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So folks, here we are, in the midst of the pandemic where the recent death of a man named George Floyd has shook and caused the people to rebel to this cruelty all over the world. <\/i><\/p>
\n\nIt is a shame being in the 21st century, we still treat people in a different way just because of the colour of their skin. <\/i><\/p>
\nWhen a black guy keeps his hands inside his jacket pocket, people are scared of whether they are armed....or when the go to a hospital they are not given priority...or in school they are mistreated by others.... <\/i><\/p>
\nThe list just goes on and on.....<\/i><\/p>
\n\nSo , what is the reason for this ?.....Why is this happening? <\/i><\/p>
Just one word<\/i><\/p>
\nRacism! <\/i><\/p>
\n\n<\/i>So what is racism? <\/i><\/b><\/p>
\nRacism is a false belief where people are made to believe, a particular race is superior or inferior to another and that a person\u2019s social and moral traits are predetermined by his or her inborn biological characteristics. <\/i><\/p>
\n\nThis belief has created hatred to each other, made belief that another person is less than human because of the skin colour, language, customs, place of birth or any factor that supposedly reveals the basic nature of that person. It has influenced wars, slavery, the formation of nations, and legal codes. <\/i><\/p>
By now, we know what happened to George Floyd who died after a US police officer kneeled on his neck. His tragic death has sparked worldwide protests against racism and police violence. Like the COVID-19 pandemic we\u2019re currently facing, racism is present in every nook and corner of this planet.<\/i><\/p>
Racism effectively came into action during the Nazi rule.\nSince the introduction of racism, the outlook of the whole world changed. In fact every other person was viewed and treated differently because of their color.<\/i><\/p>
\nThe Africans where the most to suffer in this part of cruelty. People in Africans were entitled to as slaves for many years since the 19th century. They were rigorously tortured, beaten up, treated as slaves to work for many the people back then.\nSince then people have still not been able to change their mentality when they see a person of any other race or colour. <\/i><\/p>
#BLACK LIVES MATTER<\/i><\/b><\/p>
\nBlack lives matter movement was brought into action to protest against the alleged incidents of police brutality against Afro- American people.\nThis movement start in 2013 after the shooting death of an African -American teen, Trayvon Martin which hit the headlines and became nationally recognized. And over the years more and more deaths have been taking place. <\/i><\/p>
\nThis movement gained international attention during the George Floyd protests in the present day.\nBut the movement has changed a lot. And over the years this movement has gained a lot of attention where people are ready to abolish this brutal system. <\/i><\/p>
It is necessary to understand that African people were not the only ones to suffer racism. I came across a story which left me wonder how could humans be so cruel to each other\u2026.. <\/i><\/p>
\nThis happened a while back in Czech Republic..... <\/i><\/p>
Elena and her husband, who were from Rome, had always dreamed of having a little girl. \nDuring labor she was asked to sign a couple of papers that was handed to her by the nurse. Since she was in pain, she was so distracted and confused and didn't ask about it. <\/i><\/p>
She was blessed with two sons and they looked forward to their next, until she was told she had been sterilized without her knowledge by the very doctor who delivered her son. \nThey couple were horrified to know about this and on further investigation they found out about the signed papers and that the same incident has happened to many Roman women like Elena. <\/i><\/p>
\nWomen like herself had been involuntarily sterilized in hospitals in the Czech Republic. \nWhen they came to know about this, they decided that they would move legally and approached the social services department for an explanation. The staff were extremely rude and kicked them out.\nThey later understood the reason behind this. The Czech Republic has always discriminated Romans and they didn't want any more roman children to be born.<\/i><\/p>
\n--Based on a true story-- <\/i><\/p>
Do only black lives matter ?<\/i><\/b><\/p>
\n It is a strong NO!! Not only do black lives matter, in fact every single life is mattered equally. \"Black Lives Matter\" doesn't mean other lives don't. It's simply asking that the black community also achieves the justice they deserve. \nRules should not be different for people of different races. They must be implemented whether the man is black or white or of any other races. If the person has committed a crime, he must be punished regardless of the his caste or race.<\/i><\/p>
<\/i> How can we put an end to Racism? <\/i><\/b><\/p>
Putting an end to racism is both and individual and collective task. Overcoming racist perspectives and stopping racist behaviors start with changing our worldview. <\/i><\/p>
\n\u2022\tWe should blur the concept of self and others and simply treat everyone, whatever their skin colour, equally.<\/i><\/p>
\n\u2022\tWe can start by stop believing in white supremacy and ending the criticism of dark skin. <\/i><\/p>
\u2022\tEducating the younger generation about the importance of equality rather than racism is also one of the solutions.\nThese actions or the concept of racism might not be eradicated overnight. But it is better to try to make a change than doing nothing about it. And eventually justice will be served to all those who have died in vain. <\/i><\/p>
So readers \ud83d\udce2\u2757<\/i><\/p>
\nIt is a wake up call to change the perspective on how we look at the world. \nIt is up to us and the younger generations to bring a change to the world. <\/i><\/p>
Spread love\n \ud83d\ude04\ud83d\ude0a\u2764<\/i><\/p>"}]
Hello CodeVita 2020 aspirants! <\/p>
Here is a great opportunity for you to know more about CodeVita and enhance your chances and win the title of the \u2018World\u2019s Best Coder\u2019 for the TCS Codevita Season 9.<\/p>
We are here to help you understand more about CodeVita and help you prepare for it in a structured manner on the Edyst platform.\n<\/p>
We thank all the students who were part of our Webinar \" How to Crack TCS CODEVITA\" . For those who have missed the webinar here is the video <\/p>"},{"type":"youtube","id":"vid-url-1592659013456","data":"vGDMfGz3e9c"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1592659013457","data":"
Edyst CodeVita Test Preparation Pack Comes with: <\/b><\/p>
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Here is an opportunity to get Flat 50% off for TCSCODEVITA Course on Edyst Platform <\/b><\/p>
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On Monday, i.e. June, 15, 2020, a violent face-off took place at the Line of Actual Control over border disputes between India and China, which resulted in 20 Indian Soldiers, including Indian Army Colonel Santosh Babu who hails from Telangana, being martyred.<\/p>
India and China have been fighting over the largely uninhibited Ladakh region for decades now, including a war in 1962 but the tensions between the two Asian Superpowers have escalated in May, with soldiers from both sides engaging in fist-fights, as there supposedly is a no-arms agreement between the two countries the border. <\/p>
Previously, about three years ago, there was an extended stand-off between the two countries at Doklam, that lies to the south of Tibet\u2019s Chumbi valley, west of Bhutan\u2019s Ha Valley and to the east of the Indian state of Sikkim. This plateau region, according to Bhutanese maps, belongs to Bhutan since 1961 but the Chinese claim it belongs to them. <\/p>
In fact, the two countries have held several talks since 1984 regarding the border issue but it has not been resolved. The fact that it is located very near the Indian border, specifically near the \u2018Chicken\u2019s Neck\u2019 that connects the North East India to mainland India, is what makes the area extremely strategic to the three countries.<\/p>
On June 16, 2017 Chinese troops with construction vehicles and road-building equipment began extending an existing road southward on the Doklam plateau and on just 18 June, 270 Indian troops were sent to that location, which technically is across the border, with weapons and demolition equipment to stop the construction. What followed this was statement after statement issued by the Foreign Ministries of both parties, wherein they both tried to one up each other citing decades and (in some cases) centuries old agreements written in extensively complex language to each other. <\/p>
Things went to extremely petty levels with the Indian and Chinese soldiers allegedly engaging in melee on August 15, 2017 and a day later, a Chinese state run news agency released a racially provoking video on Twitter, showing a person with a turban and a beard speaking with an Indian accent. Titled \u2018Seven Sins of India\u2019, the video then received extensive backlash by netizens and on international media. Finally, on August 28, 2017 both sides decided to disengage the forces in an \u2018expeditious\u2019 manner and both sides termed it a victory, but the fact that remains is that the dispute still hasn\u2019t been resolved by either party. It wasn\u2019t anything more than a muscle-flexing move by the two countries.<\/p>
India and China share a 3500 km long border and several different places have been under dispute since the Indo-China war of 1962. <\/p>
Tensions are higher right now, with the entire world blaming China for the ongoing Covid-19 Pandemic, as it was first found in Wuhan, in China and the Monday incident only increased them.<\/p>
The Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi, has said that India will retaliate if necessary and the top commanders of the Indian Army will carry out an in-depth review of the situation in several areas along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) at a three-day conference beginning Wednesday. But what remains to be seen is that while both countries are suffering from economic losses already and dealing with the pandemic, will the leadership of both countries decide to avoid a war or not, though the leadership have spoken to each other to de-escalate the situation, considering the ongoing hyper-nationalistic sentiments and the cold-war-esque scenario that has been going on between the two countries since the Doklam Issue.<\/p>
Narendra Modi met his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping several times in the past couple of years and the fact that remains is that India and China just can not afford to go to war with each other. <\/p>
Though militarily India is way stronger than what it was compared to China in 1962, both countries heavily depend on each other for various business and economic reasons. <\/p>
In fact, the bilateral trade between the two countries reached US$73 billion in 2011, making China India's largest trade partner, though the amount slipped later, China is still India\u2019s largest trade partner.<\/p>
In 2014, India exported over $16.4 billion worth of goods to China, which is 4.2% of India's overall exports in that year and imported $58.4 billion worth of goods from China, with just electronic equipment worth $16 billion. <\/p>
The Chinese exports to India amount to 12.6% of India\u2019s overall imports. <\/p>
With just the way these two countries depend on each other just for trade, war is just not an option. <\/p>
Besides, even if the two countries go to war, as the famous quote goes, young men from both sides will die fighting each other with the old men later shaking hands. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1592471058181","data":"
Disclaimer: This is an opinion piece and the statements and opinions written here belong solely to the writer. <\/i><\/p>
Cover image source.<\/a><\/p>"}]
\u201cNo one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love.\u201d -Nelson Mandela<\/p>
Let me start with the word \"racism\". Racism is the belief that groups of humans possess different behavioral traits corresponding to physical appearance and can be divided based on the superiority of one race over another.<\/p>
Black Americans represent a distinctive human group socially defined on the basis of both physical and cultural criteria . Historically, the physical criterion of skin color formed the basis of oppression and stigmatization. For many Americans, cultural characteristics were presumed to have biological roots. However, the reality of black culture includes collective and cumulative adaptation to social stigma, oppression, and racism. To the extent that blacks are perceived as a race, the criteria for culture tend to be ignored. To the extent that blacks are perceived as an ethnic group, the primary cultural criteria are those deriving from the common characteristics as so dated with their adaptation to an oppressive and stigmatizing environment.<\/p>
Racism is an elusive, emotional, and historically pervasive fact of society. In contemporary society, the problems heretofore viewed in the context of a historical legacy that includes involuntary slavery, constitutional denial of equal rights, legal support of second-class citizenship, and ubiquitous and various forms of physical, emotional, social, economic, and psychological exploitation and oppression of black Americans of African descent are now normalized as problems of equal opportunity for minorities. The use of the term minority denotes an expansive confluence of disadvantage associated with being different in any of numerous ways, including physical or mental disability, non normative sexual preference, the status of being an immigrant or refugee, aged, chronic poverty, and ethnicity characterized by color. In addition, being female, although not a condition of minority status, does often qualify for being included among the less advantaged.<\/p>
\u201cAfrican-Americans have also reported that some businesses and hotels refuse to do business with them.\u201d <\/p>
George Floyd, an unarmed African American, died in Minneapolis, Minnesota on Memorial Day, May 25, 2020, after a white police officer knelt on his neck for almost nine minutes. Mr. Floyd was handcuffed and lying face down at the time. He repeatedly told the four police officers, \u201cI can\u2019t breathe.\u201d<\/p>
\"Like every other racist idea, the powerless defense underestimates black people and overestimates white people,\" Kendi says.<\/p>
If a black person kills a white person, he or she is twice as likely to receive the death sentence as a white person who kills a black person.Blacks serve up to 20 percent more time in prison than white people for the same crimes.Blacks are 38 percent more likely to be sentenced to death than white people for the same crimes.<\/p>
What the blacks affirm?<\/p>
We are expansive. We are a collective of liberators who believe in an inclusive and spacious movement. We also believe that in order to win and bring as many people with us along the way, we must move beyond the narrow nationalism that is all too prevalent in Black communities. We must ensure we are building a movement that brings all of us to the front.We affirm the lives of Black queer and trans folks, disabled folks, undocumented folks, folks with records, women, and all Black lives along the gender spectrum. Our network centers those who have been marginalized within Black liberation movements.We are working for a world where Black lives are no longer systematically targeted for demise.We affirm our humanity, our contributions to this society, and our resilience in the face of deadly oppression.The call for Black lives to matter is a rallying cry for ALL Black lives striving for liberation.<\/p>
The movement was born in 2013, after the man who shot and killed an unarmed black teenager, Trayvon Martin, was cleared of his murder. A Californian activist, Alicia Garza, responded to the jury\u2019s decision on Facebook with a post that ended: \u201cBlack people. I love you. I love us. Our lives matter.\u201d The hashtag was born, and continued to grow in prominence with each new incident and protest.<\/p>
The slogan \u201cBlack Lives Matter\u201d, created as a riposte to the institutional racism that lingers on inside the American justice system, has met with its own controversy. Objectors have taken it to mean \u201cblack lives matter more\u201d. The All Lives Matter campaign, for instance, is one among several groups that have sprung up to argue that every human life, not just those of black people, should be given equal consideration.<\/p>
Every person of every race was created by the same God in his image. Every one.<\/p>\u2018Black lives matter\u2019 really means \u2018Black lives matter, too\u2019. So all lives matter."}]
Dear Indian Armed forces ,<\/p>
Your greatness and glory can never be put into words. This is just a small effort to express my deepest respect for you.<\/p>
Every time I hesitate to take my blanket off during winter, I wonder how would you work in such a harsh weather..<\/p>
Every time I overreact even for a little scratch I get on my body, I wonder how do you take bullets inside your body and still manage to smile..<\/p>
Every time I miss my family, I wonder, the amount of time I am away from my family, is the amount of time you get to spend with your family..<\/p>
Every time I expect credit for the little things I do, I wonder how you sacrifice your whole life without expecting anything in return..<\/p>
My dear soldiers, this life is not just mine, it as much as yours as it is mine..<\/p>
You are the walls of the house that I live in<\/p>
You pay the bill for the freedom that I enjoy<\/p>
You are like the moon that shines even when everyone is asleep<\/p>
You sacrifice your present for my future even without knowing me .<\/p>
You are the real superheros who save my life, while I am busy admiring the fictional ones .<\/p>
I will never be able to return the favor for all that you do for us. But, the least I can do is to promise you something..<\/p>
I promise to live a life worthy of your sacrifice..<\/p>
I promise to create a better and safer society for your families to live in..<\/p>
I promise to educate our children about the sacrifices that you do and make them join in the armed forces too..<\/p>
I promise to use this life you have given me for the welfare of the country..<\/p>
I promise to stand up for your rights & offer my respect to you in every possible way..<\/p>
I don\u2019t know Spiderman, Superman or Batman.. The only superhero I have always known is \u201cArmy man\u201d.<\/p>
Your bravery has no limits.. your sacrifice knows no boundaries..<\/p>
Love you Indian Army!!<\/p>
Forever indebted to you !!<\/p>
Jai Hind!!!<\/p>"}]
Everyone is online, thanks to cheap internet and lots of free time, but does your online presence exactly portray you? and is any of it real?<\/p>
Have a look at it, a world built on fantasy! synthetic emotions in the form of pills, psychological warfare in the form of advertising, mind-altering chemicals in the form of food, brainwashing seminars in the form of media, controlled isolated bubbles in the form of social networks...real?<\/p>
We haven't lived anything remotely close to it since the turn of the century, we live in branded houses trademarked by corporations built on bipolar numbers jumping up and down on digital displays hypnotizing us into the biggest slumber mankind has ever seen. We live in a kingdom of delusion, a kingdom we lived in for too long.<\/p>
We have to save ourselves from the invisible hand, that controls us every day without us knowing it. How many of us are bothered by the number of followers we have on Instagram? how many of us are scared that random people commenting mean stuff under the posts? how many of us stopped talking to family and friends about our feeling and started posting them online? How many of us go search captions for their posts online? why do all this? just to get a flush of dopamine release?<\/p>
Why do we surround ourselves with so many screens? so we can avoid seeing? so we can avoid the truth? We destroy parts of ourselves every day, photoshop our warts away. We edit the parts we hate about ourselves, modify the parts we think people hate. We curate our identity, carve it, distill it. Fantasy is an easy way to give meaning to the world, to cloak our harsh reality with escapist comfort.<\/p>
We are addicted, there is a new disorder called FOMO - Fear Of Missing Out. We don't acknowledge family, friends around us and sprint behind an illusion, people are in quests to find true love or loyal friends. There is nothing good left, 2020 is a classic example of life. We need to take things into our hands and make ourselves feel better. And the whole digital aged youth is living in a lie, believing in a lie, and telling lies.<\/p>
Honesty is the greatest weapon, a lie can keep your afloat for a while, it always catches up to you one way or the other. Stop pleasing others and live an honest life, digitally and in real life. Social media and suicide is a relatively new phenomenon, which concerns social media's influence on suicide-related behavior. Suicide is a leading cause of death worldwide approximately 1.54 million people<\/b> will die from suicide in the year 2020, according to the World Health Organization.<\/p>
It is alarming and I request every one to take control back of your lives and stay happy. Even our smartphones get updated every month, do you think we must too?<\/p>"}]
My take on ...<\/i><\/p>
An Insight From a Book.....\"Against the Madness of Manu\" .......<\/i><\/p>
In ancient India, women enjoyed a very high position but gradually their position degenerated into merely objects of pleasure meant to serve certain purpose. They lost their individual identity and even their basic human rights. Empowerment is a multi-faceted, multi-dimensional and multi-layered concept. Women\u2019s empowerment is a process in which women gain greater share of control over resources material, human intellectual, like, knowledge, information, ideas and financial resources like money - and access to money and control over decision-making in the home, community, society end nation, and to gain \u2018power\u2019. But, from time immemorial, the women in this land of ours were treated as a sort of thing. Her placing in the society was not at par with other human beings. She has no rights. She cannot move nor do anything at her will. In Hindu Shastras, she has been branded just like animals or some Objects of enjoyment. From the verses of Ramayana as written by Tulsi Das, Dhol, ganwar, shudra, pashu, naari - Ye sab tadan ke adhikari\u201d, In \u2018Manusmriti\u2019 the ancient Hindu Code-book, the status granted to women is quite visible and she was put to the lowest rug of humanity as she was treated at par with the animals and slave by the proprietors of Hindu Dharma.<\/i><\/p>
\nDr B. R. Ambedkar\u2019s role in the empowerment of women through mobilization of the womenfolk against the subjugation meted out to them by the caste and gender hierarchy has been very important. Ambedkar realized the need for women to become the torchbearers of the new reformed society which is both casteless and classless in nature. He therefore advocated a companionate relationship between women and men as opposed to the master\u2013slave relationship that Manu propagated in Manu smriti. In order to achieve such a feat, the need of the hour was to free women from the bounds imposed upon them by the existing Brahmanical social order which treated them as subservient to men and wholly dependent on their male counterparts. Manu\u2019s idea of a woman was of a subhuman being in need of stringent control by her male relations. Women, owing to their reproductive potential, have the ability to dismantle the caste purity by reproducing outside of their castes. Hence, their ideological suppression becomes essential for maintaining caste purity. For this purpose, several ritualistic tools had to be put in place to extinguish the threat of women\u2019s sexuality. He was a social reformist who worked tirelessly for the upliftment of Dalits &b women. He tried to break the stereotypes by revolutionising the role of women in the patriarchal Hindu social order. For this purpose, he urged women to educate themselves and lead a life free from dependence on their male relations\u2014their fathers, husbands or sons. He understood fully the reproductive role that a woman played in the existing social hierarchy. There is no doubt in a single mind that Ambedkar has been a champion of women\u2019s rights, their freedom and their equality. As the first law minister of India, he introduced several laws for the benefit of women, however, his greatest contribution towards gender equality was his movement against the Brahmanical patriarchy that bound a woman in a society already shackled by caste. Ambedkar lays bare how the existing gender relations, laws articulated by Manu and the roles prescribed to women under the Hindu social order are constructed such as to privilege men and subjugate women. <\/i><\/p>
\nAmbedkar was not only the father of Indian Constitution; he was a great freedom fighter, political leader, philosopher, thinker, economist, editor, social reformer, revivalist of Buddhism and was first Indian to break down the barriers in the way of advancement of women in India. He laid down the foundation of concrete and sincere efforts by codifying the common Civil Code for Hindus and other sections of the Indian society. He stated that women should be given all round development more importantly social education, their wellbeing and socio-cultural rights. He emphasized that each and every section of Indian women be given their due share and it is a must to maintain and protect dignity and modesty of women. Ambedkar\u2019s perception of women question, emphasizing their right to education, equal treatment with men, right to property and involvement in the political process resembled the global feminists demand. <\/i><\/p>
\nIn 1928, a women\u2019s association was founded in Bombay with Ramabai, Ambedkar\u2019s wife, as its president. In the Kalram temple entry satyagraha 1930, five hundred women participated. The encouragement of Ambedkar to empower women to speak boldly was seen when Radhabai Vadale addressed a press conference in 1931. The historic Mahad Satyagraha witnessed participation of three hundred women along with their male counterparts. Addressing another meeting of about three thousand women, he said, \u201cI measure the progress of community by the degree of progress which women had achieved\u201d He strongly advocated for family planning measures for the women in Bombay legislative assembly. In 1942, being a labour minister of executive council of governor general, he introduced a Maternity Benefit Bill. He provided special provisions in constitution for protection the welfare and civil rights of women. He introduced the Hindu code bill in parliament and highlighted the issues about women\u2019s property right. The bill received strong opposition from the political leaders, Dr. Ambedkar then resigned from the cabinet expressing his discontent over non acceptance of women\u2019s right by the parliament. He also highlighted the issues of Muslim women. His secular perspective is known through his thoughts on Purdah system, religious conversions and legal rights for Muslim women. In short, along with depressed class women, his thoughts foe emancipation of all the women are expressed with same allegiance. Ambedkar\u2019s emphasis was on reconstruction of the Hindu society om the basis of equality rather than the social reforms initiated by Brahma samaj or Arya samaj because their attempts were limited only to the upper strata of the society. <\/i><\/p>
\nWomen and Buddhism <\/i><\/p>
\nIn the last years of his life, Ambedkar went back to his Yeola declaration of 1935, \u2018I will not die a Hindu.\u2019 He thought deeply about Christianity, Sikhism and Islam. Having considered all the options, he ultimately decided that he would become a Buddhist. In October 1956, he organized a mass conversion in Nagpur, inaugurating the Navayana, literally the new vehicle or way of Buddhism. There is a special place for women in this final chapter of Ambedkar\u2019s life. Traditional Buddhism follows the tri-ratna concept, i.e., The Buddha- the person of Siddharth Gautama, the enlightened one, The Dhamma -the Buddhist way, and The Sangha- the monastic community. But the Sangha itself was originally conceived of as a community of (male) monks. Ambedkar called for nuns as well as monks. He also recognized that most people are not going to take those vows and enter into monastic communities. For poor and illiterate people to identify with Buddhism, they have to continue with their life without actually becoming monks and nuns. He revolutionized the concept of Buddhist community itself. It cannot be restricted to the Sangha, it has to be open to everyone, to a laity, which must admit both men and women. Even the monastic community has to become fully co-educational. Today men and women play an equal role in the Navayana. There are many women who consider themselves as Ambedkarite Buddhists, who organize their communities and their families according to the principles of Ambedkarite Buddhism and who believe in the egalitarianism of this religion, which frees them from oppression and inequality of caste Hinduism. A protestant Buddhism was Ambedkar\u2019s final legacy to women. <\/i><\/p>
\nWomen and Religion <\/i><\/p>
\nDuring the Quit India Movement, Ambedkar started to think carefully about the two-nation theory and the possible formation of Pakistan. He wrote a book about partition, in which he took up the condition of Muslim women. Thus, he was not only concerned with the rights of women within the purview of caste, he also reflected on the condition of Muslim women. He noted that although Islam is an egalitarian religion and has better sense of gender justice than the Hindu caste system, nonetheless, practices like polygamy, burqa and purdah or veiling, and rules around talaq or divorce, all implicitly disempower Muslim women. For him, the eventual status of women in a Muslim country like Pakistan had to be a part of the debate on the merits and demerits of partition. Ambedkar joined the Constituent Assembly of India, and became the chairman of the Drafting Committee. The Constitution is a thoroughly egalitarian document, which establishes equal citizenship for men and women, grants equal rights to both sexes and offers various kinds of protection to weaker sections of society, including women. However, there is a serious lacuna as far as women\u2019s rights are concerned. On the one hand, the Constitution ensures that gender is not a basis for discrimination. But the Constitution also grants the \u201cfreedom of religion\u201d and creates a regime of personal laws by which each religious community is allowed to protect its own customs, traditions and practices, without interference from the state. This means that within each religion (especially minorities) there can continue practices which are essentially discriminatory against women, and the state would not intervene. <\/i><\/p>
\nThe Hindu Code Bill for women <\/i><\/p>
\nIn the Manu Smriti, Manu not only shows contempt for women but goes on to degrade them as slaves, devoid of intellect, denies them the right of education and the right to property, and forbids them from performing sacrifices. Dr. Ambedkar thought it appropriate, rather his duty, to free women from the age-old thraldom by reforming the Hindu social laws created by Manu. After Independence, Ambedkar argued that in Hinduism, the crux of the problem of social inequality is that the caste system proceeds on the basis of endogamy\u2014as a Hindu, you must always marry within your caste. Intermarriage across caste or religion is not allowed. This is the root of women\u2019s inequality, which keeps them trapped within the caste, religion and circumstances of their birth and limits the possibility of what Ambedkar, called \u2018social endosmosis\u2019. After Independence, Ambedkar accepted the position of law minister in Nehru\u2019s first cabinet. His main goal was to propose the Hindu Code Bill, a piece of legislation designed to reform the Hindu religion from within, recalibrating its rules of marriage, divorce, property, inheritance, practices like widow remarriage, dowry, child marriage, birth control, abortion, freedom to choose whom you want to marry and so on. Ambedkar described the Hindu religion as a dilapidated house, which ought to be completely demolished\u2014this was his call for \u2018the annihilation of caste\u2019. But since Hindus were not willing to dispense with their religion, they could at least fix their broken house before they could live in it. The Hindu Code Bill was designed for all Hindus, to rationalize and modernize Hinduism as a whole. And in this, Ambedkar failed, because other members of the Constituent Assembly, Congressmen and even the President of India at that time, Rajendra Prasad, found it to be too radical. They wanted gradual change rather than sweeping reform and the bill was not allowed to go forward. Nehru, who had brought Ambedkar in as law minister with the intention that together they would pass this bill, failed to garner the requisite support. The first general elections were coming up in 1951 and there was a great fear that the Congress would suffer an electoral setback because of the Hindu Code Bill. Nehru allowed it to drop and Ambedkar was outraged. He resigned from the government, quitting his position as law minister. He wrote about his disappointment over the failure of the agenda that he and Nehru had set together, a big component of which was change for women and strengthening the rights of women. After this, embittered, Ambedkar withdrew from national politics. Over time, different aspects of the proposed Hindu Code Bill Legislation were passed piecemeal, but the comprehensive reform that Ambedkar had envisaged, especially in regard to women, was not fully realized and has not been realized even today, mainly because personal laws and the freedom of religion still remain cornerstones of our Constitution. That contradiction has yet to be resolved. <\/i><\/p>
\nWomen and Work <\/i><\/p>
\nThroughout the late 1930s, Ambedkar was involved with workers\u2019 agitations and labour strikes in the city of Bombay. He set up the Independent Labour Party and he helped to create the All India Depressed Classes Association (AIDCA). The women\u2019s wing of the AIDCA was created in 1942, Here he began talking about women in a very big way, not only about untouchable women but also of women as a part of the labour force, as a part of the working class. And, as a lawyer and a legislator, he began to explore the possibility of writing laws to protect the rights of the women in the workplace. He introduced the maternity bill, so that working women could get maternity leave. He tried to introduce legislation dealing with birth control because he felt that if women were continually burdened with child-bearing, they could not lead productive lives. He spoke about women\u2019s education, about ending child marriage and he continued to address himself to women of the depressed classes. He paid heed to the smallest details. He said to women\u2014You must not carry yourself or dress in ways that mark you out as being from this or that caste, make sure that in your sartorial choices and your bodily comportment, in what you wear and how you live, you conduct yourself with dignity and confidence. Stop practicing meaningless rituals and stop believing in superstitions which have come down to you through your religion or caste. Take charge of your families. Refuse to have too many children, refuse to marry off your children at a young age, educate your children, and make sure you treat female children alike as male children. In other words, he tried to address women as mothers and as the initiators of social change, within their families and their communities. Ambedkar was ahead of his times in thinking about women\u2019s equality in these terms. He went on to address the All India Women\u2019s Depressed Classes\u2019 women\u2019s conferences in the mid-1940s. And he, in turn, found himself deeply affected by the sight of thousands of poor uneducated women who gathered to hear him because they were truly interested in social and economic change. <\/i><\/p>
\nDr. Ambedkar was a rare dynamic personality, the greatest Indian feminist of post-independent India and above all a humanist statesman of un-parallel genius and highest intellectual heights who emphasised on ending caste-based oppressions for building an egalitarian society based on gender equality. He said so sagaciously, \u201cthere must not be an oppressed class. There must not be suppressed class\u201d Only Ambedkar could say like this in spite of being subjected to face the scourge of innumerable inhuman casteist practices since his childhood. Because his fight was not against Hinduism but was against its inhuman, uncivilized practices such as sati, untouchability, enforced widowhood and child marriage etc. He said. \u201cHinduism belongs as much to the untouchable Hindus ass to touchable Hindus\u201d he therefore, concluded that if casteism is allowed to survive, Hinduism will perish. <\/i><\/p>
\nIn conclusion, it can be rightly said that Dr. Ambedkar had the rare foresight for empowering women as the panacea to all social evils and achieving gender equality. As a thinker, social reformer and he chief architect of Indian constitution, he incorporated as many provisions for empowering Indian womenfolk as he could. None but he can truly symbolise the \u2018conscience\u2019 of modern India.<\/i><\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1592214847795","data":"5ee748239ef47"}]
Note : This article is written in the form of an interview and depicts themes of depression and anxiety. <\/p>","type":"txt","id":1592290879686},{"data":"
Interviewer - Warm welcome Daisy! I'm Diana, chief correspondent of the magazine 'Daily Observer' here to ask a few questions on mental health, our latest issue of our weekly edition. Why don't you tell a little bit of yourself?<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1592290979478},{"data":"
Daisy - Hi I'm Daisy Daniels, a mental health activist, advocate for fighting depression and anxiety. Happy to be here.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1592291116393},{"data":"
Interviewer - What is depression and anxiety?<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1592291199754},{"data":"
Daisy - Depression results from a chemical imbalance but that figure of speech doesn't capture how complex the disease is. It's like being trapped inside your own head, like staying in darkness even when there's light around you. Your mind keeps running but you don't know what you're running from and you'd wish you'd slowdown but you're not even moving. Your mind is loud and you can't settle down all the anxiety. Infact, you're just numb and sit there quietly. Anxiety and depression are two sides of the same coin and the coin is you.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1592291251068},{"id":1592293111692,"type":"img","data":"5ee877203a556"},{"data":"
Interviewer - How do you detect a person suffering from anxiety and depression?<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1592291489457},{"data":"
Daisy - Depression is a difficult problem because it's diagnosis is frequently missed. Depression may often masquerade as another illness. Anxiety, on the other hand is relatively simple. The anxious patient appears apprehensive, complains of nervousness, palpitations, faintness, sweats profusely, manifests rapid breathing, fast heart rate. In contrast, the identification of depression often requires time-consuming trials. Studies have shown that depression has a greater prevalence and incidence than generally expected. 3-4 % of the population is chronically depressed. It's not that hard to detect, just keep your eyes open.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1592291527290},{"id":1592293126266,"type":"img","data":"5ee8772ebcec6"},{"data":"
Interviewer - How does it feel?<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1592291801572},{"data":"
Daisy - You want to be happy but you can't bring yourself to be happy. You feel suffocated, embarrassed, ashamed, exhausted. You have great family, amazing friends, good academic results, a social life, on paper everything is okay but you're far from okay. All you ever see is sadness and grey. It's like there's this burden on you pulling you to the ground and however hard you try you can't bring yourself out. You don't care about anything, anyone, not even yourself. Living is a constant nightmare.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1592291817992},{"data":"
Interviewer - How do you think society perceives them?<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1592292046717},{"data":"
Daisy - Society will tell you to try yoga, go for a walk, listen to mediation, drink chamomile tea. People ask, \" Why are you sad?\" Or the classics \" It's all inside your head\" , \"Let it go\". You want to let it go but you wake up everyday feeling like absolute shit and that has become a norm. You're afraid of the world, you're afraid of putting your guard down because you will be judged for something you can't control. So you put up a wall, a wall so high that you can never see the pain or any of the flaws. You create this character of ultimate perfection, invincible and happy. You carry on living this double life, one for the public and one just for you at night.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1592292072653},{"id":1592293136704,"type":"img","data":"5ee8773955733"},{"data":"
Interviewer - How to reach out or help them?<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1592292411495},{"data":"
Daisy - The saddest thing is when you're feeling down, you look around and realise that there is no shoulder for you. Just listen to us, validate our feelings, show empathy, support us on our dark days, involve us. Be kind, be patient and don't give advice because it only aggravates the pain. It's not a phase, it won't go away. Mental health is a big deal, it's a hidden disease that's affecting so many lives, wake up and listen to our silent cries.<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1592292432192},{"data":"
INTERVIEW ENDS ~<\/p>","type":"txt","id":1592292648693},{"id":1592293197446,"type":"img","data":"5ee8777602c4c"},{"data":"
It's a kid that never speaks or the guy who's always tired, the woman who's too emotional, the guy who just got fired because he was absent a lot, he couldn't get out of the bed due to his mental health but do you think anyone knew that? Ofcourse not. <\/p>","type":"txt","id":1592292682255},{"id":1592293309938,"type":"img","data":"5ee877e68ee1b"},{"data":"
Depression is the hell inside your head and it eats you up daily. To all the people reading this, depressed or not, thank you for reaching out and asking for help, we're proud of you. From now on we will reach out to you, we will help you, we will listen to you, we will support you because you're important. You don't have to cry yourself to sleep anymore, you don't have to hold back your tears and pretend you're okay. With all due respect to the fallen and lost, we got you fam! <\/p>","type":"txt","id":1592292843357}]
News is something that updates us with the latest happenings and binds us to the current world.<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1592305037871","data":"
But how far can we trust the news because of the surge in Fake News and its circulation ? <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1592305037872","data":"
Is Fake News making us to lose the trust of or social media and other forms of media ? <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1592305037873","data":"
Firstly, what is fake news? ( As defined in the BBC website ) <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1592305037874","data":"
\uf0a7\tCompletely false information, photos or videos purposefully created and spread to confuse or misinform.<\/p>
\uf0a7\tInformation, photos or videos manipulated to deceive - or old photographs shared as new.<\/p>
\uf0a7\tSatire or parody which means no harm but can fool people\n <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1592305037875","data":"
We have heard a lot of instances of deaths or mental depression because of the fake news spread over the various media resources. Recently we witnessed an incident about Elsie Kibue, a Kenyan woman and a resident of London who was labeled as 4th Uganda Corona virus victim but she actually happened to be safe and lying on her bed in London when she first noticed this fake circulation over Whatsapp which was informed by her friend to her husband that morning. It had her photo which was taken at her volunteering work in London long back but now misused stating her as Uganda\u2019s virus victim astonishing her. She was actually a Kenyan and moreover haven\u2019t visited the continent since 2013. This was explained by her through a video which is available at the BBC website. She only posted her happy existence and stated that it is wrong to circulate such fake news about anyone as it would bother the moods of their families very much. WHO and many such refer to such instances as \u201cInfodemic\u201d. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1592305037876","data":"
There are many such instances of fake news and pathetic consequences. We could find out about 10 brutal lynchings just through fake news spread in a single social media platform over couple of years. Imagine how many such would have gone unnoticed. Not only such incidents, there is a lot more going on. UNESCO declaring India\u2019s National Anthem as something like the best , certain blood or organ or operation expenses requirement related fake messages are prevalent. A recent study by the Scholars from the Michigan University have stated that there is a rise in the number of debunked stories especially after the lockdown announcement. This is evident from their study of temporal patterns in the misinformation spread across in Covid-19 period in India. Not only now, fake news has bothered every now and then from really a very long time. But it has had a very negative impact on the mindsets of the affected. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1592305037877","data":"
What can be done to avoid such ? <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1592305037878","data":"
Well, a much needed deep research could help us in analyzing the effects of fake news and we can take up safety measures against it. We can make use of multiple Fake Check resources available over the web. Stop blindly believing WhatsApp forward messages and put in a sensible pre \u2013 thinking before sharing such messages over any platform. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1592305037879","data":"
Do we lose trust on the social media and related sources completely because of such fake news? <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1592305037880","data":"
That is not completely true. Yes , the trust is deteriorated to some extent but the degree of reliability has not changed. We still view them to get the latest happenings no matter what happens. <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1592305037881","data":"
So just do not panic when you find such misinformation. Think about it peacefully and act upon.<\/p>
Stay calm !!<\/p>
Stay safe !! <\/p>"}]
So India is up in everything! <\/i>Sports in India ranges from most of the tribal games played in gullies to mainstream sports such as Cricket<\/i>, football, badminton..etc<\/p>
Just move over the above statement we just not read it but yes Cricket is always the most popular sport recognized in every corner of the country. Yes of-course India has hosted and won many Cricket World Cups. It is undoubtedly most popular and is governed by the Board of Control for Cricket in India and is most popularly known as Men in Blue .<\/p>
But all of us know that India is large populous country and we have many other sports that are played by most of us. We are popular for Indigenous sports among the people from the martial arts, board games, street games, field games, and proud for hosting sporting events like Asian Games, Hockey World Cup, Commonwealth Games and have been part in the Olympic Games and won Olympic medals and is succeeded in making names in athletics too. So this is just to highlight that our country is not just a star in cricket we have many other talents in sports which should be lighten up and supported a little more.<\/p>
And the sentence \"Sheer dominance of cricket<\/i>\" . This is because India's emergence as the world's cricket superpower and also has cricket politics, and has future in the global politics. And this cannot be erased on any case growing since 19th century higher and higher. India has swept about their dominance at home by setting up records and they deserve it too.<\/p>
And yes, most of the sports in India are definitely not making up a mark and most of the players are not being recognized. India has the best Badminton players, has a fabulous Hockey team, good in Football, Tennis to a level and next comes Kabaddi, Athletics, Chess, Roll ball, Throw-ball, Handball etc. So why are we making a list on the order of preference? and why does Cricket always stays at the top? We should bring up all the sports to the top make noted and give an opportunity to all the sports people who has talents in several other sports. They should be encouraged and should definitely be supported to grow up and come over in different media to be familiar. Its because Cricket is popular and known to everyone and so should all the sports be known to every corners of the country.<\/p>
Due to COVID-19 there has been major upheaval on this sporting calendar, many major events have been cancelled or postponed, and changes are happening regularly. Also note that not every sporting event can be listed here, though we have tried to include all the big sporting events of the major sports, mostly the international senior competitions. But our view on this should be like each and every sport should be treated equally and should bring up to higher levels and respect the history they have. <\/p>
And so might be other sports aren't making a mark but that doesn't mean it is due to the sheer dominance of the cricket in the country. And this especially has introduced a lot of the historical old sport events in the society due to the quarantine days. Make sure we give a value and treat every sport event in the society. Sporting should not be for the crowd but for the Country, the pride.<\/p>
\"India: Emerging as a multi-sporting Country\"<\/b><\/i> <\/p>
Advertising is a marketing communication that employs an openly sponsored, non-personal message to promote or sell a product, service, or idea.\n\n<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1592157806127","data":"
Here is my question -Is Advertisements really an eye-opener about the product?????\n\n\nIt's okay If you don't have an answer to explain, at least come along with me to get the answer through my advertisement and product.\n\n <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1592157806129","data":"
Lipstick is one of the strangest objects when it comes to comic book characters, specifically its female characters. If one looks at an average female character, the colour of their lips is almost always one that could be achieved by women in the real world only with lipstick. On the other hand, the modern female character rarely applies any lipstick or at least is not seen to be.\n\n <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1592157806130","data":"5ee66cdabd9e9"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1592157806131","data":"
I'm trying to use the superhero -Wonder women for my advertising campaign.\n\n\n\nBefore she was Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot), she was Diana, princess of the Amazons, trained to be an unconquerable warrior.\n\n\nLeaving behind the only life she's ever known and entering the cynical world of men for the first time, torn between a mission to promote peace and her own warrior upbringing, as a \"Wonder Woman,\" Diana must fight evil in a \"war to end all wars,\" while hoping to unlock the potential of a humanity she doesn't always understand.\n\n <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1592157806132","data":"5ee66d7224061"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1592157806133","data":"
Tagline: \n\" \u0906\u092a\u0915\u094b \u0905\u092a\u0928\u0947 \u0935\u093f\u0936\u094d\u0935\u093e\u0938 \u0938\u0947 \u092e\u0947\u0932\u093f\u092f\u093e \u0915\u094d\u092f\u094b\u0915\u093f \u0905\u092a\u0928\u0947 \u0935\u093f\u0936\u094d\u0935\u093e\u0938 \u0915\u0940 \u0915\u0940\u092e\u0924 \u0938\u0930\u093e\u092b \u0906\u092a \u0939\u0940 \u091c\u093e\u0928\u0924\u0948 \u0939\u094c \" !!!\n \n(\" Let me introduce you to ' believe ' because the cost of your beliefs is known only to you\".)I know translation doesn't work:-*)\n<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1592157806134","data":"
Wonder Woman: I'm entering the cynical world of men for the first time, what all should I prepare myself for the war???\n\n<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1592157806128","data":"
Man: You better focus on your physical strength because you have to fight against a powerful men.\n<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1592157806135","data":"
Wonder woman: As I said before I'm a trained warrior, I can't lack in my physical strengths. I have to focus on my belief and inner confidence.\n\n\nI will apply Maybelline Color Sensational Inti-Matte Nudes Lipstick, Hot Sand, 0.15 oz.\n\nAn essential that is often used to tone down a glam look, nude lipsticks can go well with any skin color. Sensational color takes on a rich feeling with Mattes lipstick, delivering pure color pigments and a comfortable feel.waterproof.\n\n <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1592157806137","data":"5ee66ee14b5d7"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1592157806136","data":"
What Next?<\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1592157806138","data":"
Wonder Woman Applies lipstick in the center of her upper lip and follows the contours of her mouth. Now she is ready to race \ud83c\udfc1. Raced 1st in war.\n\n\nShe was wearing her confidence (\ud83d\udc84). women underestimate their will power and strength. Just like Diana, she is superwomen but her powers released when she started using it. Each woman in this country should utilize their power to make a better place to live in.\n\n <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1592157806140","data":"5ee66f9bc45bf"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1592157806139","data":"
\nWhy should I buy your product?\n<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1592157806142","data":"5ee6705a1a82c"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1592157806141","data":"
\nWhile many brands sell these lipsticks in the market, Maybelline nude lipsticks are one of the quality products sought-after by all in the markets.\n\nWomen of any shade can apply Maybelline lipstick. A housewife applies to feel good and happy just the way she decorates the house with lights. Lipstick adds color to her life.<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1592157806144","data":"5ee6710a8125f"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1592157806143","data":"
Working women apply to look confident and ready. Just the same lipstick is waterproof, always fresh. It kisses away dry lips. If you\u2019re looking forward to buying some great nude lipsticks from Maybelline\u2019s collection, check out the best Maybelline nude lipstick shades from our website -XXXX\ud83e\udd2d <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1592157806145","data":"
My view: Lipstick is being used to explain the tumultuous times in a relationship for two of comics\u2019 longest-running sweetheart'.\n\nYou do seriously think that women apply lipstick \ud83d\udc84to seek attention from men. \ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude44\nNo way...Maybe in the movies, the Rosy girl applying red lipstick sitting in front of the mirror imagining the future husband and having French kiss sense \ud83d\udc8b. In reality not possible dude \ud83e\udd26\u200d\u2640\u200d.\n\n <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1592157806146","data":"5ee6718487491"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1592157806147","data":"
I can\u2019t claim to be anything of an expert on lipstick, as I have barely worn it, but for good or bad, it does seem to be a big part of feminine identity, and what is shown in comics somewhat highlights the fact that women are sexual objects, at least to some degree. To make my point, that even if Renee Montoya (Renee Maria Montoya is a fictional character appearing in media published by DC Entertainment. -Gotham Central) is a lesbian, she is still made to be sexually attractive to a man.\n\nSo still you believe if lesbian wore lipstick to attract men, dude They love themselves \ud83e\udd37\u200d\u2640\u200d\n <\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1592157806148","data":"5ee671c90bead"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1592157806149","data":"
Not to mention when it comes to Men's Skin Care Products. No such awareness especially in India.\n\nSkin Care Products like herbal proteins cream, sunscreen, and Moisturizer, etc. Very necessary to take care of your own skin irrespective of gender. NO CRIME, if men apply lip balm and lotion.<\/p>"},{"type":"img","id":"img-uid-1592157806150","data":"5ee6720ce0e68"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1592157806151","data":"
Never mind it's time to apply my black shaded Maybelline Lipstick :-) <\/p>"},{"type":"txt","id":"rich_1592157806152","data":"
Yours\u2019 in a self-care routine...!! - shiri <\/p>"}]
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