a lot of patience for this. It all breaks down into a binary situation for which you have to decide, either you do or you dont.<\/p>\n
By the way, I<\/u> just figured out, my clock stuck 2.00 am! I'm done! <\/p>\n"}]
\u201cHow many have matched?\u201d asked the father. \u201cOnly 12, sir! Said the astrologist\u201d. And the talk of marriage ended this way. In this era of modernization, cities with a nature of cosmopolitan, growth in terms of science, medicine and arts, there still exist people who cancel marriages because of Horoscope. What is horoscope? Is it something that decides our lives or is it something that teaches us how to live our life? Horoscope is a belief. According to the Barnum Effect (also called the Forer Effect) it means people\u2019s tendency to take vague and generalized characteristics of themselves as accurate and truthful (Paranormality). Or in other words, it means that people accept characteristics that can apply to many people as personal and accurate only for themselves.People who diligently follow their horoscopes may claim that it's all just good fun. But on closer examination, this claim falls flat. Here's why astrology is potentially damaging to our understanding of science, relationships \u2014 and even our place in the universe itself.Research says that Astrology, though discredited for centuries, still remains wildly popular. Scarcely does a day go by when we're not told of how our astrological sign is supposed to govern our behavior or predetermine the day's events. Yet no explanation has ever been given - nor is one forthcoming - that can adequately explain the mechanism for which the alignment of the planets can influence our psychologies or the unfolding of the universe.To change our experience, we need to change our beliefs. We can leave an unhappy relationship or quit an unpleasant job, but if we maintain the same beliefs, we will continue to attract similar situations and people no matter where we go. We simply can\u2019t run away from people. Our life is a mirror of our beliefs. We can walk away from our current \u201cmirror,\u201d but we will still see our own reflection when we stand in front of the next one. We must change who we are in order to see a new reflection in the mirror. Use horoscopes to develop good change and beliefs but do not make assumptions and illogical perceptions and use the name of \u201cHoroscope\u201d to make things in life as \u201cHorror-scope\u201d.Now that the horoscopes may not match but the mindsets of the people do, why cancel a healthy marriage? It\u2019s your call, after all! Think wisely, my friend. <\/p>"}]
In a development akin to Ghost in the Shell, a Hong Kong based company named Hanson robots built a robot called Sophia, one that would go on to become famous by being officially recognised as a citizen of The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia a few short months ago. The first ever Robot to become a citizen of a nation in the world. This is how most sci-fi movies start. <\/p>
Jokes aside, Sophia was present at the Techfest held at IIT Bombay and attracted a throng of students curious about her inner workings and AI. Some robots even asked her to marry them, only to be soundly rejected and becoming the only people in the world so single that they also got rejected by a robot. <\/p>
Okay seriously, I'll stop the jokes. Sophia pulled off some cool stuff like greeting the crowd with a namaste and even speaking a few lines about the country's place in the world as a traditional and cultural hub as well as an economic powerhouse, \"I've always wanted to visit India,\" said the robot that has been modeled to look like actress Audrey Hepburn. <\/p>
The talk, which was attended by a 3000 strong force, ended with Sophia speaking on the importance of keeping human values in mind while designing AI. While many in the field of AI believe Sophia to be nothing but a sophisticated chatbot, it is also believed that Sophia's smiling face might go a long way in normalising AI. <\/p>\n"}]
It\u2019s New Year! A fresh beginning, a new start, a new chance to change the things that weren\u2019t done right in the former year. And I am sure that almost everybody thought of a resolution again, but are lousy to implement it in real. Let\u2019s do something different this year! Shall we? <\/p>
Let\u2019s take a resolution to love ourselves first. Let\u2019s take a resolution, that in these 8760 hours that we have in this year, we will spent at least 10 minutes each day with our self, talking about what we actually want, or how we want things to work out in life, or do we deserve the pain that is caused by someone takes us for granted? <\/p>
Seasons change, so does the number on the calendar; and with this, we see changes in the relationships we share with the people around us. One moment, we are together, and the other moment we are apart. Some breakups cause heart wrenching pain, be it with your best friend or love of your life. But! Nothing is more painful and hurting than giving in at the cost of your self esteem.<\/p>
There is a famous saying, which goes \u201cNothing is permanent in this temporary life\u201d, and one has to understand the fact, that there is nothing that stays forever; the only thing that stays with oneself is their self esteem. Hence, this New Years\u2019, make a resolution that you will never put yourself so down that someone or anyone is able to wash their feet in the pool of yourself respect.\nIf it is meant to be, it will come around, if not, you know what to do. <\/p>
\nHave a happy and peaceful 2018 everybody! \n\n<\/p>"}]
We all are well aware about pencil and its usage....but did we ever think about the lessons that pencil teaches us....?<\/p>
We buy it , sharp it ,use it ,again sharp it and then later .................finally throw it.<\/p>
A pencil describes a life ,a common life.Just like pencil ,life always shows its beauty in rough situations(paper).When pencil was made for the first time ,the pencil maker gave some crucial,pertinent,important instructions which can give us some vital instructions which can be applied in our life.<\/p>
The first lesson that a pencil teaches us is \"WHAT IS TRULY IMPORTANT ACTUALLY LIES WITHIN IT\". The pencil has two aspects. First the outside which is beautiful wooden case and inside lead which has much purpose.Similarly in our life as well , we have outside .The outside is about personality.The inside is about being genuine ,sincere person.The outside is about our charisma ,our style ,our presentation ,our way of speaking ,our confidence ,our mannerisms.The inside is about our character ,our morals ,our integrity , the principles we hold sacred in lives .The outside is about valuables .In the world today ,we are accepted for what we have than who we are .We are accepted for what we wear than who we are .We are accepted for what we drive than who we are.Valuables seem to be crucial overly emphasized in the modern society.The outside is about valuables and the inside is about values.Our personality can impress but being a genuine person can inspire.<\/p>
The second lesson that pencil teaches us is \"UNLESS YOU GO THROUGH SHARPENING ,WHAT IS WITHIN YOU DOESN'T COMES OUT\".The pencil should go through painful sharpening before the sharp nib comes out and makes an impact.Similarly in life ,unless the life goes through painful situations ,the best things within will never come out as they say \"NO PAIN NO GAIN\".<\/p>
The third lesson that pencil teaches us is\"UNLESS WHAT IS WITHIN YOU COMES OUT(the lead) ,YOU CANNOT MAKE AN IMPACT\".Its only when lead comes out of the case the pencil actually can make an impact by writing something on paper. Similarly in our lives as well ,unless what is within us comes out we will not be able to make an impact either in our own lives or those of others.<\/p>
The fourth lesson that pencil teaches us is \"WHEN YOU WRITE YOU WILL MOST CERTAINLY END UP MAKING MISTAKES\". What truly great is that right behind you is an eraser you can actually correct those mistakes and once again write the correct thing.Even in our lives as well, we make so many mistakes and what's amazing is God has given us the chance to erase them ,to correct them and to rewrite our stories.We all make mistakes.Yes, we make mistakes.We must erase them ,correct them and never repeat again.<\/p>
We will invariably make mistakes but, right behind you is an eraser.We can erase ,correct our mistakes and rewrite THE STORY OF LIFE.<\/p>
(-: Thankyou:-)<\/p>"}]
The biggest poison in me is regret. I feel that a lack of regret is the best way to a peaceful and happy life. Because if I m happy with everything, life just rolls out. I want to figure out my life in the maximum possible phases. So I will keep trying to unlock my best. I know it’s hard and I also know that I m actually lazy. I may talk of a good life but I know I m still full of shit. To do that,<\/p>\n
I want to live a life without regrets.<\/p>\n
I want to stop making excuses.<\/p>\n
I want to stop complaining on things I have no control.<\/p>\n
I want to stop saying “I wish… I wish…” and start executing my shit.<\/p>\n
I want to stop caring about others point of view on my actions.<\/p>\n
I want to make more people happy.<\/p>\n
Because I know I got only one life<\/u><\/p>\n","id":"1514645739704","type":"txt"}]
There's an odd sense of finality as December 31st rolls by, it's as if the very air you're breathing and the faces of people around you seem to suggest slowing down, relaxing and putting off the problem you were tackling for tomorrow, basically procrastinating, as one of our student writers, Shireen, so aptly puts it in her article which you can read by clicking here. <\/a><\/p>But while the article linked above is holding a mirror to people who make resolutions and break them, I think it is important for all of us to realise that it doesn't hurt to slow down once in a while and just examine the year that was and the year that will be. <\/p>It has been an incredible year for Team stuMagz, we went from planning to establishing ourselves in various colleges, all of whom have been absolutely invaluable additions to our growing family. We've been partnered with the most happening events in town, we've featured everyone from the local music scene to The Giant Killer of Badminton, Srikanth Kidambi himself. <\/p>And yet, there's even more to come. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1514704554416","data":"Of course, none of this would have been possible without you, dear reader, you who have supported us, shared our articles, attended the events we've spoken about and written about, been a part of the stuMagz journey through college events and our Avengers program and have, in general, spoke about us to their friends and family. While this year was hectic and a learning experience for us, it truly belongs to you, our readers, fans and friends, for whom we do this in the first place. <\/p>In 2018, we promise to strive even harder to bring to you the content you love, as well as a few new additions that I hope will become something of a staple for our student subscribers. The lessons we learned from 2017 were hard and difficult to digest, however, we did learn from these mistakes and for the coming year, we promise to give you only the best we have to offer. <\/p>And when it comes to me, I also promise to bring to you the best features, stories that you want to read, reviews of movies you want to watch, lists of books you want to read and even more. Stay tuned to our facebook page, as always. <\/p>So sit back, relax and let that old familiar feeling wash over you, the one that makes you want to set your burdens aside and just chill, you know, just relax and let everything take care of itself, that is, until you have to deal with it yourself. <\/p>Again, as always. <\/p>Happy New Year from Team stuMagz! <\/p>"}]
But while the article linked above is holding a mirror to people who make resolutions and break them, I think it is important for all of us to realise that it doesn't hurt to slow down once in a while and just examine the year that was and the year that will be. <\/p>
It has been an incredible year for Team stuMagz, we went from planning to establishing ourselves in various colleges, all of whom have been absolutely invaluable additions to our growing family. We've been partnered with the most happening events in town, we've featured everyone from the local music scene to The Giant Killer of Badminton, Srikanth Kidambi himself. <\/p>
And yet, there's even more to come. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1514704554416","data":"
Of course, none of this would have been possible without you, dear reader, you who have supported us, shared our articles, attended the events we've spoken about and written about, been a part of the stuMagz journey through college events and our Avengers program and have, in general, spoke about us to their friends and family. While this year was hectic and a learning experience for us, it truly belongs to you, our readers, fans and friends, for whom we do this in the first place. <\/p>
In 2018, we promise to strive even harder to bring to you the content you love, as well as a few new additions that I hope will become something of a staple for our student subscribers. The lessons we learned from 2017 were hard and difficult to digest, however, we did learn from these mistakes and for the coming year, we promise to give you only the best we have to offer. <\/p>
And when it comes to me, I also promise to bring to you the best features, stories that you want to read, reviews of movies you want to watch, lists of books you want to read and even more. Stay tuned to our facebook page, as always. <\/p>
So sit back, relax and let that old familiar feeling wash over you, the one that makes you want to set your burdens aside and just chill, you know, just relax and let everything take care of itself, that is, until you have to deal with it yourself. <\/p>
Again, as always. <\/p>
Happy New Year from Team stuMagz! <\/p>"}]
Lot of people think themselves to be bigger than they actually are. We keep saying repeatedly how do I get into Google? Or how can I have a meeting with that CEO? <\/p>
\nBefore you think of the steps it actually takes to actually get to the biggest places in the world, you need to visit small places and start having experience of little things. Before you have a meeting with Zuckerberg or Jeff bozos, you must have many little meetings with friends and family and all the relations. If you are a blogger and are blogging everyday even though you have only like 6 to 10 readers you will surely taste some awesome success. It\u2019s always depth versus width. We must look deeper than wider. Because you may be having 197 or 236 views for your video, but one of the viewers might be a CEO of a huge company you always wished to get in or the director of that film you wanted to work with. We need to have the humility and patience to continue even in adversity. Because it might just be one but actually its greater than zero\n<\/p>"}]
This is going to be short and brief because I want you to waste as little time as possible and start reading these books asap. <\/p>
1. The Foundation Series: <\/b><\/p>
Perhaps Asimov's greatest works, The Foundation Series laid the groundwork for brilliant pieces of Science-Fiction to be written in the coming years. Spanning 5 books with a setting that has since then become a science fiction staple, the adventures of Hari Seldon and his attempts to save humanity from 30000 years of barbarism are nothing short of amazing. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1514620012146","data":"5a474628afcc6"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1514620014028","data":"
2. I, Robot: <\/b> <\/p>
Immortalised by Will Smith's movie of the same name, I, Robot was one of the most significant works of science fiction, especially with the way Robots and Artificial Intelligence is portrayed in popular media. Isaac Asimov laid the foundation for many more robot stories to appear in the world with this fantastic book. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1514620340592","data":"5a4747246ee84"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1514620550218","data":"
3. The End of Eternity: <\/b> <\/p>
Let this be a lesson in understanding that messing with time will not end well for you. <\/p>
Asimov takes us on a timeless journey (hehe punny) where a man whose job is to literally time travel and alter the past or the present or the future to prevent time's cause and effect relationship from going haywire starts using his powers to ensure him and the woman he loves survive together. What happens after that is a lesson in not to mess with time. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1514620679718","data":"5a4747b5dec90"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1514620695732","data":"
4. The Gods Themselves: <\/b> <\/p>
I suspect Ubisoft got the inspiration to create Those Who Came Before, the proto-human advanced civilisation from Assassin's Creed, based on The Gods Themselves by Asimov. This one won multiple awards and is considered one of his best, dealing with the themes of excess and human greed. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1514621429734","data":"5a474aa2d9474"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1514621444853","data":"
5. Nightfall: <\/b><\/p>
On a planet of 6 suns, inhabited by creatures that fear the dark, an eclipse is imminent, one that would plunge the entire planet into darkness until the eclipse passed. How do they deal with it?<\/p>
Nightfall was originally a short story written by Asimov in 1941 but then expanded into a novel decades later, detailing the descent into chaos for the planet as the suns vanished and darkness reined supreme, and for the first time in the planet's history, they saw up and saw the stars. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1514621662845","data":"5a474b8c5a7ac"}]
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