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We are fortunate to have so many eateries and food joints very accessible from the college if we plan to hang out with our friends sometimes. Everything from Pani-puri to Pizza, Sugarcane juice to Thick Shake factory, we have everything at our disposal and it isn\u2019t even hard to get there. The easiest way to reach the city if you don\u2019t have your own transport is to get into one of the numerous shared autos that you get at the college entrance and they\u2019ll drop you at Ghatkesar for a nominal amount. From Ghatkesar you can either board a bus or get into the Tata Magic Ace mini truck which is recommended over the Bus service as you can get down wherever you want. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1512491864487","data":"
In this post, we\u2019ve curated a list of easily accessible food joints and eateries that provide quality food, we might have missed out on some of the good destinations as we chose to include only the places that we\u2019ve visited to ensure that the review is genuine. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1512491875105","data":"
Tell me you didn\u2019t know there was a McD on the way from our college to Uppal? This is one of the most known and easily accessible eateries from college. The place has enough parking space so you can even get your own private vehicle and park there. The place has a wide range of options and will leave most people satisfied. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1512492204914","data":"5a26cd3361830"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1512491901885","data":"
Green Chillis: <\/p>
If McD is not your type and you wish to pass, or if you\u2019re looking for a more India meal then you can take a stop at the Green chillis dhaba which makes one of the best Butter Naan in the vicinity. The Dhaba can be seen to your left when you are coming from Ghatkesar towards Uppal. You\u2019ve decent amount of parking space in case you and your friends crash in with your own vehicles. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1512492162713","data":"5a26cd1681f25"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1512491917475","data":"
Monkeyz iLand: <\/p>
This is one of the two recently constructed driven-ins en-route to our college. This drive-in has a lot to offer In terms of food and you will surely leave satisfied. You even have arrangements for sports so you can spend a good time with your friends and makes memories that\u2019ll be cherished. The Monkey Drive in even has Thick Shake Factory so you can quench your thirst for some thick shake on your way back home. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1512492215671","data":"5a26cdcc4f0a0"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1512491922001","data":"
Paradise: <\/p>
If you\u2019re a true Hyderabadi then nothing pleases you more than Authentic Hyderabadi Biryani. You can find a Paradise restraint at Peraziguda on your way back from college towards Uppal. The place serves quality meals and has one of the best biryanis around. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1512492400092","data":"5a26cdf69f946"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1512491937108","data":"
Dominoes\/Eagle Boys Pizza: <\/p>
Once you near Uppal, your options increase. To the left of the road, you have Dominoes Pizza and Eagle Boys Pizza near the Boduppal area. Grab a Pizza and let the conversations flow on. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1512492488542","data":"5a26ce4ee0247"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1512491941991","data":"
\u201cReal\u201d Bawarchi: <\/p>
Although there isn\u2019t a lot real about the name, the place offers pretty good biryani and other starters. This is a very economical place located almost opposite Asian Cinemas in Uppal. The place lacks parking space, so we suggest you look at the other options if you are bringing in your own vehicles. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1512492477064","data":"5a26ce43de478"}]
Every individual will definitely have a situation, where he\/she couldn't manage all the stuff going on in his\/her life. Most of the people will get depressed and feels suppressed mostly because of expectations. A person without any expectations can lead his life to a great pleasure. Expectations are totally different from our passion and targets. The main problem lies with us. Yes, you are the one who has to take care of yourself and never expect someone to be there for you all the time. YOU are the one, who have to face the problems and overcome the situations. You are responsible for what you have done\/are doing\/to do in your precious life. In this present generation, life isn't about telling reasons to others. Reasons literally won't work out in life. You are not the only one who feels like that. When we want something to be changed, we need to change something ourselves.<\/p>\n
If you love something, just sting onto that and never give up on any situation(#AnySituation). If you really love something to achieve, then none can defeat you by their negative shares(i.e; words, activities, disappointing, degrading etc.). For reference: Those words should be like the tissues we use in our daily life. Just ignore them. Those words couldn't even be compared with the tissues(At least tissues are used to clean, wash etc), but that kind of negative words will never help you out in your situations. <\/p>\n
DO \"or\" DIE is like you have to do or you have to quit but in my quote DO \"and\" DIE represents the task which we have to accomplish for sure (once started, shouldn't be ended without completing it), so that, we get addicted to achieving the task which would definitely show fruitful results if you really work hard up to the mark. Then, you'll never ever feel like quitting in life. The main reason and secret behind DO \"and\" DIE is like JUST DO IT and then you can't be able to die, because of the success you have achieved in your life and you'll never be disappointed till death. What has happened you can't change it. When you feel you made a mistake, admit it and move on as quickly as possible.<\/p>\n
Once you have done something you really wanna achieve, then there will be no point of suiciding. If you didn't achieve (that DOESN'T mean a FAILURE), it's just another opportunity where you have to work on it until you achieve it. It's just a competition and a challenge where you get to work hard and achieve success in that particular task. It's very good to share our thoughts and share our wisdom and knowledge with others but not the reasons. Just remember, we all make mistakes. The sooner you realise and move on, the better it is.<\/p>\n
Never stop your feelings, only then you'll learn. That's what makes you what you are, where you'll move faster. Be an independent winner, but not an independent loser (but this doesn't always work, where you do not have a scope). Life isn't about 1's and 0's, it's complex than that. Everything should be made simple, nothing comes easy and nothing lasts longer. That's why we say simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. <\/p>\n
DON'T OVERTHINK. GO for it. JUST CREATE IT. The most problematic you feel will be the most problematic situation you'll suffer from. Every single moment is a new opportunity for your best work. Everything changes the way we look at things. JUST DO IT and you'll never die unless and until you die naturally. <\/p>\n"}]
When you build your career you may face many obstacles. Obstacles are weak walls with out foundations ;If you fear them ,they will defeat you . When you face any obstacle you will either step forward into growth or you will step backward into safety.<\/p>
When you face obstacles only you will know how strong you are but sometimes \nyou may escape from that consequences by stepping backward .For example, Everyone think that they face many obstacles and they experience many pains then why don't you think about your mom? Did you observe your mom stepping backward anytime this is why she is stronger than anyone else in the world. She never express her pains outside but she experiences many pains, even though she doesn't step backward. She always thinks in a positive way only. She never regret.<\/p>
She was not born Strong, She was made Strong, She sculpted to be her own hero when the world lets her down and she keeps picking herself back, this is why she became a true warrior in the world. The true warrior isn't Immune to fear though She fights . I conclude this by saying that, Be confident, this comes from discipline and be brave, take risks, nothing can substitute experience. When you experience an obstacle or when you face pain in yourself then only you can become a strong warrior. Never degrade yourself and Never lose hope in yourself and be positive in any situation. Turn your scars into stars.\n<\/p>"}]
We are so together, yet we are so separated;<\/p>
We are so same, yet we are so different;<\/p>
We are so thoughtful, yet we are so emotional;<\/p>
We are so idealistic, yet we are so pragmatic;<\/p>
We are so scientific, yet we are so spiritual;<\/p>
We are so nocent, yet we are so innocent;<\/p>
We are so materialistic, yet we are so philosophical;<\/p>
We are so selfish, yet we are so selfless;<\/p>
We are so feeble, yet we are so strong;<\/p>
We are so vindictive, yet we are so forgiving;<\/p>
We are so ephemeral, yet we are so eternal;<\/p>
We are so harsh, yet we are so tender;<\/p>
We are so dependent, yet we are so independent;<\/p>
We are so confused, yet we are so clear;<\/p>
These are the shades that reside in us and complete us,<\/p>
For, <\/p>
We are so vulnerable, yet we are so powerful!!!!<\/p>"}]
1. The rupee (INR) strengthened to nearly 3-month high of 64.23 against the US dollar (USD) today at the interbank forex market today - the highest value of the rupee against the dollar since September 13.<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1512472062922","data":"5a267e922a854"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1512472080573","data":"
2. After wrecking havoc in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Lakshadweep the Cyclone Ockhi which was expected to make landfall in Maharashtra has now moved away from state\u2019s coast and is now expected to make landfall in the Gulf of Khambhat and Surat on December 6. <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1512472106076","data":"5a267ebc2e62e"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1512472120703","data":"
3. A new app, named Google Go, has been launched to give the unified Google experience to Internet users on low-end handsets. The app provides access to Google services such as Search, Voice Search, GIFs, YouTube, Translate, and Maps and includes a search bar to provide a unified experience. <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1512472149305","data":"5a267ee85b875"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1512472159273","data":"
4. If you missed Sunday\u2019s Full Moon feast, it was the opening of a trilogy of supermoons! The next supermoon will appear on the astronomical stage on January 1 and 31, 2018, NASA stated.<\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1512472212571","data":"5a267f231f56e"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1512472223253","data":"
5. India can take over the baton of higher growth from China for the next three decades if ties between the two Asian giants remain buoyant and the Indian economic trajectory follows the Chinese one, NITI Aayog Vice Chairman Rajiv Kumar has said. <\/b><\/p>"}]
So, continuing from yesterday's post and on the same theme, this here is a list of my top favourite adventure movies of all time. Do note that there are an incredible number of adventure films that you can check out, but then again this is my list. So, let's start off with righting a wrong we made in yesterday's list. <\/p>
1. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Director's Cut<\/b>. <\/p>
All glorious 12 hours of it. In one sitting. <\/p>
Yesterday, I had included The Hobbit in my list of adventure books that you need to read because of how horrendous the Hobbit movies had turned out to be and - while I still recommend that you read Lord of the Rings - how could one go from the LOTR movies to something as bad as The Hobbit trilogy. But, and I'm not kidding when I say this, the LOTR trilogy is the greatest trilogy ever made, hands down. The production values, the fantastic story penned by Tolkien and immortalised over the years, the music, the acting, the framing. I could go on and on, but there's a reason we have viewing parties for these movies and sit through the entire 12 hour duration just to experience the magic of cinema and Tolkien's world. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1512446555481","data":"5a263075d4342"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1512446557997","data":"
2. The Princess Bride: <\/b> <\/p>
I actually put off watching this movie for the longest time because I thought it was a chick flick and I absolutely detest chick flicks. I was so horrendously wrong through, because The Princess Bride is easily one of the best movies ever made, with characters so memorable that lines from the movie are still quoted today. I'm sure you must have seen the meme 'You use that word, I'm not sure you know what it means' around the internet - it originated from this movie. This is a definite must watch, on the surface it's an adventure, but it examines a lot of themes in society with its characters. I love it when movies do that. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1512446791751","data":"5a26338103b9b"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1512446793681","data":"
3. Jurassic Park:<\/b> <\/p>
It still amazes me that this movie came out in 1993, because the dinosaurs still look super realistic, not to mention the iconic scene where the T-Rex appears for the very first time in the movie. As the talk around industry goes, the scene was shot at night to inspire fear as well as hide the fact that they were using practical props and covering it with animatronics. The result is one of the greatest movies ever made. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1512447246283","data":"5a2633a61340e"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1512447248514","data":"
4. Life of Pi<\/b><\/p>
Life of Pi is not the best movie I've ever seen. It is, however, the movie I always fail to find words to describe. Do I call it beautiful? Do I call it amazing? I don't know, because the movie becomes something quite close to your heart. Based on the book of the same name, Life of Pi became a major hit when it released a couple of years ago, about a boy stranded on a lifeboat with a tiger and their journey of survival together. It is...well, I suggest you watch it as soon as possible. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1512447399913","data":"5a2633c9e42a7"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1512447402538","data":"
5. Aditya 369: <\/b> <\/p>
Make no mistake, I absolutely love this movie. Released in 1991, this is perhaps the only Balakrishna movie that I can stand, the others I just go to laugh at his horrendously bad acting. Aditya 369 is a reminder of another era, which is incredibly ironic considering this is a movie about time travel. In fact, I believe this is the only Telugu movie that deals with the concept, without actually getting into the science of time travel, which is fine because the movie does a fantastic job in suspending your disbelief. <\/p>
This has to be my favourite Telugu movie of all time, it is just fantastic. It is available in full on YouTube. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1512447566959","data":"5a2633e63e3d2"}]
I swear if I see another young student take a selfie and then upload it to Instagram with the Hyderabad Metro Station location tag, I'm going to blow a gasket in my forehead. <\/p>
I wanted to do it first!<\/p>
But then again, that train has passed (hah!), so I get to do the standard older person thing and judge people based on their Metro behaviour, thus picking up points that I can pass on to the young'uns. <\/p>
And I don't care if you come at me with 'You're just 25!', do you guys even realise that half of my life is potentially over thanks to the pollution and my horrendous lifestyle? I'm probably gonna kick it at 50, so sit down and listen to an old man ramble. <\/p>
So, Hyderabad Metro. I'll be honest, I did not expect to see it finished this soon, but et voila, the first phase is up and running and already seeing choked trains like it's rush hour on Rajiv Chowk, but then again, that was expected. This is a city of 68 lakh people, the Metro has already seen 1 lakh passengers per day. Expect the numbers to go up in the coming days once the squatters taking selfies are gone and the ones who really need it warm up to the idea of using it. <\/p>
So, using my (not so) expert knowledge of Delhi's extensive metro network, surviving Rajiv Chowk and using it to travel everywhere across the capital, I have some tips for y'all. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1512396689792","data":"5a2564813e612"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1512396691658","data":"
The Dos! <\/b><\/p>
Apart from the standard run-of-the-mill Dos and Don'ts that you can see plenty at the stations, there are a few things you need to keep in mind before hopping on a potentially crowded Metro. <\/p>
1. Backpacks to the front:<\/b> <\/p>
This goes out to both students and working professionals on their way to the financial parts of town. It is very easy to lose track of things in a crowd. An overly enterprising thief can open up your backpack and steal stuff when you're not looking. All the thief would need is some confidence. <\/p>
2. Mind that head: <\/b><\/p>
Don't drown in your mobile phones, I mean, you can but don't forget to have a constant awareness of your surroundings at all times. This one especially goes out for women, there are creeps everywhere. Which brings me to<\/p>
3. Keep an old pen as a weapon:<\/b> <\/p>
Alright, it's been all fun and games but this one is serious. Public transport is basically an invitation for creeps to grope women as they please. It is utterly disgusting and also the reason why women only compartments exist, remember that the next time someone whines about women getting 'special treatment.' <\/p>
Now, hopefully, you'll never have to use it and - while I'm not dumb enough to place all of my trust in our lovely institutions - depend on authorities at each station to take down creeps, you do have a right to protect yourself. Scream, stab, kick in the balls. Works 10\/10.<\/p>
4. Be considerate:<\/b> <\/p>
Yes, I know flowers bloom whenever you walk on this planet and the stars up in the sky shine specifically for you, but if you don't offer your seat to someone who deserves it more than you, there's a special place in hell reserved just for you. It is called Dilsukhnagar traffic. This one goes out for all genders, by the way, before any of you start patting yourselves on the back. <\/p>
5. Get a Metro Card:<\/b> <\/p>
This one is important. If you're a frequent traveller, I strongly suggest you pick this up. Saves you the hassle of having to stand in line like a loser who only buys tokens instead of the Chad who buys the metro card and zooms through. <\/p>
I'm afraid I might have wasted a reference most of my readers won't understand. Eh, the things we do for the laughs. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1512400046328","data":"5a256536351c6"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1512397831448","data":"
Pictured above: The Zombie Apocalypse of Rajiv Chowk<\/i><\/p>
The Don'ts<\/b><\/p>
Now that we've got the basics out of the way...<\/p>
1. The Yellow line is not a challenge, don't cross it:<\/b><\/p>
I honestly do not understand this from some people. They see the yellow line on the platform, the one that marks where you need to stand to be safe and not run the risk of keeling over onto the tracks and into eminent doom and think, 'Hell yeah, I was born for this. Apun Roadie banega!'. The only thing you run the risk of becoming is pavement pizza with limbs cut off for appetizers. <\/p>
The line is there to warn you geniuses, stay the hell back, for the love of everything still holy left on this planet. <\/p>
2. Don't Be A Creep: <\/b><\/p>
Refer to what will potentially happen to you if you are a creep up above. Seriously though, if you see someone you like, try talking to them first to see if they even want your questionable face around the place (okay, I'll admit, I was projecting for this one). Being a creep is not gender exclusive, but ask a woman about her opinions on public transport. Nobody likes a creep you guys, it is an extremely horrendous thing to do. You're reducing a person's worth to an object that only exists to satisfy you and the world does not and will not revolve around you, ever. <\/p>
This doesn't stop applying once you're out of the Metro either. Don't be a creep in general, that's just nasty. <\/p>
3. Don't sit on the floor...<\/b><\/p>
...unless the metro is just back from cleaning. Then you can roll around the compartments for all I care, keep rollin' rollin' rollin' <\/p>
4. Don't rush to exit.<\/b> <\/p>
The North Indian vs South Indian debate is stupid. I know this because both the North and South get out of the Metro in a similar fashion: like zombies.<\/p>
Whatever happened to the civilised method of getting off the Metro? The doors open, passengers inside the train alight in a single file while two lines of passengers waiting for the train use the corners to get on. But nope, gotta be the next street fighter champion by proving you can knock 50 people in a row. E. Honda would be proud. <\/p>
Now I get that even if you want to follow rules, nobody else does, so you have no choice. There's a term for this, I believe it's called The Tragedy of Commons, but I'm too dumb to tell you anything about that right now. I might just do a piece on it, this particular term is extremely relevant to India. <\/p>
5. Don't step on people's toes:<\/b> <\/p>
Because it hurts. Also, I only wrote this point because I lost my train of thought (ha!) and remembered that one time I decided to only wear shoes to the Metro because people seem to have an unusually high tendency of stepping on my toes, both literally, in this case, and figuratively, which is a story for another time. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1512399236423","data":"5a25640da44a9"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1512399238981","data":"
So there you have it, the Dos and Don'ts of the Hyderabad Metro, drawn from a rich experience pool, a couple of shawarmas, some coffee and pure, unadulterated hatred for Mondays. Do let me know if you have any more tips to share with us, we'll be sure to highlight them in the coming days! <\/p>
On a serious note, I'm very glad the Metro project is up and running. This will save so much time and money, not to mention save you the bother of driving to Hi-Tech city and back on traffic-choked roads full of Dudes with Attitudes, that kid with the Duke who has no respect for the machine, a couple of Enfield motorcyclists with 'silencers' less obnoxious than their egos.<\/p>
Come to think of it, I should probably write a rant on that one of these days. <\/p>
Until next time! <\/p>"}]
Dream Entrepreneurship is a workshop which is designed to provide students & young entrepreneurs a platform to understand new trend developing within and around their industries, network all around, gain insights from the speakers, make their startup more visible and receive constructive feedback from both the users and leaders in the industry.<\/p>
It aims to inspire economic sustainability through startup's and aspire students and young entrepreneurs to understand the fundamentals of startup and help to transform business dream into reality.<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1512391929363","data":"
Speakers at the National Conference on Fundamental of Start up & Entrepreneurship:<\/p>
1. Mr. Prathik Sharma, Founder & Director, Indrakart Pvt. Ltd.<\/p>
2. Sri Charan Lakkaraju, Founder & CEO, stuMagz<\/p>
3. Mr. Atif Khan, Founder & CEO, AT-Lead Pvt. Ltd. <\/p>
The conference starts from 1:30 P.M and will last till 5:30 P.M.<\/p>"}]
Following the reception of Women at Work Award by Asia Inc, Archana Das, a fantastic all rounder for India's Cricket Squad, was kind enough to agree to a brief chat about her career, life in general and more. Check it out here! <\/p>"},{"type":"youtube","id":"vid-url-1512391437410","data":"LAE2yX-yNug"}]
Who doesn't love adventure? I do believe that everyone has their own personal definition of what constitutes as an 'adventure' to them, for me, it was video games and books. <\/p>
So that is what our theme is going to be this week. From today through to Friday, each day I will write a list of adventures you can go on, virtual, imaginary, real, it does not matter. What matters is how much fun you're having and nothing else. We start this week with books on our agenda. <\/p>
Now let's be real, there are way too many adventure novels out there, many of them exceptional, but what would make this list? <\/p>
1. The Odyssey by Homer<\/b><\/p>
Composed - scholars believe - nearly 2,800 years ago, the Odyssey is the second oldest extant work known to mankind, the first one being The Iliad, also by Homer. Funny how that works, eh?<\/p>
The Odyssey is so old and so popular that it is impossible to live life without being exposed to something that was influenced by, referenced to or pays homage to it. It is the earliest known adventure story known to man and it features Odysseus, a Greek hero, returning home after the war in Troy (come on, even if you've never heard of The Odyssey, you must know of the Trojan Horse). Homer is a poet - I didn't say this list will be filled with just novels - and his work continues to be read as he intended, in the original Greek form. It's a miracle it even survived this long. <\/p>
As the legend goes, Odysseus is cursed by the Gods and takes 10 years to make it back home, and over these 10 years he faces tremendous amount of challenges that he overcomes one by one. It is a fantastic read to see the prototype of all adventure stories ever written. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1512390328440","data":"5a253f4811a91"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1512386659122","data":"
2. In The Heart Of The Sea by Nathaniel Philbrick <\/b> <\/p>
Truth inspires fiction, such was the case for Moby Dick, another excellent adventure novel about a man's drive for revenge against a whale that takes his leg and eludes him for years. That novel was based on a true story, as shock as it sounds. If you've read Moby Dick, you know what I'm talking about. <\/p>
This is a story about a whale ship being attacked by a Sperm Whale, being sunk and leaving the crew, 21 of them, stranded on three small whaling ships, rapidly depleting supplies and a 3200 kilometre journey ahead of them to the coast of Chile. It is a tale of survival against extraordinary odds, violent deaths, men being reduced to animals and the iron will to survive. Then you have to deal with the fact that all of this actually happened. <\/p>
There's also a movie, if you want to watch it. Came out in 2015, featuring Chris Hemsworth, also known as Thor, Tom Holland, also known as Spiderman, and Cillian Murphy, famous for his incredible roles in Nolan movies as well as Peaky Blinders (highly recommend watching this show). <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1512387711196","data":"5a253c137d0dc"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1512387712813","data":"
3. Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson: <\/b> <\/p>
Kind of difficult to make a list of adventure novels and not include this absolute gem of a classic. Treasure Island was written in the hey-days of piracy in the waters east and south east of Florida. All the cliches you see and know about pirates today, including the X marks the spot, parrot as pets, the hook and claw routine for pirate captains, it started here. Treasure Island made the trope so famous, today it has been overdone to the point that it is used to comedic effect. An incredible book. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1512388584768","data":"5a253c0fa5a9a"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1512388586631","data":"
4. Into The Heart of Borneo by Redmond O'Hanlon <\/b><\/p>
One overweight, frustrated and depressed writer, one lost and inexperienced poet, one gigantic and untouched jungle filled with snakes, disease and fates even worse than death. What could possibly go wrong? <\/p>
This is an exceptionally funny book and I highly recommend reading it. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1512390146654","data":"5a253e8ecfcc2"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1512389022262","data":"
5. The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien <\/b> <\/p>
I actually had an internal debate on which one of Tolkien's works to include. Sure, we could always go with the classics and include The Lord of the Rings, perhaps the greatest high fantasy adventure story ever told, but then, I reasoned that The Lord of the Rings got excellent movies that one can watch, but The Hobbit was butchered. <\/p>
So here it is, my final recommendation. The Hobbit is one of the best adventure novels ever written. Tolkien's signature style, combined with fantastic characters, a lore so deep you'll never come out once you sink and plot progression like none other, The Hobbit is a must read for any adventure buff. If you've made the mistake of watching the movies, just remember that one scene of Martin Freeman, playing Bilbo Baggins, run off into the distance shouting, 'I'm going on an adventure.' <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1512389214692","data":"5a253c803764b"}]
If you haven\u2019t read the last chapter of the series please read it and come back!<\/p>
Chapter-2 The journey to Parker Island.<\/a><\/p><\/p>Hari woke up from his shot condition thanking his watch! Had it not been a tough, metal made, mountaineering watch, he would have died when he put his hand in defence against the bullets but anyway took a bullet in his shoulder<\/b>.<\/p><\/p>He woke up and hovered on the bed when he noticed he was in an entirely different place which was nothing like the ferry. \u201cOh! Thank heavens!\u201d shrieked Marilyn<\/b>. \u201cHow long has it been?\u201d<\/b> asked Hari scuffling with his dressing. \u201cDon\u2019t get up! It\u2019s been 4 days since\u2026.\u201d<\/b> Marilyn paused with a sigh and continued \u201c\u2026since we lost Cormac and Stacy in the shoot. Read this, the professor had left this for you\u201d.<\/b><\/p><\/p>Saying that, she handed him a letter and left the place. Hari started reading the letter \u201cDear Hari, Marilyn, Simba and I will be leaving to Parker Island in a submarine. Hope you stay safe. We have lost 2 of your companions lately and I can\u2019t risk this operation by bringing you on board. All I want you to do is reach Thugz Mansion as soon as possible and you\u2019ll find people waiting there. Marilyn would have gone by the time you finish reading this letter. We would send you Information by pigeons because these hackers of Parker can trace any kind of communication device. DO NOT GET CAUGHT BY ANYONE! Disguise yourself as much as possible\u201d<\/b><\/p><\/p>Hari\u2019s head spun into all dimensions reading this! He quickly pinched himself to confirm that it wasn\u2019t a nightmare. He got out of that place and realised he was at the centre of the jungle they just crossed. A pigeon suddenly lands on his shoulder wearing a scroll in one its claws. <\/b>He attaches a message saying \u201cMoving forward cluelessly\u201d <\/b>He finds a compass in his Jacket which Marilyn had left for him and started finding his way out towards the city. He was very much bothered by the absence of two of his friends and wondered how Marilyn and Professor were.<\/p><\/p>Meanwhile, Marilyn reaches the place where professor and Simba have already prepared a base for their robbery. She discusses with the professor of what happened and they wait for dusk to an insight of breaking into the industry. It gets dark and they enter the industries according to the plan.<\/b> Simba goes to the opposite side of the island waiting for them to arrive to swiftly escape in the submarine. Slowly they kill all the guards one by one and enter the core safe that has the packet which was the cause of destruction and it had to be robbed.<\/p><\/p>Professor cracks its code and enters the safe. He then picks it up and steps out of the safe. They leave the place and arrive at the place where Simba awaits. Right then the hear a loud, grumpy and rude voice affirming \u201cHell yeah! I wanted you to come here\u201d. A Little while later, came a large man wearing a black long vest with a hat on his head and a cigar in his mouth, surrounded by a dozen of escorts. He was a pre-middle aged man who seemed to be happy that they were here. \u201cGyrus Parker!\u201d<\/b> exclaimed Dr Winreg.<\/p><\/p>Did they escape from there? How long did it take Hari to go? What were Gyrus Parker\u2019s intentions? <\/p>All these will be revealed in my next article. <\/p>"}]
Hari woke up from his shot condition thanking his watch! Had it not been a tough, metal made, mountaineering watch, he would have died when he put his hand in defence against the bullets but anyway took a bullet in his shoulder<\/b>.<\/p>
He woke up and hovered on the bed when he noticed he was in an entirely different place which was nothing like the ferry. \u201cOh! Thank heavens!\u201d shrieked Marilyn<\/b>. \u201cHow long has it been?\u201d<\/b> asked Hari scuffling with his dressing. \u201cDon\u2019t get up! It\u2019s been 4 days since\u2026.\u201d<\/b> Marilyn paused with a sigh and continued \u201c\u2026since we lost Cormac and Stacy in the shoot. Read this, the professor had left this for you\u201d.<\/b><\/p>
Saying that, she handed him a letter and left the place. Hari started reading the letter \u201cDear Hari, Marilyn, Simba and I will be leaving to Parker Island in a submarine. Hope you stay safe. We have lost 2 of your companions lately and I can\u2019t risk this operation by bringing you on board. All I want you to do is reach Thugz Mansion as soon as possible and you\u2019ll find people waiting there. Marilyn would have gone by the time you finish reading this letter. We would send you Information by pigeons because these hackers of Parker can trace any kind of communication device. DO NOT GET CAUGHT BY ANYONE! Disguise yourself as much as possible\u201d<\/b><\/p>
Hari\u2019s head spun into all dimensions reading this! He quickly pinched himself to confirm that it wasn\u2019t a nightmare. He got out of that place and realised he was at the centre of the jungle they just crossed. A pigeon suddenly lands on his shoulder wearing a scroll in one its claws. <\/b>He attaches a message saying \u201cMoving forward cluelessly\u201d <\/b>He finds a compass in his Jacket which Marilyn had left for him and started finding his way out towards the city. He was very much bothered by the absence of two of his friends and wondered how Marilyn and Professor were.<\/p>
Meanwhile, Marilyn reaches the place where professor and Simba have already prepared a base for their robbery. She discusses with the professor of what happened and they wait for dusk to an insight of breaking into the industry. It gets dark and they enter the industries according to the plan.<\/b> Simba goes to the opposite side of the island waiting for them to arrive to swiftly escape in the submarine. Slowly they kill all the guards one by one and enter the core safe that has the packet which was the cause of destruction and it had to be robbed.<\/p>
Professor cracks its code and enters the safe. He then picks it up and steps out of the safe. They leave the place and arrive at the place where Simba awaits. Right then the hear a loud, grumpy and rude voice affirming \u201cHell yeah! I wanted you to come here\u201d. A Little while later, came a large man wearing a black long vest with a hat on his head and a cigar in his mouth, surrounded by a dozen of escorts. He was a pre-middle aged man who seemed to be happy that they were here. \u201cGyrus Parker!\u201d<\/b> exclaimed Dr Winreg.<\/p>
Did they escape from there? How long did it take Hari to go? What were Gyrus Parker\u2019s intentions? <\/p>
All these will be revealed in my next article. <\/p>"}]
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