ROBOFEST. India's first ever ROBOTICS FEST<\/b>
<\/div>National Level Robotics conference, 5 Robotic events, First ever Robothon (Robotics Hackathon) in 5 cities across the country, 10+ Robots to Interact, 14 International & National Speakers, 50 Universities Robotic Clubs, 60 Schools, 50 Industrial Automation and Robots showcase, Robotic Startups, National level Gamers conference, Gamers showcase, Sponsors Talks and lots more..Robofest is a global community welcoming people from several discipline who seek a deeper understanding of Robotics. And provides a stage where several scholars and Robo geek\u2019s interact and utilise technology to make efficient products.The agenda is to give a world class exposure of great ideas accessible and spark conversation on robotics, So here we announce the INDIA\u2019S first Robotic\u2019s festival which coming up with an idea of creating a platform for Robotics in Country .
For all Technophile attending robofest it gives a exposure with latest technology and upcoming trends of robotic industry .Robofest is designed in a way to change the attitudes of people toward Robotics