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Students Revanth and Rajshekar of Spoorthy college called stuMagz earlier today to narrate a story regarding the Call Ambulance app we featured<\/a>. Revanth, an engineering student, was on the road to Ibrahimpatnam when he was a witness of a deadly accident. <\/p>\"It was panic and chaos for a few moments before we realized we had the app on our phones. We tapped the button on the app and, due to the lack of GPS signalling at the place, received a call from the ambulance within a minute to pinpoint our location. The ambulance itself arrived in 7 minutes, which is amazing because I didn't expect it to work so well\" says the engineering student. <\/p><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1485861001016","data":"589070c0ddc23"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1485861012023","data":"Call Ambulance app is the brain child of Umashankar Adi Kotturu, who wanted to design an app that can be used by people to help those in need, people who undergo medical emergencies in case they are alone and the app allows the user to pinpoint exact location of the one who has called for help, it even informs users of a medical emergency nearby in case someone needs help. You can download the app by clicking here<\/a> and just like the duo, you too might save someone's life using the app! <\/p><\/p>Click here to download now!<\/a><\/p>"}]
\"It was panic and chaos for a few moments before we realized we had the app on our phones. We tapped the button on the app and, due to the lack of GPS signalling at the place, received a call from the ambulance within a minute to pinpoint our location. The ambulance itself arrived in 7 minutes, which is amazing because I didn't expect it to work so well\" says the engineering student. <\/p>
Call Ambulance app is the brain child of Umashankar Adi Kotturu, who wanted to design an app that can be used by people to help those in need, people who undergo medical emergencies in case they are alone and the app allows the user to pinpoint exact location of the one who has called for help, it even informs users of a medical emergency nearby in case someone needs help. You can download the app by clicking here<\/a> and just like the duo, you too might save someone's life using the app! <\/p><\/p>Click here to download now!<\/a><\/p>"}]
Click here to download now!<\/a><\/p>"}]
The city of Hyderabad with the advent of the IT industry among other has had its various adverse effects too on the city's populace. Increase in the population has resulted in an increase in the number of vehicles used and thus the increase in the number of accidents.The city's traffic cops are doing their best and have soo far done a real great job in bringing down the numbers in the statistics of traffic related offences.In order to observe a day without a single accident , the city's traffic department decided to observe a 0 accident day or a No accident day today I.e, 31st January.\"We aim to educate the citizens on the basic traffic and also make sure that there be no accidents or any other offences as such for the good and betterment of everyone in the city\" Says K Narasimha Reddy, traffic inspector, Alwal.<\/p>
Mr. Narasimha Reddy also told Lets Support with the Govt and Make it possible. <\/p>
Not to drink and Drive, Follow Traffic Rules, Drive with Helmet. He also Told Safety is just ABC <\/p>
\"Always Be Careful\"<\/p>
When I came to the US from India as a young girl, for a long time I was guilty of broad generalizations about those born in the US. While I had not conquered these disagreeable human inclinations, I felt as though I was learning to manage them. Often, observations on cultural differences are based on our own weakness and reflect our inability to connect with that culture. Thus, I found myself associating with an entirely Indian community out of fear of the strange and invasive culture I was thrust into. <\/p>
On several occasions, I felt my personal space was being encroached upon and wondered how American\u2019s could stand being so close to each other and to talk so freely with the opposite gender. In fact, I felt incredibly uncomfortable sitting as close to or liberally associating with men as I often had to because of the seating charts that schools in the US are so fond of. There is also a different attitude towards just about everything when observing different cultures. For instances in countries such as India, nothing is as severely sexualised as American media. The best examples of this different attitude are American advertisements. We see commercials of bikini clad women strutting down the streets while seductively eating a massive sandwich as the standard fast food commercial. It was just uncomfortable to switch from such a modest culture to one so needlessly open. I was not the only one who has had this type of experience either. I personally knew other immigrants from places like Pakistan and Iran that felt the same way I did. <\/p>
In high school, I was friends with a girl whose family emigrated from Iran. However, she came to America at a very young age which allowed her to adopt a lot of American ideas, including the concept of long term dating. The issue was that her parents had been on one date to determine compatibility and were soon after married. So, naturally they were uncomfortable and suspicious of an American boy showing interest in their daughter. They did, however, allow the relationship to continue because they acknowledged that they were no longer in Iran. <\/span><\/p>It is usually asserted that in order to properly assimilate into a culture, one must live in it, socialize with it, and learn from experience within it. My own subconscious decision to only associate with other people with Indian heritage flies in the face of this concept. Instead of socializing within the new culture, I was clinging to the familiar and rejecting the new. Over the course of years, I had learnt to regulate myself within in such a distinct society as from where I came from. Adjusting to a diverse culture is difficult however, I am fortunate enough to have given the opportunity to experience what it is like moving from one culture to another because it gives me insight into various prospects of the world that we are living in.\n<\/p>When one moves abroad, leaves their homeland behind, there are two choices. They could either pine for home and long to go back, or they could accept that the place they are in is their new home, and that they should mingle with the people around and not just limit themselves to closed communities that are usually hostile to outside interactions. Home is where the heart is, after all, so put your heart to wherever you go and settle, because as long as you refuse to assimilate and be comfortable with where you live, you will always feel out of place. <\/p>"}]
It is usually asserted that in order to properly assimilate into a culture, one must live in it, socialize with it, and learn from experience within it. My own subconscious decision to only associate with other people with Indian heritage flies in the face of this concept. Instead of socializing within the new culture, I was clinging to the familiar and rejecting the new. Over the course of years, I had learnt to regulate myself within in such a distinct society as from where I came from. Adjusting to a diverse culture is difficult however, I am fortunate enough to have given the opportunity to experience what it is like moving from one culture to another because it gives me insight into various prospects of the world that we are living in.\n<\/p>
When one moves abroad, leaves their homeland behind, there are two choices. They could either pine for home and long to go back, or they could accept that the place they are in is their new home, and that they should mingle with the people around and not just limit themselves to closed communities that are usually hostile to outside interactions. Home is where the heart is, after all, so put your heart to wherever you go and settle, because as long as you refuse to assimilate and be comfortable with where you live, you will always feel out of place. <\/p>"}]
The space race is one of the most productive and beneficial effects of the cause that was the Cold War. Soon after the turn of the 19th century, with the world moving to the 20th, mankind had begun to set it sights skyward with the invention of the airplane, and with the exception of two very costly wars, mankind zoomed into the field of space exploration with exceptional speed. <\/p>
Venturing into the unknown can be dangerous, and this was one of the major reasons for sending animals into space - to test if a living form could survive out in space. The very first instance of sending an animal into space was as early as 1947, when fruit flies were sent into space in a US V2 rocket, and since then animals like monkeys, chimpanzees, mice and even dogs have been sent to space. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1485845035352","data":"589032ab125d3"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1485845116435","data":"
With fruit flies and moss being launched on the V2 rocket by the United States in 1947, the first official record of animals being sent to space was made. The rocket reached a height of 109 kilometers off the ground, and after the experiment was done, the flies were recovered alive and well. The second, and perhaps the first living being to perish in a space mission, Albert II, a Rhesus monkey (pictured above) died in a crash after the parachute failed to deploy. Albert was the first of many monkeys that would be sent to space, often under anesthesia as the launch would be very traumatic on the animals, and the study of their behavior was essential in making space travel safer for humans in later years. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1485845520223","data":"5890348f02376"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1485845598192","data":"
Perhaps the most famous space animal from the 50s, Lakia, was a Moscow street dog, was picked for the space program in 1957, and is credited with being one of the major factors of putting man into space just four years later in 1961 when Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space. Lakia unfortunately died due to overheating after a structural failure in the spacecraft, but the official reason of death was not revealed years after the fall of USSR, until then the Soviets had maintained that the dog had died due to lack of oxygen being a threat and was euthanized prior to suffocating. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1485846011981","data":"58903942e7f4a"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1485846092942","data":"
The sixties marked the most important decade of space travel as it was proven without a shadow of a doubt that man could indeed, travel to space, work outside in vacuum and zero gravity and even land on the moon. The year before Yuri Gagarin's first flight into space, the Soviets launched Sputnik 5, which carried the dogs Belka and Strelka, along with a gray rabbit, 40 mice, 2 rats, and 15 flasks of fruit flies and plants, and became the first mission to bring back all these animals alive, paving the way for the future of space travel. <\/p>
This was as the cold war was beginning to get colder and was reaching a tipping point, the US was not to be left behind, speeding up the space race themselves. On January 31st, 1961, Ham the Astrochimp was launched into space in the Mercury-Redstone program, a precursor to America's own first manned space mission, Mercury. Ham traveled to space and launched in the Atlantic ocean, safely, and was the defining moment in the American Space Flight Program before Alan Shepard became the first American to travel to space, and the second human to do so. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1485846810042","data":"5890399cdf3f9"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1485846894479","data":"
Today, there are ants being studied on the International Space Station. From being used as a test to see if humans would be able to make the trip to space, to being studied by humans on behavior in space, animals have paved a way to put man into space and will continue to pave the way for man to replicate life on distant planets in the future. Certain animal rights group have long criticized the use of animals in the pursuit of space travel and research, but the question on whether we would be where we are today without the contribution of animals to space travel is something we may never be able to tell. <\/p>
Here's to all the chimps, mice, ants, bugs, and dogs that have been to space. <\/p>
On an average morning at OU or at Indira Park, you can find Yasaswy Modukuru performing gravity defying leaps across obstacles and climbing walls and jumping across staircases. In case you're wondering what he does, this 25 year old MSc student from Hyderabad, is an expert in a sport cum art form called Parkour. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1485769575444","data":"
Prior to being a parkour trainer, Yasaswy was a national level athlete in 100 meters sprint and long jump and found a deep connection with this self-taught art form, he had very little support and less resources to master this art, but his unconditional devotion and love for it is what keeps him going. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1485774059919","data":"\"It was 2009, when I first came across parkour. I used to watch videos by David Belle, and back then there weren't many videos on YouTube and I started making my own videos slowly,\" says the self-taught parkour exponent. The path so far wasn't smooth as he faced several obstacles, real and from people. \"There was this one instance in Melkote park when I was practicing parkour and the security thought I was some thief or something. I tried explaining it to them but they didn't listen and they literally threw me out of the park,\" he shares and adds \"Another time in Osmania University, a few students came and asked me what I was doing and didn't listen to me trying to explain. They called a bunch of other students but luckily for me, I was able to call the cops.\""},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1485774391764","data":"588f1e7697da9"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1485767068448","data":"
This city boy spends most time in practicing, he takes out time to study and the rest of the time he is all into it. So his day begins at 5:30AM where he does free running or gymnastics for an hour and a half and then works on his strength followed by parkour. He is always moving. <\/p>
American Parkour is one of the earliest institutes for parkour training and Yasaswy has been to Florida to do a certification course with them, he is now a Level 2 certified parkour trainer. He says he learnt many things as part of this campaign which he could never learn if not for that campaign. This also gave him a chance to associate with armed forces; as soon as he returned to India he got a call from National Industrial Security Academy and they hired him to train their members. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1485768581278","data":"
This kind of art form needs a lot of physical strength and a different lifestyle, but what would surprise you is the fact that he is a vegan and calls himself a Vegan Monster Machine. His diet include a lot of greens, nuts and mostly fruits, only twenty percent of his diet is cooked food. He says he gains the require proteins from this diet. <\/p>
\"I feel much lighter now after I have turned a Vegan, before I was a vegetarian and I was about 70 kilos and now I am 58 kilos, so I feel lighter and more comfortable.\" says the Vegan Monster Machine. <\/p>
Yasaswy faces a lot of injuries during his practice sessions but if you think that would dissuade him, you are mistaken, he never stops practicing. If he has an ankle injury he would train with his upper body and vice versa, he believes it is more to do with the mind and the diet. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1485774408163","data":"588f1e85b2bc2"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1485771416649","data":"
This 25 year old says he doesn't like getting stuck. He has to keep moving. \"There is quote from Bruce Lee - Running water never goes stale. So you have to keep on floating, this inspires me a lot. I am always open to learning. I think all youngsters need to try out different thinks like yoga, running, parkour or anything that would motivate them and inspire them to be a better person, movement has changed my perception about my own self, it has helped me understand myself better,\" said the parkour trainer. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1485771834463","data":"
When asked about his future goals, he said he believes the time is now, but it is his dream to establish a parkour training academy where he would like to create an environment where people will have a chance to follow their passion without any questions.<\/p>"},{"type":"youtube","id":"vid-url-1485772526329","data":"GcRwpE1L0VA"}]
Well noted company Monitra Health is looking for interns who are <\/p>
Self starters comfortable with taking initiative <\/p>
Problem solvers who never back down till the root cause of the problem is not found<\/p>
Explorers comfortable with venturing into unknown domains<\/p>
Persuasive communicators convincing others with cogent arguments<\/p>
Benefits<\/b> <\/p>
Own issues start to finish<\/p>
Convert academic knowledge to industry experience<\/p>
Gain understanding on sensors, embedded platforms, and cutting edge technologies<\/p>
Participate in multi disciplinary teams<\/p>
Apply by clicking here<\/a> as an embedded systems intern<\/p>Apply by clicking here<\/a> as an andriod platform intern<\/p>"}]
Apply by clicking here<\/a> as an andriod platform intern<\/p>"}]
1. Trump's disapproval ratings rise to 50%, smashing all records by doing so in just 8 days after becoming president. <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1485780054249","data":"588f3499b8f2b"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1485780075935","data":"
2. RBI to remove withdrawal limit from current accounts from February 1st, restrictions on Savings account to continue. <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1485780172747","data":"588f350b92feb"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1485780190713","data":"
3. Terrorist groups have hailed Donald Trump's immigration ban as a victory for them, as it will drive more people to extremism or be shot, and help push American Muslims towards radicalization because of prosecution. <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1485780300510","data":"588f359f05811"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1485780337008","data":"
4. BJP Chief Amit Shah says BJP will form anti-Romeo squads to protect women against boys if BJP wins in Uttar Pradesh polls. <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1485780522072","data":"588f36729820e"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1485780549375","data":"
5. Physicists at Harvard University use a diamond vise to squeeze Hydrogen into a metallic form, in a fantastic new discovery. <\/b><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1485780679106","data":"588f36fa64e15"}]
Going abroad involves a ton of planning, shopping and worrying about jumping into the unknown even after going through countless videos and pictures of the university you're going to attend, the classes you're going to take and the places you're going to be living. What if you could do all this without having to commit to a university, and more importantly, what if you could do all this, tour the universities you want to apply for, in just 500 rupees?<\/p>
With Ravingo<\/a>, all this is possible. For a fee of 500 rupees, any Indian citizen above the age of 18 can take a test of eligibility on the website. Qualified candidates will be taken on personal guided educational tour of a Australia. The next 100 highest scores will qualify for top gadgets or gift vouchers and merit certificates.\nBest of all, everyone who registers gets lifetime access to our exclusive workshops, seminars, and career building material. <\/p>It goes without saying that it's greatly beneficial for one to check out the college of your dreams right before you apply there and get accepted, this tour will help you plan ahead and scope the area out, understanding the intricacies and familiarizing yourself with the surroundings in advance. <\/p>Ravingo<\/a> doesn't just take tours to Australia, you can check out the list of their previous projects by clicking here<\/a>, and check out their website and register by clicking here<\/a>. Don't forget to choose stuMagz on the registration<\/a> form under 'How did you hear about Ravingo<\/a>!<\/p>So go ahead, register, and meet your life's goals.. <\/p>"}]
It goes without saying that it's greatly beneficial for one to check out the college of your dreams right before you apply there and get accepted, this tour will help you plan ahead and scope the area out, understanding the intricacies and familiarizing yourself with the surroundings in advance. <\/p>
Ravingo<\/a> doesn't just take tours to Australia, you can check out the list of their previous projects by clicking here<\/a>, and check out their website and register by clicking here<\/a>. Don't forget to choose stuMagz on the registration<\/a> form under 'How did you hear about Ravingo<\/a>!<\/p>So go ahead, register, and meet your life's goals.. <\/p>"}]
So go ahead, register, and meet your life's goals.. <\/p>"}]
The first time I met Rahul Narvekar was at The August Fest. I was pitching my startup idea and he was one of the judges evaluating pitches from different people. He wanted to speak to me, something I was honestly looking forward to myself, expressing interest in my pitch. It delighted me that we shared similar beliefs about the Tier 2, Tier 3 and Tier 4 cities of India, we believe that these cities are the future, and that encouraging talent from these cities is crucial as India increasingly moves towards being a global economic force. <\/p>
Rahul Narvekar is the founder of Indianroots, an e-commerce startup that was recently acquired by NDTV, and also the founder of The India Network, a network of entrepreneurs and students where you, as a student and as an entrepreneur, can connect and collaborate. It is my sincere belief that this man is one of the most inspirational entrepreneurs in the country. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1485762027044","data":"588eee2cefdb3"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1485762100878","data":"
Born in a family that struggled to make ends meet in a chawl<\/i> from Mumbai, Rahul grew up recycling old shoes and clothes of people older than him. His father lost his job at the rubber factory and had to resort to odd jobs and freelance work while his mother sewed clothes to make ends meet, and as the eldest child, Rahul felt the burden of the family. Despite their difficult financial position, Rahul's parents made sure the children received education at all costs, a decision that would pay off in the long run, with him topping all his subjects at school. <\/p>
The Rahul Narvekar we see today is someone who's been through hell and high water, he has run a cable advertising company and dabbled in real estate before launching his eCommerce ventures, and even been a door to door salesman, he's the quintessential entrepreneur, someone who has seen the highs and lows of being one himself, and now wants to give back to the community by forming a network of entrepreneurs to enable the exchange of ideas and funding through The India Network. <\/p>
The reason I say he is an inspiration to students and entrepreneurs alike is because of the life he has lived, he lost his job on the day of his marriage, he's been rejected and let down by people many times, he's built himself an empire with the sweat of his brow, and more importantly, he persevered. <\/p>
That right there, is the mark of a fine entrepreneur, and someone who sets an example other entrepreneurs should and will follow, including myself. Check out his new YouTube Channel called IN TV and don't forget to subscribe<\/a>! <\/p>"},{"type":"youtube","id":"vid-url-1485763759630","data":"7lKsph9cG4o"}]
1.Assist with month-end financial reports.<\/p>
2. Help with accounts receivable, payable and bank statement reconciliation.<\/p>
3. Assist with audits.<\/p>
4. Balance sheet reconciliation.<\/p>
5. Manage the monthly tracking of our physical inventory.<\/p>
6. Support the payment processing team.<\/p>
7. Data entry.<\/p>
8. Credit checks.<\/p>
9. Maintaining books of accounts like preparation of vouchers, preparation and maintenance of accounts in Tally.<\/p>
Eligibility: <\/b>Students pursuing any degree who have in depth knowledge in accounting, finance and other relevant skills.<\/p>
Perks:<\/b>\n\nCertificate, Informal dress code.<\/p>
To apply, contact:<\/b> UBE<\/a><\/p>"}]
Non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man. - M.K. Gandhi. <\/p>
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is the visionary who led India in its freedom struggle. The Gandhian movement led by Bapu had unconventional principles that revolutionized the struggle and gave Indians the path to achieve Independence. He inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. <\/p>
On January 30 1948, Nathuram Godse, a Hindu nationalist thought Gandhi was too accomidating and he assassinated him by firing three bullets into his chest. <\/p>
Here is a look back at the legacy that he left. Ten things Mahatma Gandhi is synonymous for. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1485676219261","data":"
1. Quit India Movement: <\/b><\/p>
It was a civil disobedience movement that began at All Indian Congress committee in Bombay. With the widespread dissatisfaction that prevailed over the rejection of the demands made by the Congress, Gandhi decided to launch the movement and his decision gained a lot of acceptance. On August 8, 1942 Mahatma Gandhi made a call karo ya maro <\/i>( Do or Die) in his very popular Quit India speech at Gowalia Tank Maiden, Bombay. <\/p>
Quit India Movement marked the exit of British from India as it was the conclusive revolt against them. It was the most dynamic and forceful agitation with unprecedented arrests. On August 9 1942, Gandhi and other congress leaders were arrested in Bombay. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1485696989803","data":"588df01b4ed66"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1485676290916","data":"
2. Non Co-operation Movement:<\/b> <\/p>
Infamous Acts like the Rowlatt Act and the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, outraged the Indians, which lead to many protests and agitations. After losing faith in the British government Gandhi declared that it would be a sin to cooperate with the satanic government. He used non-violence and peaceful resistance as his weapons in the struggle against the British Raj. He had a massive following among both Hindus and Muslims that helped him rally hundreds of thousands of common citizens towards the cause of Indian independence. For the first time in Indian freedom struggle Gandhi gained such support. Protesters refused to buy British goods and adopted the use of local handicrafts. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1485697096060","data":"588df08b5d598"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1485678964820","data":"
3. Khilafat Movement: <\/b> <\/p>
To increase the spectrum of his political base, Gandhi decided to appeal to Muslims that would strengthen his position in Congress. He then became their spokesperson in the Khilafat movement, a worldwide protest by Muslims against the collapsing status of the Caliph, the leader of their religion. As a mark of solidarity with Indian Muslims he returned the medals that had been bestowed on him by the British government for his work in the Boer and Zulu Wars. This made Gandhi a national leader with a huge following from diversified cultures and it also established a powerful and influential position for him in the Congress. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1485697148707","data":"588df0b65c00e"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1485679050998","data":"
4. Salt Satyagraha:<\/b><\/p>
Initiated by M.K. Gandhi, Salt march better known as Dandi March is an act of nonviolent civil disobedience. The 24-day march began on 12 March 1930 as a direct action campaign of tax resistance and nonviolent protest against the British salt monopoly, and it gained worldwide attention which gave impetus to the Indian independence movement. After the Non Co-operation Movement Dandi march brought together large number of Indians and this had a great impact in British and also World attitudes towards the sovereignty and self-rule of the nation. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1485697196184","data":"588df0e99d982"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1485679140017","data":"
5. Civil Rights Activist in South Africa: <\/b><\/p>
Gandhi lived in South Africa for about 21 years, where he developed his political views, ethics and political leadership skills. Gandhi faced the discrimination directed at all people of colour. He was thrown off a train at Pietermaritzburg after refusing to move from the first-class. The magistrate of a Durban court ordered Gandhi to remove his turban, which he refused to do. Indians were not allowed to walk on public footpaths. Gandhi was kicked by a police officer out of the footpath onto the street without warning. These incidents have a had huge impact on Gandhi's life, it is then that he started questioning prejudices, racism and social injustice. He unified a political force and formed the Natal Indian Congress. He was the voice of Indian community there and his ideologies took proper shape through the struggle.<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1485697272385","data":"588df133599b7"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1485679218188","data":"
6. Champaran and Kheda:<\/b> <\/p>
One of the initial achievements of Gandhi was with Champaran and Kheda agitations of Bihar and Gujarat in 1918, the peasantry was forced to grow indigo, a cash crop whose declining demand fetched no money to these farmers and not just that they were forced to sell this to the government at a fixed price. To oppose this they began these agitations. Again in the same year when Kheda was hit by floods, Gandhi initiated a signature campaign where peasants pledged non-payment of revenue even under the threat of confiscation of land. A social boycott of mamlatdars and talatdars accompanied the agitation. He worked hard to win public support for the agitation across the country. He was successful in both of his endeavors where he used nonviolence as a weapon. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1485697391927","data":"588df1ab15c4f"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1485679263020","data":"
7. Non-Violence: <\/b> <\/p>
Gandhi credits Shrimad Rajchandra for showing him the path of ahimsa<\/i>. He explains about this philosophy that he religiously followed through out his life in his book 'My Experiments with Truth'. He said practicing non-violence required immense courage and faith. He made India fight the British rule without arms and weapons. He was put to extreme criticism when he refused to protest against hanging of few leaders. Many labelled him as foolish and coward, but he was a man of his principles but then that is all what worked in the end - 'Ahimsa.'<\/i><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1485697442520","data":"588df1ddbbbc1"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1485679286666","data":"
8. Gandhism: <\/b><\/p>
Gandhism is a body of ideas of that describes the inspiration, vision and the life work of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. It is particularly associated with his contributions to the idea of nonviolent resistance, sometimes also called civil resistance. The two pillars of Gandhism are truth and non-violence. But Gandhi never introduced the term Gandhism to the nation, he said \"There is no such thing as \"Gandhism\" and I do not want to leave any sect after me. I do not claim to have originated any new principle or doctrine. I have simply tried in my own way to apply the eternal truths to our daily life and problems...The opinions I have formed and the conclusions I have arrived at are not final. I may change them tomorrow. I have nothing new to teach the world. Truth and non-violence are as old as the hills.\"<\/b><\/i><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1485697519664","data":"588df22c60318"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1485679350471","data":"
9. Gandhian Economics: <\/b> <\/p>
'Gandhian economics' is coined by one of the supporters of Gandhi, J. C. Kumarappa. It is a economic thought that is based on spiritual and socio-economic principles that he practiced and preached. It is certainly contrary to the concept of economics which drives all business activities to maximization of profit. Gandhi felt that this was both unsustainable and devastating to the human spirit. His theories contained elements of protectionism, nationalism, adherence to the principles and objectives of nonviolence and a rejection of class war that were in favor of socio-economic harmony. Gandhian economics has underlying principles, Satya (truth)\nAhimsa (non-violence)\nAparigraha (non-possession). <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1485697567054","data":"588df25930fdb"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1485679464948","data":"
10. Partition And Independence:<\/b> <\/p>
The Partition of India was the 1947 partitioning of the British Indian Empire into India and Pakistan. It led to the creation of the sovereign states of the Dominion of Pakistan and the Union of India, and Gandhi as a rule was against the partition as it contradicted his vision of religious unity. He made strong efforts to unite the Indian Hindus, Muslims, and Christians. More than half a million were killed in riots as 10\u201312 million Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims crossed the borders dividing India and Pakistan. India finally got its independence on august 15, 1947. <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1485697576567","data":"588df2a6ef1b0"}]
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